Isnt now the right time , for new music ???

With all the leaks, especially Hold my hand, why are we acting so surprised that no-one knows whats happening?
Mike will probably be super paranoid about leaked releases at the moment, hence not the slightest hint of a release. Wouldn't be surprised if the Radio stations don't know till it lands on their doorstep!
No now isnt the right time for new music.
He is working on 50 DATES for god sakes,give the man a break.
Ive said this before and I will say it again,some fans are so selfish and they always want more and are NEVER satisfied with what Michael gives them.
They say they want some concerts,they get 50 and that still isnt enough they still want more.
Stop thinking of yourselves people and think of Michael.
Be greatfull for what your getting and stop demanding for more.
No now isnt the right time for new music.
He is working on 50 DATES for god sakes,give the man a break.
Ive said this before and I will say it again,some fans are so selfish and they always want more and are NEVER satisfied with what Michael gives them.
They say they want some concerts,they get 50 and that still isnt enough they still want more.
Stop thinking of yourselves people and think of Michael.
Be greatfull for what your getting and stop demanding for more.

LOL, calm down neverland.
With all due respect, since the trial, MJ's had a four-year break and new music is long overdue. I know, I know, Michael is a full time dad with a responsibility to his children, but he's also a musician with MILLIONS of fans worldwide. The only way he can be properly heard by them all is through new music. The London concerts will only cater to 1 million lucky fans. I'm one of the millions who won't be able travel to London for his concerts, so the next best thing for me is brand new music.
I really don't think fans wanting new material are being "selfish" at this point, because we've been patient for almost 8 years. Remember, Jackson hasn't released anything since October of 2001. I don't know about you, but in the music biz, that's an eternity.
Yes, we should all be grateful that MJ is healthy and ready to get back on stage, but he also announced plans for a new album back in 2006. I don't think spending millions (trust me, he has) on studio time with some of the hottest producers around is gonna go down the toilet.
So yes, now is the right time for new music. If not now, when?

These two quotes indicates to me there MUST be new music on the way..

"I am now in the studio developing new and exciting projects that I look forward to sharing with my fans in concert soon."

And the latest..

"It is now i see and feel that calling once again, to be part of a music that will not just connect but make all feel one, one in join, one in pain, one in love, one in service and in consciousness."
LOL, calm down neverland.
With all due respect, since the trial, MJ's had a four-year break and new music is long overdue. ... but he's also a musician with MILLIONS of fans worldwide. The only way he can be properly heard by them all is through new music.
I really don't think fans wanting new material are being "selfish" at this point, because we've been patient for almost 8 years. Remember, Jackson hasn't released anything since October of 2001. I don't know about you, but in the music biz, that's an eternity.
Yes, we should all be grateful that MJ is healthy and ready to get back on stage, but he also announced plans for a new album back in 2006. I don't think spending millions (trust me, he has) on studio time with some of the hottest producers around is gonna go down the toilet.
So yes, now is the right time for new music. If not now, when?

Several points well made!
Sure, he's got a lot of work on at the moment, but if this was all well planned, he should have finished the music before the announcement and made plans for album/singles releases already.It really would be crazy not to release anything new during this concert run, even if it is a UK only release to coincide with the concerts.

BUT the way things are going it looks as though he hasn't got any plans to release new music soon (I think we'd have more solid information/rumours by now). If nothing's complete now, he won't have time to do it until the concerts are over. In fact, if this concert series is extended to other countries, potentially for up to 2 years, then we may not hear any new music until 2011/2012 at the earliest. That would be terrible and show a real lack of foresight/planning/common sense.
There was mention a while ago that the album was shelved because nobody took much interest in 'Hold My Hand', which was purposefully leaked to guage public interest in new MJ music. If that's true then it is a shame that Mike didn't realise how popular he could still be. Mike wants nothing short of domination in the chart and that's not realistic these days. He should just release an album, promote it properly and be happy with whatever happens. Nobody expects Madonna, Prince, or Elton John to sell mega-millions of copies anymore, so why should Mike? Releasing something toward the beginning of this concert series is the best time IMO. He can promote the album while promoting the concerts via interviews or competitions in papers, websites, or magazines. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone!
Several points well made!
Sure, he's got a lot of work on at the moment, but if this was all well planned, he should have finished the music before the announcement and made plans for album/singles releases already.It really would be crazy not to release anything new during this concert run, even if it is a UK only release to coincide with the concerts.

BUT the way things are going it looks as though he hasn't got any plans to release new music soon (I think we'd have more solid information/rumours by now). If nothing's complete now, he won't have time to do it until the concerts are over. In fact, if this concert series is extended to other countries, potentially for up to 2 years, then we may not hear any new music until 2011/2012 at the earliest. That would be terrible and show a real lack of foresight/planning/common sense.
There was mention a while ago that the album was shelved because nobody took much interest in 'Hold My Hand', which was purposefully leaked to guage public interest in new MJ music. If that's true then it is a shame that Mike didn't realise how popular he could still be. Mike wants nothing short of domination in the chart and that's not realistic these days. He should just release an album, promote it properly and be happy with whatever happens. Nobody expects Madonna, Prince, or Elton John to sell mega-millions of copies anymore, so why should Mike? Releasing something toward the beginning of this concert series is the best time IMO. He can promote the album while promoting the concerts via interviews or competitions in papers, websites, or magazines. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone!

I'm still holding out hope that we'll get some new music this year. It would seem like a total lose if Michael toured London (and possibly the world) performing the same old stuff we've already seen, with a few new dance moves.
Sorry, but seeing him perform Billie Jean for the umpteenth time just isn't appealing to me. Break out some new hits please!
