ITV edits Living with Michael Jackson heavily - for the better


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
ITV broadcast Living with Michael Jackson this evening. I normally don't watch TV but I felt like watching the documentary on a real screen tonight. It was edited heavily. The entire sequence with Gavin Arviso or whatever his name is had been cut plus loads of other small things here and there. Part of Bashir's narration had been taken out, too.

This is obviously positive, no doubt, but... Thoughts?
I didn't bother watching this repeat of LWMJ. But is this more positive version of Michael, because ITV feel guilty and want to repair the damage they inflicted on Michael and trying to erase their and Martin Bashir's bad reputation. Because they caused Michael and his family a lot of pain for sensationalism and profit.
it was ok. I still got mum saying bashir is right he acts differently when he lives in neverland to when hes outside and i was like MUM you've seen very particular and short clips! You need to see his whole life before you make such statements!!

But at the end, she empathised: poor michael. I tihnk the world is realised how we mistreated him. He may be a controversial character, but do you tihnk you would have dealt with what he did any better?
erm...well I just saw a bit of it and Bashir says that Michaels behavior is starting to alarm him ( or words to that effect) :(

Also, is Bashir thick or what? He asks Michael why the kids don't go to a 'NORMAL school'??

*headdesk* seriously, he must have been taking the piss!!!!!!!!!! Yet Michael was so gracious through it all. I have turned it off, I can't watch it all, I have really bad memories knowing what Michael went through because of that program :(
They said it was cutting the interview with that kid out. Bashir was nice to start with and having a good time with MJ and then after 50 minutes he started to be really funny with MJ when he was asking about the kids in his bed thing and poor MJ was getting really upset. It went to just voiceover saying that MJ started getting really upset - and the camera went behind MJ so u just saw camera men n that and then saw MJ looking in the mirror sorting his hair out and then u went back to MJ and he was nearly in tears answer dick-Bashir's question about the children. FFS. So everyone is - once again - left with negativity aftre seeing our King of Pop upset by that tosspot. It was fine up until then. Its left me feeling really sad knowing he upset him. They could have finished the docu on a high note with MJ smiling hugging the children... but no ...

Too little too late in my opinion...... but I did watch it and it was so bitter sweet. Tears rolling down my face watching our lovely Michael again, but knowing he's not here..... so very sad.

Has anyone seen the videos on youtube called 'Living with Michael Jackson Take Two'?? There are 9 parts, presented by Maury Povich and they contain unedited sections of Martin Bashir's interviews which were caught on tape by Michael's own photographer at the same time as ITV was recording the interview footage.

It really shows Martin Bashir as a manipulative liar who was nice to Michael's face, but knowing the whole time that he was going to sell him out and try (as most reporters have) to ruin his life even more.

The unedited versions are definitely worth watching - if you haven't all already seen them!! I only found them last week so it was very eye opening for me. Made me LOVE my Michael even more (if that's possible!!) and it made me think even less of Martin Bashir!

Be at peace now Mike..... still missing you every minute of every day
Hard to watch and I am sorry ITV but a very lame and shallow attempt to
to make it look anything different than a vile stitch up of The King.

I hope all your investors and advertisers go the same way as your reputation
for fair play went, right down the toilet.
Bashir talks to adults like they're children, and vice versa.

'What makes you think you're qualified to make such a strong statement' Give me a break. The expression on MJ's face was like 'wtf?'
Wasn't greatly started with editing it very well but then the editor(s) got sloppy and missed things out like the giving tree and then ended some scenes that continued which gave michael a positive outlook too early.They also had some scenes last longer , ie the negative ones..went on for much longer that necessary...It painted a better picture but they could have really done it all with alot more care and thought..why couldn't a michael jackson fan be the editor who still give a broad showing of the program but had the balls to cut some of bashirs reactions or follow ups..pssh..'you aren't serious', 'you're kidding' and 'really' were the ones i woulda picked..not only did it show the stupidity of bashir, as obv michael was being honest and also coz it sounded so annoying and made it more of a mockery..pssh

Like I said the sad irony to this all was that if this was the original transmission, it would have made things alot better to handle for michael and everyone.might to have even led to the trial and certainly was more positive than the original..If they edited it down even to this then things could have been so different
( no word of a lie, as i was typing all of that last paragraph, HUGE thunderstorms happened...maybe michael agreeing lol...i also saw a black cat on day he passed not supersticious but somes things are a bit odd lol..)
Bashir talks to adults like they're children, and vice versa.

'What makes you think you're qualified to make such a strong statement' Give me a break. The expression on MJ's face was like 'wtf?'

Yea that just what i been saying he say's 'really' to michael 100 times, sounding like he is talking to a little kid..and then talks to prince like a fokoing adult..that kid had noooo idea what the hell he was asking and it takes someone who can relate to people on all levels to sort it out...bashir was out of his depth..a novice at best
Yea that just what i been saying he say's 'really' to michael 100 times, sounding like he is talking to a little kid..and then talks to prince like a fokoing adult..that kid had noooo idea what the hell he was asking and it takes someone who can relate to people on all levels to sort it out...bashir was out of his depth..a novice at best

I thought that was brilliant that bit... where Bashir used a 'big word' with Prince (can't remember what it was) and MJ - as u said - put it in child language. It made Bashir look REALLY stupid ... HA

I thnk seeing something like this makes u realise that MJ was a normal human being - well, a normal hugely talented beyond belief human being. In my mind hes two different people -Michael the performer and Michael the person. Its endearnig to see that he gets shy and embarressed and how softly spoken he is.

I knew all this before but its lovely seeing it again.

One thing tho..... the surrogate of Blanket.... thats new news isn't it?? that Michael said he had a relationship with her?
One thing tho..... the surrogate of Blanket.... thats new news isn't it?? that Michael said he had a relationship with her?

I know its odd cos its generally understood that she is completely anonymous and noone has a clue who she is. I even heard somewhere else that she didnt even know to whom the baby was going!
Has anyone seen the videos on youtube called 'Living with Michael Jackson Take Two'?? There are 9 parts, presented by Maury Povich and they contain unedited sections of Martin Bashir's interviews which were caught on tape by Michael's own photographer at the same time as ITV was recording the interview footage.

It really shows Martin Bashir as a manipulative liar who was nice to Michael's face, but knowing the whole time that he was going to sell him out and try (as most reporters have) to ruin his life even more.

The unedited versions are definitely worth watching - if you haven't all already seen them!! I only found them last week so it was very eye opening for me. Made me LOVE my Michael even more (if that's possible!!) and it made me think even less of Martin Bashir!

Yeahh i saw this ages ago.. it really showed him almost baiting Michael so he would have ammunition to say stuff against him when he edited it!

Soo did not like Michael getting upset :( with all the innapropriate questions! This man will pay one day, along with all the others!
One thing tho..... the surrogate of Blanket.... thats new news isn't it?? that Michael said he had a relationship with her?

He said that... but later he said he didnt know her and he didnt know him, she was a surrogate and they used his sperm. :S so i dont get that bit?!
Bashir talks to adults like they're children, and vice versa.

'What makes you think you're qualified to make such a strong statement' Give me a break. The expression on MJ's face was like 'wtf?'

I know, he's so patronising. :doh:
I didn't watch, Michael would turn in his grave to know they had put that on again. I would watch the outtakes if that was on.
He said that... but later he said he didnt know her and he didnt know him, she was a surrogate and they used his sperm. :S so i dont get that bit?!

Maybe MJ was getting muddled up with U-Know-Who.

Yeah I was wondering about the sperm thing but he did say sperm CELLS - now im not a doc... is there a difference between sperm and sperm cells? also as the mum is white ie. Dogface and he is black then you are going to have half cast children and Paris and Prince do have a .....tinge to them - even moreso with Blanket.
Little Blanket is so adorable - and he's the spitting image of Michael xx

They are all gorgeous kids... and I agree, they do all have a 'tinge'.

He loved them all so much bless him xx :(
Maybe MJ was getting muddled up with U-Know-Who.

Yeah I was wondering about the sperm thing but he did say sperm CELLS - now im not a doc... is there a difference between sperm and sperm cells? also as the mum is white ie. Dogface and he is black then you are going to have half cast children and Paris and Prince do have a .....tinge to them - even moreso with Blanket.
He said that... but later he said he didnt know her and he didnt know him, she was a surrogate and they used his sperm. :S so i dont get that bit?!

I've given this a lot of thought and obviously, Michael was being less than truthful in one of the interviews. I wish he would have just told Bashir 'no comment' instead, but I guess he said what he said for a reason. Either that, or Michael was just so aggravated in the second interview - he was definitely on the defense - that he forgot his own official explanation.

But what we always have to remember with Michael is that contradiction creates mystery, and Michael was an amazing mystery, a lot of which was cleverly self-created. Perhaps he knew Blanket's mother, perhaps he didn't (in these times, let's hope the latter is the case) but what's worth noticing is that he insists he is the biological father. That's the point Michael wished to get across.
I thought it was a poor editig effort from them. There was no need to show the balcony part for instance, or the end part. Why the shit about surgery? Seriously I was so angry. They shouldn't have shown it at all, I mean come on. What did it achieve really?