............. Is what I need

For this load of washing to finish so I can go bed is what I need :yawn:
^^^you need something to inspire you. I get like that sometimes and it's frustrating:(

for this semester to be over and graduation to happen already is what I need....
to get one of the kitty's in my signature is what I need:wub:
to win the lottery is what I need:wild::wild::wild::lol:
I will play them right after work and if you see someone who won named S~~~~ forget about it...it's all mine:lol::lol:

ok you wait and see:lol:

I may consider giving you a small cut:lol:
lol.....if that doesn't make us all want to go out and buy lottery tickets I don't know what would. *writes down numbers*
Let's do it!! Then when we win we can use it for a trip to go have fun for REAL somewhere...whoever wins buys the tickets??
Ok deal :D

Look whatcha done Poe turnt us all into right gamblers :lol:

P.S I like the "and when we win" thats the spirit :giggle:
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