ITV edits Living with Michael Jackson heavily - for the better

I thought it was a poor editig effort from them. There was no need to show the balcony part for instance, or the end part. Why the shit about surgery? Seriously I was so angry. They shouldn't have shown it at all, I mean come on. What did it achieve really?

It achieved that the media didnt and never will care for their actions!
They are pityful ppl , who need so sympthany whatsoever
They are the ones who need to be judged..not michael! :angry:
It achieved that the media didnt and never will care for their actions!
They are pityful ppl , who need so sympthany whatsoever
They are the ones who need to be judged..not michael! :angry:

It's what can be expected from the lowest form of media in the hierarchy: TV. Especially in England. It's tabloid in motion. I wish had got a real film maker to direct this documentary like Madonna's done in the past. He could have had final edit, too. Another thing is that Bashir's documentary paid no attention no art direction or cinematography in any way. It was a very gritty affair. It should have reflected Michael's perfection.
It's what can be expected from the lowest form of media in the hierarchy: TV. Especially in England. It's tabloid in motion. I wish had got a real film maker to direct this documentary like Madonna's done in the past. He could have had final edit, too. Another thing is that Bashir's documentary paid no attention no art direction or cinematography in any way. It was a very gritty affair. It should have reflected Michael's perfection.

yes i too think it should have reflected michaels perfection. but bashit wanted to bring mike down AND HARD!
yes i too think it should hace reflected mike perfection. But i reckon bashit had it all planned from the begininng, he knew what he was doing! He wanted to bring mike down AND HARD!

Yeah, I get very conservative vibes from him. I won't say the word, but he's like the stereotypical example of a very, very common cultural male phenomenon - and that type of person definitely doesn't understand or want to understand someone like Michael Jackson. They look at the make-up, the hair, the effeminacy and all they see is 'wrong' and 'shame'. So there you go. I feel sorry for Bashir's children.
He actually has kids! :bugeyed
What was god thinking!!! yes i feel sorry for them too
And now I can't sleep because Bashir's voice is echoing in my head with all those "Really"s and "Go back"s and "Rewind"s and more "Reeeally"s. It's like, listen to people when they talk, then maybe you wouldn't have to say "Reeeally???!!" all the time. It's most uneducated and I don't understand why he would put himself in such a light. He's a bad interviewer and a low grade journalist. Also, I hate people like that who are shocked by every single statement you make. It's so obnoxious and so MAINSTREAM. Bashir is a prude. A dangerous prude, evidently.
they're editing everything? NOW?
after everything they did to him they think they can get away with it?
the entire media tortured him for years and now they have a dirty conscience right? disgusting!
Im glad someone started a thread about this programme one small thing that alarmed me a little last night which i didnt remember from when they first aired the show was when Michael is shopping in the Luxor I believe , there is a large Heavy Gold coffin/tomb for sale, and he asked Michael "would you like to buried in something like that" and "he says no!" So why did his coffin at the memorial resemble that of the shops?
it is a horrible documentary,Martin Bashir is rude and condescending and predjudiced throughout, projecting what is in his own mind onto the public.

The documentary could have been wonderful but all MB wanted to do was sensationalise at the expense of destroying MJ and gaining himself a luctative career. As far as I'm concerned he is the one who is deeply disturbed.
Im glad someone started a thread about this programme one small thing that alarmed me a little last night which i didnt remember from when they first aired the show was when Michael is shopping in the Luxor I believe , there is a large Heavy Gold coffin/tomb for sale, and he asked Michael "would you like to buried in something like that" and "he says no!" So why did his coffin at the memorial resemble that of the shops?

It wasn't the same shape? I don't think he meant the colour, just the shape and the fact it had so much elaborate detail on. Plus the fact it was a Tutankhamun replica.
I loved the way he said no, as if Bashit was crazy, haha.
It wasn't the same shape? I don't think he meant the colour, just the shape and the fact it had so much elaborate detail on. Plus the fact it was a Tutankhamun replica.
I loved the way he said no, as if Bashit was crazy, haha.

haha yeah and I loved it when Bashir said "Why not" (following on from his question of "would you like to be eventually buried in that and MJ said "ooh noo"), MJ said "because I wanna live forever". It kind of left it lingering in the air ! haha that made me giggle - the look he gave Bashir was like ... so... next stupid question.

Did u guys see the painting of MJ in his house of him laying down in his pyjamas! I read that he used to wear whatever the first thing was he put on and didn't change for the rest of the day, so if he got up and wanted to stay in his PJ's, he would. I love that. Someone who doesn't feel he has to dress up for something.
Im glad someone started a thread about this programme one small thing that alarmed me a little last night which i didnt remember from when they first aired the show was when Michael is shopping in the Luxor I believe , there is a large Heavy Gold coffin/tomb for sale, and he asked Michael "would you like to buried in something like that" and "he says no!" So why did his coffin at the memorial resemble that of the shops?

I think the coffin in that shop was a egyptian king figure- but it was gold though.
haha yeah and I loved it when Bashir said "Why not" (following on from his question of "would you like to be eventually buried in that and MJ said "ooh noo"), MJ said "because I wanna live forever". It kind of left it lingering in the air ! haha that made me giggle - the look he gave Bashir was like ... so... next stupid question.

Did u guys see the painting of MJ in his house of him laying down in his pyjamas! I read that he used to wear whatever the first thing was he put on and didn't change for the rest of the day, so if he got up and wanted to stay in his PJ's, he would. I love that. Someone who doesn't feel he has to dress up for something.

Haha yeah, Michael was playing him back at his own game at points throughout it. Bashit was just too stupid to see it. Man, I really really can't stand that man. When the camera went on him last night I seriously wanted to boff or punch it.

Yeah I saw the painting you mean, he's sooo just :wub:
Although the Arvizo stuff was cut out, they left in some things that show Mike as a lier.
He changed his story about Blanket's mother and also lied about his surgeries. It's hard to know what you can believe about anything else he says. It's pity Mike felt the need to lie.
the only reason mchael had that coffin was because it was the same one james brown had..he was heavvily influenced by his life in the music profession and emulated him on alot of things..his funeral affected him greatly
I couldn't bring myself to watch it again and reading some of the posts am glad I didn't. I feel like writing to ITV but decided against it because I know:
  • they won't care
  • it's too late for Michael
  • it won't make me feel any better
I think they should have shown MJ's rebuttal right away after that programm. Also there should be a docu about the people who have made false accusations. For the whole world to see. It pains me watching youtubes sometimes, I don't know why I do it to myself but I read the comments - which are mostly loving and positive but there will always be people that will call him a P (I can't even say the word) and it's all down to those people.
I watched the last 40 min of LWMJ just now (haven't seen it since it first aired) and Martin Bashir is a jackass. I found myself pressed back into my couch cringing at some of the comments he was making at Michael and when I relaxed I really wanted to have words with him.

Michael doesn't have to worry about this crap any longer and I will continue to defend him till my end.
Was it on in the US tonight? Not that I needed to see it I've already seen it enough. MJ trusted that man and he abused that trust. It makes me sick to my stomach. I better not ever see that guy on the streets of NYC.
Yes. I missed most of it which is probably good.

Some of the stupid faces Bashir made to make sure the camera caught his unbelief at things Michael said such as "I'd like to adopt children from each continent" and Bashir said "really?" with this high pitched voice as if Michael had said I want to eat a child from every continent. Jerk.

I wanted to draw question marks all over his face and the saying "If I only had a brain" across his forehead. I was so angry. He's a backstabbing liar.
It cut out some 'bad' but it also cut out A LOT of the GOOD too..