............. Is what I need

What I need is my left ear to be healed

*lays warm, clean, spirit-filled hand on queen g's left ear*

its healing, healing, healing more and more

left ear is getting better better better ...


better lamps is what i need..
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*lays warm, clean, spirit-filled hand on queen g's left ear*

its healing, healing, healing more and more

left ear is getting better better better ...



Aw, thank you so much, SoS! I like the way you included the word, "clean." :lol: I'll take a prayer with a spirit-filled hand anyday!
Aw, thank you so much, SoS! I like the way you included the word, "clean." :lol: I'll take a prayer with a spirit-filled hand anyday!
yw :hug: queen g

yes since we're not face to face I figured it will help your healing to envision I've warshed muh hands :lol: just so you know you're not being healed with unclean hands

hope you're feeling much better! :flowers:
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