Israel set to begin ground war against Hamas in Gaza

Don't understand why everybody support Gaza and Hamas, Hamas is a terrorist organization, they've killed lots of Israelites too, do people forget that? Israel isn't after innocent civilians, they are after Hamas. Don't understand where this anti-semitism comes from.
Don't understand why everybody support Gaza and Hamas, Hamas is a terrorist organization, they've killed lots of Israelites too, do people forget that? Israel isn't after innocent civilians, they are after Hamas. Don't understand where this anti-semitism comes from.
it's very sad how when criticising Israel's killing of at least 700 civilians, 437 children, and wounding 5450, it is called "anti-Semitism". i guess that means i could automatically call you anti-Arab? see how thick it is; you degrade that term when you flaunt it like that.

hardly anyone (from the overwhelming international condemnation of Israel) is supporting Hamas. Israel put itself right next to Hamas after that war (and imo for many years now with their slow choking of Gaza they've been building up to).

politically this was a dumb move, militarily it was an inhumane move, and all this will do is bring up more radicalised militants and strengthen extremist support in government, all from two living generations who've seen their family, friends and homes destroyed for the sake of political messages (be it national publicity for their election or just to showcase their power).

and also, no one calls modern Israelis "Israelites".
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Don't understand why everybody support Gaza and Hamas, Hamas is a terrorist organization, they've killed lots of Israelites too, do people forget that? Israel isn't after innocent civilians, they are after Hamas. Don't understand where this anti-semitism comes from.

How in the world is criticizing Israel being an anti-semite? My mother is Jewish (she converted a few years ago), and I don't have a problem with Jewish people. Many of my friends are Jewish, too. I just don't like what Israel is doing; if they were only targeting Hamas, why have the majority of people dead been innocent civilians? Why aren't they the minority?

Israel is targeting everyone, innocent civilians and terrorists, and that just makes me angry. Yes, Hamas needs to go, but you don't have to hurt innocent people to get rid of them.
Nothing will justify the killings of both sides. The only priority for world leaders is to find a solution and very fast. War crimes and such can be investigated later.
Hamas should've seen their defeat coming. This puny state knocked everybody out in the 1948 Arab-Israeli war...Lord knows that after even one soldier gets killed that Israel steps on whoever did it and starts giving them a beating...
Gaza, Gaza, Gaza, :smilerolleyes:

Israel bombs weapons workshop in Gaza after rocket strike

GAZA, Jan 29 (Reuters) - Israeli warplanes bombed an open area in the southern Gaza Strip early on Thursday, shortly after militants fired a rocket at Israel, witnesses and the Islamic movement Hamas said.

An Israeli military spokesman confirmed the attack, saying it had targeted a weapons production site, in response to the rocket fire at Israel.

There were no immediate reports of any injuries from the attack which witnesses said damaged a metal foundry in the town of Rafah, along the Gaza Strip border with Egypt. The air strike was at least the second time Israel has bombed Gaza since a Jan. 18 halt to a 22-day offensive.

Israel bombed tunnels on Wednesday it says were used to smuggle weapons from Egypt into Gaza, a day after Gaza militants killed an Israeli soldier in an explosion along a border fence.

Israel plans more pinpoint strikes against Hamas in Gaza

Decision-makers in Jerusalem said Israel would continue to launch pinpoint strikes against Hamas and other Palestinian militant organizations in the Gaza Strip, Haaretz has learned.

Israeli aircraft on Thursday wounded 10 Palestinians in the attempted killing of a Hamas operative in southern Gaza. Palestinian militants launched two Qassam rockets and one mortar round into Israel, resulting in no casualties or damage.

Hezbollah, meanwhile, has vowed to strike Israeli targets, and Cypriot authorities Wednesday detained an Iranian arms ship that Israel believes may have been en route to Hezbollah.

The decision to carry out further pinpoint strikes against Hamas emerged after consultations between the security cabinet and top Israeli defense officials. The hostilities were necessary to let Hamas know that strikes against Israel would not go unanswered, one source said.

During the deliberations, intelligence officers said Hamas was trying to contain its radical elements because it was interested in cementing a cease-fire agreement. This, the intelligence officers said, was why the organization is delaying its response to recent strikes by the Israel Defense Forces.

The first IDF strike against Hamas after Operation Cast Lead came on Tuesday, after the death of one Israeli soldier in an explosion near the border with Gaza. Since then, the Israel Air Force carried out several retaliatory raids.

The latest, which wounded 10 Palestinians, was aimed at Mohammed Samiri, whom the IDF believes was involved in planning and carrying out the attack on the IDF patrol on Tuesday. According to reports from the Strip, Samiri was riding a motorcycle in Khan Yunis when a missile exploded near him, wounding him and several others.

Another IAF raid took out what the army believed to be a weapons production shop in Rafah.

In an interview with Al Jazeera, Hamas' prime minister in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, said reconciliation was Hamas' "main aim."

"I think it is not in America's interest to stay in conflict with the Arab and Muslim worlds, considering its interests in the region," he said. "We hope that the new American president revises all the policies of his predecessor."

Hezbollah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, also spoke to the media yesterday, saying the organization had "an open score" with Israel." These statements, according to defense sources, sit well with Hezbollah's reported intention of carrying out a major attack as the one-year anniversary of the assassination of Hezbollah's Imad Mughniyeh approaches.

Mughniyeh, the organization's number two, died in a car blast in Damascus on February 14 a year ago. Hezbollah officials say they hold Israel responsible.

Although Hezbollah was mentioned as a likely recipient of the arms on board the Iranian ship the Cypriot customs services detained yesterday, Israeli sources said the cargo may have been meant for Hamas. The Cypriot customs service began unloading some of the cargo Wednesday, a diplomat from the European Union told Haaretz.

The move apparently came after Israel and the United States requested that Cyprus stop the ship, which was carrying a large amount of weapons, including artillery rounds and rockets.

The vessel left the Persian Gulf a few weeks ago and reached about 60 miles from Cyprus' port city of Limassol on Wednesday.

Since the ship was flying Cyprus' flag, the Cypriot authorities were the only ones authorized to confiscate its cargo.

According to the diplomat, Cypriot customs officials had contacted the Iranian boat and demanded that it sail to Limassol for inspection.

The U.S. Navy had earlier detained the ship in the Red Sea, but was forced to release it Tuesday when it became apparent that there was no legal basis for holding it. Cyprus' embassy in Tel Aviv declined to comment on the matter.
Even if Hezbollah were to strike against Israel, it's as a mean of defense. And no, don't give me this "Hezbollah is a terrorist organization" bs. They are not. Put down the tv remote and educate yourself. Israel and Lebanon have had a history.

This isn't just about Hamas anymore; it's about the innocent civilians now. They need to defend themselves. The Palestinian death toll is astonishing. We all know if this many innocent Jews were blown up, hell would break loose. But no, this is Palestine. What angers me the most is how the Arab Gulf countries are handling it. It's like no one cares at all.
Even if Hezbollah were to strike against Israel, it's as a mean of defense. And no, don't give me this "Hezbollah is a terrorist organization" bs. They are not. Put down the tv remote and educate yourself. Israel and Lebanon have had a history.

This isn't just about Hamas anymore; it's about the innocent civilians now. They need to defend themselves. The Palestinian death toll is astonishing. We all know if this many innocent Jews were blown up, hell would break loose. But no, this is Palestine. What angers me the most is how the Arab Gulf countries are handling it. It's like no one cares at all.

Israel is apparently doing this in defense. I say, Hezbollah strike Israel, Syria get on the side of Hezbollah and strike Israel, and all the Arab states from together. Although, no, they are not smart enough to think of that. They just let the Jews rip them apart. :smilerolleyes:

Yet again, during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, when the Arab states worked together they were beaten to a pulp. :mello:
Even if Hezbollah were to strike against Israel, it's as a mean of defense. And no, don't give me this "Hezbollah is a terrorist organization" bs. They are not. Put down the tv remote and educate yourself. Israel and Lebanon have had a history.

This isn't just about Hamas anymore; it's about the innocent civilians now. They need to defend themselves. The Palestinian death toll is astonishing. We all know if this many innocent Jews were blown up, hell would break loose. But no, this is Palestine. What angers me the most is how the Arab Gulf countries are handling it. It's like no one cares at all.

And, if anything, Hamas is a terrorist organization. I'm sorry to say, but they were the ones who started the attacks on Israel. Israel got mad and started launching rockets at Israel.
Thread re-opened.

Everyone has passion over this tragedy and grieve for the losses. Be nice if the ones in charge just got into a ring and went at it instead of involving all the innocent people just trying to make a living and support their families.
I say, Hezbollah strike Israel, Syria get on the side of Hezbollah and strike Israel, and all the Arab states from together. Although, no, they are not smart enough to think of that. They just let the Jews rip them apart. :smilerolleyes:
lol.. you sound like every one of my self-loathing Arab critic of other Arabs. and you're all right in a way, it's an embarrassing time for the Ummah right now for a long time now, but no matter how hard they can try, they'll never have influence. and even if they did try, chances are they'll go at it in completely the wrong way.

Israel is mighty strong, and very clever to have set up not only a decent civilisation but ruthless political and military engines in what was then and still is a hostile region for them.

it's a shame that all of this advancement went to backward use against innocent Palestinians for decades, and therefore against Israel itself as the terror cycle between the two never stopped.

as i said before, this isn't at all below Israel's standards and there's no sign of them changing attitude any time soon, but the real crime as Browneyedgirl pointed out is having the whole world stand idle by through this idiotic, counter-productive, and most stressfully inhumane act of "defense".
lol.. you sound like every one of my self-loathing Arab critic of other Arabs. and you're all right in a way, it's an embarrassing time for the Ummah right now for a long time now, but no matter how hard they can try, they'll never have influence. and even if they did try, chances are they'll go at it in completely the wrong way.

Israel is mighty strong, and very clever to have set up not only a decent civilisation but ruthless political and military engines in what was then and still is a hostile region for them.

it's a shame that all of this advancement went to backward use against innocent Palestinians for decades, and therefore against Israel itself as the terror cycle between the two never stopped.

as i said before, this isn't at all below Israel's standards and there's no sign of them changing attitude any time soon, but the real crime as Browneyedgirl pointed out is having the whole world stand idle by through this idiotic, counter-productive, and most stressfully inhumane act of "defense".

I actually think this is a case of defense. Hamas started attacking Israel first. Israel got Hamas back, but Israel went overboard and started spanking Hamas.

Hamas, it seems like their not defending themselves so it makes Israel look like criminals. Although that is probably not it, they need to get some allies and defend themselves. :smilerolleyes:

You're right. Israel is mighty strong, with an exceedingly great army. She seems almost like she is going to conquer the world now...:yes:
I actually think this is a case of defense. Hamas started attacking Israel first. Israel got Hamas back, but Israel went overboard and started spanking Hamas.

Hamas, it seems like their not defending themselves so it makes Israel look like criminals. Although that is probably not it, they need to get some allies and defend themselves. :smilerolleyes:

You're right. Israel is mighty strong, with an exceedingly great army. She seems almost like she is going to conquer the world now...:yes:
yes, let's ignore the act against humanity and be patriotic for the sake of it, shall we?

Israel FTW!

this isn't a sports game, son.
yes, let's ignore the act against humanity and be patriotic for the sake of it, shall we?

Israel FTW!

this isn't a sports game, son.

I know. :argue:

I just think that the issue between the Palestinians and the Israelis is dragged on. :yes:
Agreed. It's like people are cheering Israel on. There are innocent people dying, it's not something to cheer about.
I'm so sad about this... I think as long Israel has the support of the USA as they will never stop.

First Iraq, now Gazza, then Iran... Venezuella... I don't believe their lies! I have eyes to see the truths!

Their reason is "terrorism" ... No, man no... I'm not stupid. They are creating all of the terrorism in the world. I'm not talking about only this stuation. I'm talking about, there are some families have all the control of the world. They have all the petrol companies, media, and weapon companies... When there is a war, they begin to earn money in their pockets. They are also the biggest bankers of the world.

I'm talking about Rotshchild and Rockefeller families. (You can research about them. First download (free) the movie Zeitgeist from this site:

They have media's power. So, if they want to do something hidden, media never shows thier jobs. =)

I hope all the people will see their aims and what are they doing... This world's system go on for them. I hope everyone will see this!

And I believe this is not for religion. This is more than religion. I think they want all the power, they want to control all the world.

PS: I'm not an anti-semetic person. I have Jewish friend who agree with me. I'm not talkng about USA and Israel publics. I love all the people who believe peace.

Peace for country, peace for world
Gaza rocket 'hits south Israel'


A rocket fired from the Gaza Strip has hit southern Israel, exploding near the city of Ashkelon, the Israeli military has said.
No casualties were reported from the rocket, which landed in a field.
It is one of several rocket attacks from the territory since Israel and Hamas, which controls Gaza, declared ceasefires on 18 January.
Israel fought a three-week offensive in Gaza to try to stop militants firing rockets into Israel.
The ceasefires, independently declared by each side, have been violated several times.
An Israeli soldier was killed in a bomb attack on the Gaza border on Tuesday. Israel responded with air raids and a brief ground incursion by soldiers and tanks.
About 1,300 Palestinians and 10 Israeli soldiers were killed in the three weeks of Gaza fighting. Three Israeli citizens died in rocket attacks.

This is a picture of Gaza students back to school after the bombings. The cards mention the names [and ages] of the students who are not there anymore.

Were they Hamas terrorists?
Their reason is "terrorism" ... No, man no... I'm not stupid. They are creating all of the terrorism in the world. I'm not talking about only this stuation. I'm talking about, there are some families have all the control of the world. They have all the petrol companies, media, and weapon companies... When there is a war, they begin to earn money in their pockets. They are also the biggest bankers of the world.

I'm sorry, but I have to say, Hamas is the terrorist. They were the ones who attacked first. Israel retaliated, but went overboard. That is it, handed to you on a plate.
Gaza rocket 'hits south Israel'


A rocket fired from the Gaza Strip has hit southern Israel, exploding near the city of Ashkelon, the Israeli military has said.
No casualties were reported from the rocket, which landed in a field.
It is one of several rocket attacks from the territory since Israel and Hamas, which controls Gaza, declared ceasefires on 18 January.
Israel fought a three-week offensive in Gaza to try to stop militants firing rockets into Israel.
The ceasefires, independently declared by each side, have been violated several times.
An Israeli soldier was killed in a bomb attack on the Gaza border on Tuesday. Israel responded with air raids and a brief ground incursion by soldiers and tanks.
About 1,300 Palestinians and 10 Israeli soldiers were killed in the three weeks of Gaza fighting. Three Israeli citizens died in rocket attacks.

It was about time that they retaliated.
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