............. Is what I need

To calm down & to get that friggin' song out of me 'ed..........................................................................
.................is what I need!
^ I will never say :p :lol:

. .... ... .. .... .. .... . .... ... is what I need :(

Ok enough of that :lol:
^ I am right :yes: lol

A very long holiday is something I REALLY need.
I need to shut down my brain,so i stop thinking...Does anyone knows how to do that?

I need holidays as soon as possible,(but the way i'm seeing it,it will not be for now).

I need a lot more God's strengh cause i'm at the limit of my strenghs

I need,(i miss)The love of my life so much!!!!

I need,(i miss) Michael so!
You're quite Welcome.... Shrek said as long as its nowhere near is Bog. (e's extra Cranky today)

I need a manicure....my nails are peeling Hot Pink LOL If you just look at my ands, you'd think Im six!
I need many things most of which im not sharing with anyone so.... :pth: