Israel set to begin ground war against Hamas in Gaza


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
From Times Online

January 2, 2009

Israel set to begin ground war against Hamas in Gaza


(Menahem Kahana/AFP/Getty)

Israeli soldiers ready to deploy on the border with Gaza

James Hider on the Gaza border, and Sheera Frenkel in Jerusalem

div#related-article-links p a, div#related-article-links p a:visited {color:#06c;}Israel is poised to launch a major ground offensive into Gaza tonight after allowing hundreds of foreigners living in the devastated territory to evacuate.
After a week of air strikes that have killed at least 420 Palestinians and left scores of buildings in rubble, the Israeli army was set to fling hundreds of troops and tanks into a blitz to stamp out Hamas’s military wing, The Times understands.
Despite the looming onslaught, more Hamas rockets – which have so far killed four Israelis – were fired into southern Israel today.
The Islamist group vowed that its attacks, which have lasted for years and which finally provoked the massive Israeli campaign, would not stop.

“I call on the resistance to continue pounding Jewish settlements and cities,” said Sheikh Abdelrahman al-Jamal at the funeral of a hardline Hamas political leader killed, together with his four wives and 11 children, in an Israeli air strike on his home.
“We will remain on the path of jihad until the end of days.”
The funeral was held outdoors because an earlier air raid had smashed the mosque where the service was due to take place. Israel said the building had been used to stockpile weapons.
Among the mounting Palestinian death toll today were three young brothers, aged between seven and 10, who were killed in one of the 30 or so strikes carried out by Israeli warplanes across the strip.
All along the border, Israeli tanks and troops have turned fields into makeshift camps from which to launch their offensive into Gaza. The Government has already mobilised more than 6,000 reserve troops and has given the green light to call up almost 3,000 more.
Artillery barrages were also being fired into the strip while aircraft dropped bombs on open ground that the army will need to cross, and where Hamas has placed mines and dug tunnels to allow its guerrillas to outflank the invaders.
Support for Operation Cast Lead is sky high in Israel, with polls showing that almost 85 per cent of the public backing the campaign.
There is also majority support for expanding it into a ground campaign, despite the dangers of high casualties in an urban battlefield against highly trained and motivated guerrillas waging war on their own turf. Almost 42 per cent of Israelis wanted the army to move in, while 39 percent favoured a continued air campaign.
Hamas has an estimated 15,000 fighters who have used the 18 months that they have controlled the strip to hone their skills and transform a militia into a small army. Hamas’s military wing has been waiting for a ground offensive to face the Israeli army in open combat, despite Israel’s vast military superiority.
The onslaught has provoked large anti-Israeli demonstrations around the world, with protest rallies held today in India, Indonesia, Turkey and Australia.
But Hamas’s call for a “day of wrath” in the Palestinian territories produced only a lukewarm response in the face of clampdowns by Israeli security forces.
Several thousand protesters marched through the West Bank city of Ramallah, while in East Jerusalem youths threw stones at Israeli security forces and some 50 women demonstrated outside the Friday prayers at al-Aqsa mosque.
The demonstrators directed their anger principally at their own Palestinian leaders, and heads of Arab countries whom they felt had not done enough to stop Israel’s seven-day incursion into Gaza.
“Abbas is with the Jews, not with the Arabs. If he really was supporting and working in favour of our Arab brother’s in Gaza, this wouldn’t have happened,” said Um-Mahr, a 66-year-old resident of East Jerusalem.
Akram Jwaeibis, 58, said Arab leaders today were afraid to do more than voice criticism of the Israeli government’s actions. “Most of them just talk. That is why we are waiting for Nasrallah. Or Haniyeh to do something more than talk.”
Diplomatic efforts to contain the crisis were growing after Israel’s surprise offensive in the days after Christmas caught the world off guard. “We are working toward a ceasefire that would not allow a re-establishment of the status quo ante where Hamas can continue to launch rockets out of Gaza,” said Condoleezza Rice, the outgoing US Secretary of State.
“It is obvious that that ceasefire should take place as soon as possible, but we need a ceasefire that is durable and sustainable,” she said.
A high-level European delegation is due in the region at the weekend, as were Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, and Tony Blair, the international community’s envoy to the Middle East.
It's out of control. I really hope Israel thinks twice about their actions.
Good grief, when will the madness ever end in this world :mello:
This is all so sad, so many innocent people being killed, families torn apart.
This is just mad.
Here's to hoping it all ends soon enough.

I'm so sick of war (as is everyone of course). You would think that it would be so simple as to just not do it but I guess there will always be people that are simply out of their minds. I mean if you are being attacked then I'm all for fighting back and defending yourself. But to just come out and want to do harm to people for reasons that don't make sense is terrible. Especially when people that have nothing to do with what is going on are killed.
We would like to think that, however war is profitable for some, so it will always be an alternative choice.
I mean if you are being attacked then I'm all for fighting back and defending yourself. But to just come out and want to do harm to people for reasons that don't make sense is terrible.
Well Israel says its strikes against Hamas are a response to near-daily Palestinian rocket and mortar fire against Israel.
My heart goes out to the true victims, the children. Our future depends on our children and yet we continue to destory their lives and hearts with violence and ignorance.
It will never stop. Stories like this aren't even Breaking News anymore, its just continuous. Both sides are awful.
Yeah.. seems like there's always a conflict in near east.. that's so sad :(
If they only would learn to live together.
Yeah.. seems like there's always a conflict in near east.. that's so sad :(
If they only would learn to live together.

The History of their religions and cultures are so vast and so contradictory to each other, that because of their proximity, this is something which will continue and continue. The fact that it is merely over land, (forgive my ignorance, as it is important to both sides) it makes the whole war even more pointless. I don't think there will ever be a community where the Jewish and Muslim community will ever see eye to eye.

This is coming from an atheist as well, I don't know much about any religion.
things will never change theres to many zelots on all sides that dont want peace. and nothing will change if theres no communication. you cant tell ppl to have democratic elections and then when someone gets in you dont like try everything to get rid of them and refuse to talk and use collective punishment which is illegal on the population to the point where they have to rely on un food aid etc to survive. and turning places into ghettos that they cant get out of. sitting down and talking will only end this and i doubt that will happen. how many thousands died in northen Ireland for what? in the end they all had to sit down and talk because violence was achieving nothing and became a vicious cycle. until those invovled in the middle east are prepared to put their egos to one side nothing will change. and until justice is seen to be done with Israel following UN resoloutions and not carrying out illegal acts such as collective punishment then nothing will change either.

its frankly shameful what is happening there and the gutless UN does nothing and the west gives a few token statements while innocents are dieing.theres no excuse for having jets drop bombs in highy populated civilan areas with the obvious feeling that civilan colleterall damage doesnt matter. i wonder what america would have said if the uk had dropped bombs onto the middle of catholic irish belfast in the 70's 80's taken out a few 100 civilians cause some houses were being used as safe houses by the IRA.the mind boggles that a legitimate goverment would even carry out such an act. let alone try to justify it.
I'm confused what does America have to do with the choices of the UN? The UN is made up of many nations.

Regardless, the whole thing is terrible - human beings will destroy themselves and in a few thousand years a smarter race will strive on what Earth we've left behind.
It really broke my heart when I´ve listened about the ground war!!! :eek:
How many people have to suffer ´til we find a way to live in peace together??? :(



This is not war, this is different than war. This is...

I know Michael is so sad too. And I know he will scream with a new song. Stop Israel !!! you're not fighting, you're just killing... This world never forget what you've done...

And I'm so sad; There is no UN... Nobody says anything. At this time, when I'm writing these, childrens are still dying...

520 people dead...
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I don't know which side to support. I don't agree with what the Palestinians have done, but this...this is not the answer. Violence never solves anything, and innocent people and children are being hurt as well.

Israel needs to stop the bombing.
Palestinians make home made bombs and israel answers with high tecknology war equipment and thousands of soliders. :smilerolleyes:
I just find it impossible that Israel is laying the blame on Hamas for the Israeli killing of women and children. Yes there are casualties of war which is sad and unfortunate... but if Israel keeps on this track, they will be held accountable @ the UN for war crimes against the innocent. Hamas can hide in civil territories all they want, but shelling a school full of children shows a blatant disregard for the lives of the Palestinian people. There have been plenty of wars (Russian for one) where another group would hide out in civilian areas - especially schools. Russia did NOT shell the school full of children! There is no justification for the purposeful killing of the children. I don't care if Hamas is shooting rockets off the top of the schools. You do not shell a school full of children. You evacuate them and then handle your business.

I'm a humanitarian first and foremost and with over 600 dead, 200 of which are children, Israel must be held accountable for their overreaction. Now I'm hearing that 1 Palestinian have been killed every hour since the invasion and Israel just dropped leaflets to Rafah residents in southern Gaza, near the Egypt border, warning them to leave their homes within a half hour. Over 20,000 are trying to flee before the bombs start dropping.

This must stop.
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its frankly shameful what is happening there and the gutless UN does nothing and the west gives a few token statements while innocents are dieing.theres no excuse for having jets drop bombs in highy populated civilan areas with the obvious feeling that civilan colleterall damage doesnt matter.

The UN isn't gutless.... it's toothless.
This is an organisation that relies on the nations it is made up of to be able to function effectively. The majority of 1st world countries are far behind in the debts owed to the UN (the US for example are looking at billions of unpaid UN fees). So when this organisation is so poorly supported by the "powers that be" it makes the process slow and the choices in battles smaller.

We all point fingers at the UN to go do their job and that they're not quick enough, but it was only in '99-00 that UN first had it's real crack at fullfilling the Nuremberg promise from '46 when they landed in East Timor to deal with militia and the violence.... that was when the era of human rights enforcement seemed to have dawned. The UN is still in it's teething stages

The sad honest truth is that it is just too expensive for a lot of nations to get involved in these conflicts.

As for your question Shannon in regards to what this has to do with the US? Well it probably doesn't have too much to do with the US this has been an ongoing issue in this region for many many years. However president bush does have strong ties with Israel, and the US does place itself in the position of leader of the freeworld as well lol.

I'm still very un-educated on this whole war and therefore haven't formed a full opinion as yet but I cannot ignore the deaths of innocents under false pretenses.
I really feel for the people of Gaza. They're completely innocent, and they're getting killed because some gutless terrorist organization angered the wrong people. I don't think Israel is doing the right thing, but I can see their point of view. Hamas needs to be wiped out, and unfortunately, they're taking innocent civilians with them.
Israel Faces Criticsm as Gaza toll hits 765

GAZA (Reuters) - Recovery teams ventured into battlegrounds of the Gaza Strip on Thursday to gather bodies from the rubble, and Hamas officials said the Palestinian toll in Israel's 13 day-old offensive rose to 765 dead.

Local ambulance crews and the Red Crescent, using a time slot coordinated with Israeli forces, said they collected rotting corpses in places that had been too risky to reach since Israeli forces began a ground attack six days ago.

They found four children starving beside the bodies of their mothers, dead many days, and evacuated scores of trapped and injured, the International Committee of the Red Cross said.

Israel lost 3 soldiers in fighting with Islamist militants who hold the Gaza Strip. Apart from a "friendly fire" incident which killed four, this was its heaviest one-day combat toll.

Ten soldiers have so far died in the campaign launched by Israel to crush Hamas forces and halt the firing of missiles from Gaza into Israel. Israel says it is doing what it can to avoid civilian casualties but accuses Hamas of deliberately placing its forces close to homes and Mosques.

At the United Nations, Western powers and Arab states reached an agreement in principle on a draft Security Council resolution that would call for an immediate ceasefire.

"In principle there is an agreement," Arab League envoy ambassador Yahya Mahmassani told reporters.

It was not clear if they would vote on the resolution later in the day or on Friday.

Rescue work in Gaza was becoming increasingly dangerous.

The U.N. Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which feeds half of Gaza's 1.5 million people, stopped work after a driver was killed by an Israeli tank. It had earlier said two drivers died.

Operations would be suspended until the Israeli army could guarantee security.

The Hamas ministry of health said 34 percent of the dead and 35 percent of over 3,000 injured were children. There was no independent confirmation of the figure.

"The danger to medical staff and the difficulty of extracting the injured from collapsed buildings makes proper evacuation and estimation of casualties difficult," the U.N. Humanitarian Coordinator's daily field report said.

"Civilians, notably children who form 56 percent of Gaza's population, are bearing the brunt of the violence. As one of the most densely populated places in the world, it is clear that many more civilians will be killed if the conflict continues."


Around 20 rockets hit Israel on Thursday, fewer than at the start of the war but not the total halt it wants so that "quiet will reign supreme," as Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said.

Rockets have killed three Israeli civilians since the offensive began. Olmert said Israel's goal had not been achieved and a decision on further military action lay ahead.

Aside from a 3-hour ceasefire which Israel ordered for the second day, to let Gaza civilians venture out, there was no let-up in fighting. Air strikes and ground attacks killed at least nine civilians and three gunmen, medical officials said.

The dead included two brothers aged six and 13, killed when an Israeli air strike missed a group of Islamic Jihad fighters.

A Ukrainian woman, who could have left, was killed in her home by a tank shell, along with her son. The father said his wife was sliced in two, his 18-month-old son only recognizable "by his teeth."

In Washington, the U.S. Senate adopted a bipartisan motion

"reaffirming Israel's inalienable right to defend against attacks from Gaza," said majority leader Harry Reid.

The United States would do the same if "rockets and mortars coming from Toronto in Canada" hit Buffalo, New York, he said.


Israel says it accepts the "principles" of a ceasefire proposal by Egypt and the European Union, and Washington has urged the Jewish state to study details of the plan.

Hamas, shunned by the West for espousing violence, said it was still considering the ideas. But the militants say they will never accept Israel, whose establishment in war 60 years ago dispossessed and uprooted Palestinian people.

European governments offered to back the plan with an EU border force to stop Hamas rearming via tunnels from Egypt. The deal would also address Palestinian calls for an end to Israel's economic blockade of the Gaza Strip.

Relations between Israel and the Vatican, never easy, chilled further over Gaza. The Jewish state condemned an aide to Pope Benedict for calling Gaza "a big concentration camp," the Vatican's toughest criticism of Israel since its offensive.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said Israel was astounded at "the vocabulary of Hamas propaganda, coming from a member of the College of Cardinals."

The ICRC accused Israel of violating the rules of war by delaying ambulance access to the house where its team found children huddled beside corpses, 80 meters (yards) from the Israeli army.

The Red Cross said the army must have known of the situation but did not help the wounded, in violation of international law.

Israeli nerves were rattled in the morning when a rocket from southern Lebanon hit an old people's home in Nahariya, raising fears that Hezbollah fighters were opening a second front to relieve pressure on Gaza.

Israel fought a 34-day war with Shi'ite Hezbollah guerrillas in 2006 and is no hurry to engage them now. It responded with a few artillery rounds and played down the rocket attack.
As this goes on, I can't help but despise Israel and their cowardly actions. Why are you killing hundreds of innocent people for what a few (Hamas) have done? Absolutely ridiculous.

Even Orthodox Jews in New York are protesting. What's wrong is wrong and there's no excuse for what they've done. My heart goes out to the Palestinians.
i am SO SORRY for Gaza *angry*

today i heard that Gaza has rejected blood sent from Iran. :bugeyed

guess why? :doh:

Because iranian are Muslim Shi'te (hoever it is spelled) and they are muslim Suni :angry: :ranting :rant:

WHAT THE HELL:tickingtimebomb. BLOOD is blood, it doean't change personality of people or their religeon.
how close-minded and ignorant they can be, people are in desperete need of blood, but to them their religeon and their beliefs is more important than human's life.

im so sorry for them.
Palestinian death toll climbs to at least 1055, with 400+ children dead.

this isn't beneath Israel to do, but for the whole world to just sit and watch is the true crime here.

why is Palestinian blood so cheap?

and people wonder why we have a generation of irrational suicide bombers, extremists and terrorists. and we'll witness yet another generation of radicals being born out of seeing their mothers, friends, siblings, fathers being blown away merely in the name of politics.
I hope Isreal experience an Earthquake.

It's the only thing that would stop them IMO :)