"It can't trigger on its own" Is it me or does he sound annoyed?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
He even interrupts the guy (presumably Kenny) to repeat the words " It can't cue on its own" this time almost saying it under his breath and no longer looking at the person to adress him. Anyone else saw it that way?
Not really. MJ's just a perfectionist.
I don't think he sounds annoyed. Him being a perfectionist, everything has to be just right, after all it is his show and how he wants it.

He's the boss. What Michael says goes! :)
I don't think he sounds annoyed. Him being a perfectionist, everything has to be just right, after all it is his show and how he wants it.

He's the boss. What Michael says goes! :)

Yea I feel you, I can definetly see a man in control there.
Yeah, he does sound a little frustrated to me, but like everyone else said I think it's just his perfectionism!
Can't say I've heard that. Is it on the trailer? What time?
he just rawred at him , thats all ~everyone rawrs @ some point :lol::huggy:.
Oh, I've found it now. At first, it sounded like "That shit's gotta trigger on it's own" :rofl:
If you see the movie he goes: "It Can't trigger on its own. Quit fuckin it up!"

Just kidding. That was a joke. I haven't seen the movie. I was being facetious. lol

But he did sound a bit agitated
No, a little annoyed maybe.

I find it funny how us MJ fans analyse every single Michael movement/speech including HOW he said or did something.

I would have loved to of seen mj as an elder statesman getting annoyed at someone when he was performing lol..alas..But as people get older they can get more impatient..

However, Michael as everyone says is/was a perfectionsit and wanted things his way in his vision and done properly..He also had a side like we all do, it gets angry and shouts..He is a human being..

But as soon as I heard that clip, I instantly thought of the moment at 45 seconds in this clip...The tone and demand sound familiar? Mj was always like this lol..But I LOVEEEEEEEE the bit after he got a bit 'angry'..That noise he makes to the sound of bj instrumental is PURE AD LIBBING GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...He was a fantastic ad libber, maybe the best at relating a sound or noise or words to ends of songs, beginnings.anywhere..What he said just fitted..He should have done that bit live..HEEEEEE

I would have loved to of seen mj as an elder statesman getting annoyed at someone when he was performing lol..alas..But as people get older they can get more impatient..

However, Michael as everyone says is/was a perfectionsit and wanted things his way in his vision and done properly..He also had a side like we all do, it gets angry and shouts..He is a human being..

But as soon as I heard that clip, I instantly thought of the moment at 45 seconds in this clip...The tone and demand sound familiar? Mj was always like this lol..But I LOVEEEEEEEE the bit after he got a bit 'angry'..That noise he makes to the sound of bj instrumental is PURE AD LIBBING GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...He was a fantastic ad libber, maybe the best at relating a sound or noise or words to ends of songs, beginnings.anywhere..What he said just fitted..He should have done that bit live..HEEEEEE


It's so funny that you mention this because this is the same rehearsal I thought of as well. Not the specific part you're thinking of but at 7:55 when he tells the band "you gotta watch me..." He didn't sound angry then and he didn't sound angry to me in that clip from TII. He sounded authoritative which is something else entirely. In both instances these were his shows, with his name on the line and he wanted things to be done how HE wanted them to be done, according to his vision. Many of the ppl who were on tour with him said that not only was he a perfectionist, but he rarely changed the shows so that every little kink could be ironed out and he'd be able to give the best performance he could give...
he doesn't really sound annoyed here, but in other rehearsals he does look annoyed at times when other people mess up, and in that performance of Jam where the stage is too wet, he looks at this other guy, and the look on MJ's face basically said
"fix this or it's your ass."
This thread is so funny. I doubt he is annoyed. He is just intense, in control, in charge. The real deal. On stage he was himself. It's great that everyone will get to see the real Michael. Perhaps that will dispell the ridiculous image that some have of him as weak, manipulated, powerless and pushed around. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Mike was a human being just like everyone else. I'm sure there are times when he was annoyed during the rehersals.
If you see the movie he goes: "It Can't trigger on its own. Quit fuckin it up!"

Just kidding. That was a joke. I haven't seen the movie. I was being facetious. lol

But he did sound a bit agitated

:hysterical: HAHA-HAAAH!

It would be hilarious to see Michael get one of those Kanye moments though, because it would be so unexpected. :D
Imagine at the grammy's Michael losing (as if) and just be storming stage and be like:
"Yo f##k y'all, I'm the greatest ever, there's no one that can match me.
I paved the way for you sons of bi**hes and now you gon' give the award to Justin?!
Mother f### Justin! *takes the award and rushes off the stage*"

Funny story... Dj Who Kid was in Bahrain with Michael and Whoo Kid asked Michael about Neverland and Michael told him: "Fu## Neverland" :hysterical:
I honestly think Michael was just a regular dude off camera, cursing a bit and talk a little bit "ebonics" like anyone else.

But for real, Michael was just really strict when it came to his art.
If you watch the making of "Ghosts" you can see Michael be really annoyed and have this scrunched up face saying "It shouldn't be gouly, it shouldn't be gouly though" when he talks about the make up.
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