ITV1 to screen unaired Jackson footage


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London, UK
...from Uri Geller's archives...

ITV1 to screen unaired Jackson footage

16 July, 2009 | By Robert Shepherd
ITV1 is to screen previously unaired home video footage of the late pop star Michael Jackson from his friend Uri Geller’s private archive.

My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri’s Story is a 1x60-minute documentary by ITV Studios, which will show Jackson embarking on a number of trips, such as a midnight shopping spree at Harrods and a visit to Exeter City Football Club. Footage of Geller’s wedding, with Jackson as best man, will feature.
Geller will also contribute frank recollections of his friendship with Jackson.
My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri’s Story was ordered by ITV1 by factual commissioning editor Diana Howie and director of factual and daytime Alison Sharman.
It will be produced by ITV Studios executive producer Alex Gardiner, producer Lesley Gardiner and director Paula Lichtarowicz.
Jackson died last month at the age of 50 after suffering a cardiac arrest at his home in Beverly Hills.
When is this on? I dont get it. Its today right, but when? Well there showing the Bashir doc tonight- :( grrrr so might be around this.
Uri`s our papers are full of him now...he is talking sooooo "smart"
they got living with michael jackson on itv 1 tonight, at like 8 or 9 not sure. Ohh but this will be good to see, hope its positive :) xxxx
MJ hadn't been friend with him for years. Michael cut ties with him after he sold MJ to Martin Bashit for more than $200,000
Anyone who'd once been friend with MJ is going to earn big time. keep cashing in on his death.
that's interesting and I'm looking forward to see it

but, on the other hand, I have mixed feelings about Uri, he betrayed MJ, he cannot call himself a true MJ's friend, it's so sad :(
OOH LOOK some money for Uri.. not that I won't watch it though.

I wish they'd show Take Two (on ITV2 at least) and put Private Home Movies on ITV1 if they can get permission to show it.
you know peeps..the one bit that was thought provoking in louis michael and me is when louis meets uri and you see him discussin the itv proposal..its got so much irony in it as uri says things like ' we have already got a deal together with a respected jornalist' ' who will ' represent michael fairly'...

I must say this again..hindsight is a wonderful thing and everyone blames uri for introducin martin to michael..but i honestly feel he can't be blamed for his original intentions.its sad to hear uri say he will forever have guilt on his heart when basically the truth is this...he chosse martin bashir based soley on his interview with princess if you watch that is a world away from his techniques with michael jackson

uri chose martin because im sure michael had seen the diana interview and when uri mentioned he..he was happy to do was all based on that diana interview so how was anyone meant to know he would completely change his tactics...if they filmed this all inthe order it was transmitted, michael and uri and everyone around would have thought things would have been the same as the diana interview if you look at living with michael jackson up until he teaches martin how to do the moonwalk..up until then it is the same martin and same way of being respectful that you see with lady diana..then things go very wrong

you can't blame end of day he had good intentions..taking away money side of things..he chose martin based on a well done interview..little did they know he only respected diana because of who she was..he treated michael like the tabloids...such a shame..he coould have done it all differently
I hate it that this guy is involved, but I have to admit I'd love to see some of that footage.

If anyone records it, I hope they upload it too.
If I hear the name "Uri", it makes me throw up a little in my mouth!!

I don't think it will be's just a programme to "up his status"...go to hell!
If I hear the name "Uri", it makes me throw up a little in my mouth!!

I don't think it will be's just a programme to "up his status"...go to hell!

Yep, exactly - if anything I wouldn't be surprised if he shows something that is edited bad to be more sensational and create stories in the paper the day after its shown, seems to be what he wants - to be famous, just a selfish idiot is what I think of him so far...
they got living with michael jackson on itv 1 tonight, at like 8 or 9 not sure. Ohh but this will be good to see, hope its positive :) xxxx

Its that "interview" with our friend Bashir (angry face emoticon cos I can't find where the emoticons are!). They said they cut the bit out where they interview that kid Chandler who practically killed MJ with his lies BUT they've kept the bit in about MJ saying he sleeps with children in his bed.

I MEAN... WHAT??? So... they take the bit OUT of the kid who's father made him LIE about molesting him and put him thru all that crap in 2003 yet the leave the bit IN which makes MJ look like a paedo saying he sleeps with children...

WHY?? surely it should be the other way round?? that Chandler and his family should be ashamed of themselves. If i was scheduling it, I would have a voiceover saying "this child made an allegation of molestation which was cleared in court and then Chandler admitted he made it all up".....

Phew... off me soap box now...
you can't blame end of day he had good intentions.

I'm sure Uri Geller had no idea how badly Martin Bashir would portray Michael in LWMJ. I'm sure Uri Geller was honest when he told Louis Theroux he never wants to see Martin Bashir's face again. But the issue I have with Uri Geller, is that he expolited his friendship with Michael for self publicity, Because why the hell did he need to take Michael Jackson to Exeter City football ground they are hardly Mancester United Aresnal or Chelsea etc.

I dislike the way he tried to get Michael to change who he is and open his life up to the world. Michael has said he was not a people person, and I see no reason why Michael should have opened up some aspects of his life on LWMJ. Uri Geller should have let Michael be who he was if he was such a good friend. The media had become obessively hateful on Michael from 2001 for no apparent reason (considering MJ had good media from 1995-2000, something the media have chosen to forget), though I think Sony via Tommy Mottola were leeking old stories about the 1993 false child abuse allegations to the media and debt problem. But apart from that Michael had no problems in his private life until LWMJ when he tried to be more open about his life, which because of Uri Geller backfired on Michael Jackson thanks to Ur Geller trying to change Michael and make him more like everyone else.

And even more sad, Uri Geller is still exploting he friendship with Michael which ended in 1993 after Michael's passing. Many people say Martin Bashir ended Michael's life because of LWMJ, but it was Uri Geller because he's the one that planeted the seed by selling his association with Michael for $200,000 to Martin Bashir.
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From what I can gather from all i've read and got a vibe from is that Michaels and Uri' friendship was broke once it became clear with what happened after the whole interview...
However I don't know what has happened since then wether the situation changed whilst Michael was alive, so personally I cannot comment on someone elses friendships.
I'm sure Uri will want it too be positive, all will be seen shortly
uri chose martin because im sure michael had seen the diana interview and when uri mentioned he..he was happy to do was all based on that diana interview so how was anyone meant to know he would completely change his tactics.
geller was paid by bashir to get mj to agree to use him when he had a reputation already because of the diana interview.bottom line hes a user sameas all the other pl who came into mjs life.mj had nothing to do with geller after 03 yet he goes on tv any chance he gets to talk about his "friend"
I think the title of this doc should match Uri Gellers personality. It could be titled: Living OFF Michael Jackson.
Maybe they patched up things .. I cant see why else he is running his mouth everywhere!!!!!!??