It would be a crime not to perform, "Heartbreak Hotel"

Hi everybody, my first post here! I think I was here before with another nickname and email but i can't remember them!

Well If it isn't a crime not performing "hearthbrake hotel" it is "nearly" a crime for me. It is one of my favorite songs .I used to have a vinyl with the jacksons live when i was little and that song means a lot to me.

I've read the discussion you made about it and I think the point should not be if he should put this song or that song on the set list... Michael will make 50 concerts in the same place he will have different set lists and will alternate them... so there will be a place for a lot of different songs...

I wanted immediately to include" hearthbreak hotel" in my list but I couldn't find it on the web site. I think it is not included. The actual name of the song is "This place hotel" . On the list I found " hearthbreaker" but it's not the same song so...I don't think it will be included as a performance at the o2.
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It will be my first concert...i would love to see him moonwalk with the gloves...the hat...the glitter jacket

i would love to see red beat it jacket...i would love to see Thriller werewolf...i would love to see smooth criminal 45 degree lean....and Black or white is the most!! its the song that made me in love with him over and over again

but i dont care whatever Michael will perform....he can do whatever he wants and he will always be the greatest.
just let it be the surprise....
To argue why I dont think it should be performed??? Do I have to agree with something before I come into a thread now? :S The fact i dont think the song WILL be performed is irrelevant. I dont think it will be performed and I dont want it to be performed. I am statint the reason why I dont want it to be performed, in reply to the original poster of the thread. Do you get it now? lol

yesssssssssss lol
Welcome back Bongani!

Every single fan has a few songs in mind that they pray to hear performed live this time, so everyone can make this type of thread and everyone can appreciate it as it is. For me, Heartbreak Hotel ain't one of the songs that I really really long to see performed (like the song, tho), but I can understand those who really pray for the chance:yes: The instrumental is fantastic and the vocal is fierce, so why not? Doing it live sounded and will sound great.
If This is it will be his final curtain call, Michael will perform songs we wanna hear and I bet that some fans who saw Michael during the Bad Tour want him to perform such songs like Heartbreak hotel! :)
So, sorry but he has to perform this song! :)

I also want him to perform new songs but some songs are so historical like Billie Jean or Wanna be startin' somethin' that he can't not perform them! And for me Heartbreak hotel is one of my favorite songs! :)

Of course, he must perform classic songs like "Billie Jean", "Beat It", "Thriller", to me these songs are like, but I hope it will not perform this song!
Welcome back Bongani!

Every single fan has a few songs in mind that they pray to hear performed live this time, so everyone can make this type of thread and everyone can appreciate it as it is. For me, Heartbreak Hotel ain't one of the songs that I really really long to see performed (like the song, tho), but I can understand those who really pray for the chance:yes: The instrumental is fantastic and the vocal is fierce, so why not? Doing it live sounded and will sound great.

Thank you so much my sister, it's good to be back..
"Now I can't convince this girl there aint no otherrr heee-hee! " Sory ya'l I'm obsessed with this song.
This is one of my favorite song and when he performed it live too. It definitely would be great if he performed this live at O2, but if he doesn't, it wouldn't matter, because I luv all of his songs he made.
I hope he do heartbreak hotel
and please not the history tour set list.
I prefer no lypsinc with long breaks
instead of lypsinc with short breaks