It Hurts me, How Michael Trusted all these A--holes


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I cant believe Michael trusted all these assholes at one point in time, I mean my feminine instincts can always detect if someone aint right.

My boyfriend always tell me that, I have saved him a lot of headache by shady friends whom i let him know from first time meeting them like "dude you b etter watch this guy, my instincts tells me there is something not right about them" and lo and behold a few months later he tellls me a story of what this friend had done, borrowed money never paid, did this or that. If i meet you once and my instincts tell me you not good, almost always i am right.

Michael needed a good woman by his side at all times (Ms Katherine couldnt be by his side at all times esp when he was travelling) - Almost everyone in his circles were shady. How did he attract such people. He was too trusting.

I mean look at this dude right here - I woulda told you instantly by looking at his eyes, he aint good

Steven Hoefllin


Arnold Klein


Uri Geller - anothe fraud - the same man who introduce martin bashire to michael.
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This is what Ive been saying but you said it perfectly! Couldn't agree with you more!
I look at all these sleazy people around Michael and there is no way I would have come near them with a 10 inch pole! I wish Michael had friends (or a girlfriend, hehe) like you and me because my instincts are always right. It must be a feminine trait cause my boyfriend is really clueless too and gets sucked in by everyone, even sleazy sales people!
And add to the list hideous Deepak chopra and his nauseating son.Michael knew sooner or later these people would betray him.He hinting at this in his book dancing the dream.Look at michael's body language in photos he took with these back-stabbers.I find Dr klein so repulsive i cannot watch thirty seconds of an interview with him.He absolutely leaked to the media he is the father of michael's kids. He is after michael's money.He is desperately trying to silence the jacksons.Deepak chopra and Brian oxman are the culprites who directed the conversation about michael's death towards drug abuse. I am dead set against indictments for michael's death, because many of these losers will be call to the stand.Not to mention the publicty starved, career motivated lawyers on both sides, knowning the world is watching making a specticle of the trial.And what do you think will be Dr conrad defense? He will absoluted throw michael under the bus.Do we really want to see michael's personal life dragged threw the mud.??? let the medical authorites take care of Dr conrad, Dr klein.Living with the knowledge that michael died at their hands is punishment enough.
I AGREE! i'm reading the Aphrodite Jones book and apparently even Michaels "handlers" Kotziner, Dieter Weisner, etc also used michael. I personally think that if Michael would have surrounded himself with people who truly cared about him he would have had a better outcome. These back stabbers actually cause a lot of problems to michael, like money problems etc that affected him in a negative way.
i often wonder also how these iffy peolpe wormed their way into his life... who introduced them to MJ? ordinary people like us can't just get into his life get into his world but these sleeze bags seem to have done
why did he let them?
he was too bloody trusting that why. seen the good in people even when it wasn't there,and they took advantage of that.
look, i know i was never ever in a position to ever of met MJ but in my dreams i do and in my dreams i shield him, i keep him away from all these low lifes , i keep him safe, i give him all the love he has ever wanted.... sillyness i know but its just one of those.... what if! moments i have.... i have alot of...what if... moments.
forgive my ramblings... i have had a glass or 2 of wine. :cheers:
Maybe Michael trusted these 'A-holes' because he was insecure and didn't have much business sense left after all the batterings he had taken?
I doubt any of us will ever, in our life times meet the amount of people MJ did. The few that he bought into his world I think 90 percent of them were users and opportunists. Unfortunate for him these are the kinds of people that pray on the vulnerable. Women or men, those people would use him no matter what.

The other 10 percent we do not see or hear them running up their mouths against him. Its unfortunate that the users get all the air time. Actually they command it.

Poor MJ.
He was rich, famous and trusting. That is a bad combination. I think we tend to see ourself in other people. So if you tend to see the good in people- then you might do that because its not in your mind betray them? His upbringing also propably had an impact. Every pschycologist would tell you that if you suffered trauma as a child, you tend to put yourself in situations that some ways mirror the unresolved issues you have. and in some ways its the subconscious side of you trying to make right what was wrong. If you grow up with an alcoholic parent, you tend to find partners that
dring- to use a cliche. Some times, when I look at the people Michael let in to his sircle- some of the men have traits that reminds me of stories of his father. Maybe he sougth from them the aproval he never got from his father? That in some ways they were a substitute? Or maybe i just read to much in to things........
I cant believe Michael trusted all these assholes at one point in time, I mean my feminine instincts can always detect if someone aint right.

My boyfriend always tell me that, I have saved him a lot of headache by shady friends whom i let him know from first time meeting them like "dude you b etter watch this guy, my instincts tells me there is something not right about them" and lo and behold a few months later he tellls me a story of what this friend had done, borrowed money never paid, did this or that. If i meet you once and my instincts tell me you not good, almost always i am right.

Michael needed a good woman by his side at all times (Ms Katherine couldnt be by his side at all times esp when he was travelling) - Almost everyone in his circles were shady. How did he attract such people. He was too trusting.

I mean look at this dude right here - I woulda told you instantly by looking at his eyes, he aint good

Steven Hoefllin


Arnold Klein


Uri Geller - anothe fraud - the same man who introduce martin bashire to michael.
I have been saying the same thing. I wish I was with him I could have told him about Murray. We would have fought before I would let that doctor do that to Michael. I know there are all kinds of ways to find sleep. Also, if Michael could have eat, Jello is one of the foods to eat until you can eat along with ensure drinks. Why do I have the knowledge to this stuff but these idoits did not.
sometimes our best qualities can be used against us to harm us.

it makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about these people..... it is so horrifying. like the saying goes.. money is the root of all evil. and many many people in michael's life were down right dirty and evil.

i feel sad that his "trust" in people were abused. but i can't blame him for another persons evil deeds.
i often wonder also how these iffy peolpe wormed their way into his life... who introduced them to MJ? ordinary people like us can't just get into his life get into his world but these sleeze bags seem to have done
why did he let them?
he was too bloody trusting that why. seen the good in people even when it wasn't there,and they took advantage of that.
look, i know i was never ever in a position to ever of met MJ but in my dreams i do and in my dreams i shield him, i keep him away from all these low lifes , i keep him safe, i give him all the love he has ever wanted.... sillyness i know but its just one of those.... what if! moments i have.... i have alot of...what if... moments.
forgive my ramblings... i have had a glass or 2 of wine. :cheers:
I agree. How come someone likd Jordan Chandler and Garvin can met Michael and get hang with him whereas children who mean well and love Michael and who will watch his back would not even be given the time of day when they want to meet him? this is even the same with adults. Good people have a hard time meeting Michael whereas thieves and crooks find it easy. I will never understand that.
I AGREE! i'm reading the Aphrodite Jones book and apparently even Michaels "handlers" Kotziner, Dieter Weisner, etc also used michael. I personally think that if Michael would have surrounded himself with people who truly cared about him he would have had a better outcome. These back stabbers actually cause a lot of problems to michael, like money problems etc that affected him in a negative way.
I think alot of Michael "handers" as well let certain people see him.
I agree. How come someone likd Jordan Chandler and Garvin can met Michael and get hang with him whereas children who mean well and love Michael and who will watch his back would not even be given the time of day when they want to meet him? this is even the same with adults. Good people have a hard time meeting Michael whereas thieves and crooks find it easy. I will never understand that.

ditto. i will never understand this. its like people were hell bent on making him suffer. all those around him.
I've the same instinct you do, I don't know if it's because I'm a woman (not all women have it!), but I'm like that too. I don't like that guys too, just looking into their eyes...

Well, I think Michael always needed a woman by his side, but I mean a real woman, who loved him for what he really was. Unfortunately he never found his soul mate (as far as we know), but I'm sure if he did found, he would be alive today. :/
I've the same instinct you do, I don't know if it's because I'm a woman (not all women have it!), but I'm like that too. I don't like that guys too, just looking into their eyes...

Well, I think Michael always needed a woman by his side, but I mean a real woman, who loved him for what he really was. Unfortunately he never found his soul mate (as far as we know), but I'm sure if he did found, he would be alive today. :/

ok.. i am a woman. and sadly i don't have the instinct you gals do. :doh: i have been burned so many times its not even funny.
you become sort of paranoid of people's intentions.:evil:
I've the same instinct you do, I don't know if it's because I'm a woman (not all women have it!), but I'm like that too. I don't like that guys too, just looking into their eyes...

Well, I think Michael always needed a woman by his side, but I mean a real woman, who loved him for what he really was. Unfortunately he never found his soul mate (as far as we know), but I'm sure if he did found, he would be alive today. :/
I agree. If my man was not eating and getting slim, I would be staying at his home every night and checking up on him. I come from a family where we live by theories. I would keep an eye on any doctor he hires. Me and the women in my family give doctors in the hospital the eye to see what they are doing or not doing let alone one who is in my husband/boyfriend house (and I know my man is worth money and have dealt with theives. OH @#$ Naw). And for him to be using drips and mess out of a hospital, oh boy, we would have had Bel Air calling cops in because I would raise pure mess and act up).
ok.. i am a woman. and sadly i don't have the instinct you gals do. :doh: i have been burned so many times its not even funny.
you become sort of paranoid of people's intentions.:evil:
I have an instinct out of this world for myself.
ok.. i am a woman. and sadly i don't have the instinct you gals do. :doh: i have been burned so many times its not even funny.
you become sort of paranoid of people's intentions.:evil:
And be not get some of us wrong, trials are going to come into you life but when you follow your feelings, you cut it off before it even get started.
I agree. If my man was not eating and getting slim, I would be staying at his home every night and checking up on him. I come from a family where we live by theories. I would keep an eye on any doctor he hires. Me and the women in my family give doctors in the hospital the eye to see what they are doing or not doing let alone one who is in my husband/boyfriend house (and I know my man is worth money and have dealt with theives. OH @#$ Naw). And for him to be using drips and mess out of a hospital, oh boy, we would have had Bel Air calling cops in because I would raise pure mess and act up).

Your post is so true...a good woman can tell if her man is in trouble...just by instincts...Poor Michael it is just so sad he didn't have this (as far as we know)....It just makes me angry to the point that if you listen to Michael then you can see all he wanted out of life WAS that love...The love between a man and a woman. God Bless him now he is safe from the leeches.
I know what you mean, women in general always seem to have a gut feeling, maybe because we in general always have to be more careful than men have to be, regarding everything. I feel very sad to think about how Michael was surrounded by these money hungry bad people. He should have been surrounding himself with positive loving people who were not around becaus of his money.
Your post is so true...a good woman can tell if her man is in trouble...just by instincts...Poor Michael it is just so sad he didn't have this (as far as we know)....It just makes me angry to the point that if you listen to Michael then you can see all he wanted out of life WAS that love...The love between a man and a woman. God Bless him now he is safe from the leeches.
No he did not have, if so, he would be alive now. I would not care about no media, no fans, no business people, etc. If I see where my man needs help, he is going to get that first even if I have to shut down rehearsals and act up in front everybody if he did not listen to me. Oh yeah, a woman can get the point across if she really love her man.
I am not so trusting but ... coming to understand the person that Michael was... i can see why he was so trusting....
I am not so trusting but ... coming to understand the person that Michael was... i can see why he was so trusting....
Exactly. And that why it would have someone by his side to watch his back. I am not married but you would be surprise how much crap my daddy would be in if it was no for my mother. Do not get me wrong, my father has been "burned" as well however it not as bad if he did not have my mother. he is laughing right now at our converstion and what I am telling you all. LOL. he knows I am right. He said I should have been married to Michael. I wish.
No he did not have, if so, he would be alive now. I would not care about no media, no fans, no business people, etc. If I see where my man needs help, he is going to get that first even if I have to shut down rehearsals and act up in front everybody if he did not listen to me. Oh yeah, a woman can get the point across if she really love her man.

Thats the truth husband was really sick with pnemonia about 6 months ago ...had to be put tint he hospital with tubes in his side and that emergency room tried to give us the run around about waiting for like hours..after about 1 hour I was like listen he is really sick and he cannot wait 6 hours to be seen ...he needs to be seen now....I raised such hell in that hospital.....they took him in like minutes after that...Good thing I did cuz the fluid in his lung was so high it was squish his heart and the doc said another 12 hours and he would of had a heart attack and I know what ya mean about Michael needing that special someone...
Thats the truth husband was really sick with pnemonia about 6 months ago ...had to be put tint he hospital with tubes in his side and that emergency room tried to give us the run around about waiting for like hours..after about 1 hour I was like listen he is really sick and he cannot wait 6 hours to be seen ...he needs to be seen now....I raised such hell in that hospital.....they took him in like minutes after that...Good thing I did cuz the fluid in his lung was so high it was squish his heart and the doc said another 12 hours and he would of had a heart attack and I know what ya mean about Michael needing that special someone...
I agree. If my man was not eating and getting slim, I would be staying at his home every night and checking up on him. I come from a family where we live by theories. I would keep an eye on any doctor he hires. Me and the women in my family give doctors in the hospital the eye to see what they are doing or not doing let alone one who is in my husband/boyfriend house (and I know my man is worth money and have dealt with theives. OH @#$ Naw). And for him to be using drips and mess out of a hospital, oh boy, we would have had Bel Air calling cops in because I would raise pure mess and act up).

I think it's good if you have this instinct, but sometimes people around you may think you're getting paranoid by thinking "this people is not good, this one yes, nop, this one no...". You may think you're getting paranoid too. :D
It's a good thing and it's very rare when we're wrong. :cheeky: