............. Is what I need

To get back to work is what I need. Workin' workin' workin' day and night. :)
^^ I know the feeling.............:mello:

To get home to my family, have a lot of fun, relax, write christmas cards, read a good book, and eat a lot of gooood food is what I need:D
if you lived in the neighboorhood i d give you a massage lol
i use to be goioid in taking oter pplse pain away (only i usually ended up getting it myself like chaneling havent done it for a few yrs though)
i need a big hug and somwones strong arms around me for a while:(
yes thats a wopnderfyll techique to use too
ther are quit a few though
there is also a kind of yoga massage that makes it possible to stimulate so called pain/pleasure cells in your brain so the pain appears to be less intens not that i tried but i just read a book on massage techniques i want to see if there is one you can use o yourself when in pain
so you havent tried it either?
it only worksd if you have not used porhpine painkillers in the last five yrs cause then it takes ab out five yrs for your matural paincells to work again
this means you re pretty much in pain all the time and if you get a flu or so normall pills like aspirin dont work at all
(i never tasted alcohOl or hasj in my live but i know QUIT all about those other things i suppose but then again i also worked on the street as a voluntair a while
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wow you are so lucky then i hope it works for me one day
so are you feeling better yet?
where do you live also USA like most of the members here???
To get everything I need to do DONE, is what I need.....

( I hope your back pain goes away, Poe.I had a serious back pain two years ago, and still feel it some times if I am not treating myself well......making shore not to sit for hours in fron of the computer, make shore I exercise etc... and emotional stress seem to affect it as well? I will send my prayers as well.........:))
My back is aching but it shall mend :) I try not to sit
up too long and I have back exercises the doctor gave
me to do so it should be alright soon? I hope but ty for caring
HUG thats very sweet of you.
to go up on a mountain top and scream out all
my frustrations is what I need maybe Ill feel
much better then? maybe not?

wanna know a secret i did that once in the forest here and yes it makes you feel better (only for a short wehile though)
i wouldnt mind to shar the mountain with you lol
dont worry poe i m sure things will improve for you
a ht yakoozi (dont know how to write that in english here they call it bubble bath lol)
and a good book to go with and and more bubbles lol :lol: