Is this the new direction for Michael Jacksons Image?


Final Fantasy movies, is that proper comparison to you? and that was 10 years ago. i think you didn't get my point.


3d scan of Micharel face. yes it is possible.

Final Fantasy movies, is that proper comparison to you? and that was 10 years ago. i think you didn't get my point.


3d scan of Micharel face. yes it is possible.

Hell even if they don't have the data for those scans, they got plenty of Life Casts hanging around MJ used for his short films etc, they could scan one of those
I'm not dissing anyone here, however it should be said we will never see a perfect Michael Jackson release because he will never be able release it himself. I think that the overall package is great I have the Original version (I wont say demos because at least half are fully recorded songs), I have the new mixes and I like the presentation of the deluxe edition.

The Hologram was okay, yeah but people loved I think the likeness was good for what it was, if it was a music video I might think differently.

By the way I really liked the new mix of Slave to the Rhythm they used hope that's a single version or extended version to be released sooner or later.

in the end Michael Jackson voice is why we all love his music, But we have the demos if we don't like the new mixes. Birchey I think you are a great fan we all LOVE MJ and lets just celebrate XSCAPE for the things we do like and for MJ.

L.O.V.E. MJ (fan for 32 Years)
Some have "acceptance", some are genuinely happy. Just because you aren't you should not try to project your own feelings onto the whole fan base and try to talk in their name saying things like "everyone is pissed off". It's simply not true.
It is just my opinion based on GENERAL and majority fan reactions over the internet (including on this board). That is not a hidden fact.
The other fans with so called "positive attitude" upon everything and no matter what... with due all respect... are not for me to study.
I am not trying to change opinions here or else. In fact I am agree to disagree. Everyone is free to have their opinion based on everything they want.

I think the Estate should have people on board who care about Michael's artistic legacy and integrity, other than the business aspects.

On the other hand you cannot expect them to ignore economic realities, that's just unreasonable.
It seems like they have the wrong guys.
With MICHAEL JACKSON brand behind... everything should easy as a bussines. There is NO risk in that matter.
The creative part is the one they must strongly invest in.. and with outstanding results comes the fortune too.
Producers from the 10's
There were songs from the 00's
A CGI Michael from the 90's
Sounds of the 80s mixed with......
Sounds of the 70s
Skipped the 60s
An Illusion from the 50s...................1650s that is, Peppers Ghost was first used in 1658 xD

Contemporize :D
I'd actually be more than okay with them dumping all those unreleased songs on boxsets and compilations, as they were left. No more with remixes. It's a nice concept, but I want to hear the songs as Michael left them.

Of course, if they want to create a bunch of remixed albums, combined with a disc of the demos (like they did for Xscape), I'd be okay with that, too.

The mess that was 'Michael' never should have happened. I'd be fine with them tagging a few new songs on that album, and removing the Cascio tracks, if they admit finally that it was a fake.
It is just my opinion based on GENERAL and majority fan reactions over the internet (including on this board). That is not a hidden fact.
The other fans with so called "positive attitude" upon everything and no matter what... with due all respect... are not for me to study.
I am not trying to change opinions here or else. In fact I am agree to disagree. Everyone is free to have their opinion based on everything they want.

Fact is that NOT "everyone is pissed off" like you claimed. You can dismiss fans who are happy with the project saying they are happy with everything but that reasoning is not any better than when it comes from the other side that those who are not happy are the ones who are always whining anyway.

It seems like they have the wrong guys.
With MICHAEL JACKSON brand behind... everything should easy as a bussines. There is NO risk in that matter.
The creative part is the one they must strongly invest in.. and with outstanding results comes the fortune too.

It's easy to write these things. It's not easy in practice. But OK, let's hear it from you. What would you do that would surely generate lots of money for the Estate AND would not compromise MJ artistically in any way?
I am sure you understand well what I ment by "everyone is pissed off". There is no need to split the words... especialy after I explained.
As for the "happy" fans... I've meet alot of them believeing that is alive, believeing that he sung Cascio songs, excited by the Vision release in a Full HD era (not mention 4K), happy with the Live Disk from Bad25 where everyone (again, in general) use to play an audio RIP from DVD instead.... people happy for no reason that support things not quality related.
Just not my cup of tea!

Still generaly speaking... You loved the billboard performance? I'am starting to believe that you deserve it as long as you support it.
See what I mean?

What would I do?
Just the opposide Estate is doing!
Invest in technology, show the world that Michael Jackson even is is not here anymore.... can still revolutionizing the industry and stuff...
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Look in all honesty, just post a valid opinion or don't post at all, all you are doing is spamming the thread with popshots, you been here what 11 days and acting like a brat, not the way to get people to take you seriously. Want to act like a child, be treated like one.

I accept that my first comment to you was a potshot for than I apologise. However, it was done out if frustration, I followed the thread on last nights performance and during the period I was following it you posted many negative posts effectively sucking any enjoyment many of us are having with the whole Xscape project. I love the album and found the performance interesting but not perfect. This forum is supposed to be built on respecting people's opinion however, many of the hardcore fans on this forum dismiss us who have listen and bought MJ's music for over 35 years but have only posted 31 times or who are only really are interested in the music or not hardcore
as not really having a valid opinion, or will except anything that is released by Estate. That's not true I know what I like and don't like ( I didn't like the Michael album). Many posts today have belittled the more casual fan

My post major post was about how I felt that it felt like a cohesive album and not just a remix album. I said I preferred the new versions and was accused of baiting hardcore fans when all I did was have a different opinion to them.

I have used this forum to find information about the release, now I've got it and am enjoying time to go
I accept that my first comment to you was a potshot for than I apologise. However, it was done out if frustration, I followed the thread on last nights performance and during the period I was following it you posted many negative posts effectively sucking any enjoyment many of us are having with the whole Xscape project. I love the album and found the performance interesting but not perfect. This forum is supposed to be built on respecting people's opinion however, many of the hardcore fans on this forum dismiss us who have listen and bought MJ's music for over 35 years but have only posted 31 times or who are only really are interested in the music or not hardcore
as not really having a valid opinion, or will except anything that is released by Estate. That's not true I know what I like and don't like ( I didn't like the Michael album). Many posts today have belittled the more casual fan

My post major post was about how I felt that it felt like a cohesive album and not just a remix album. I said I preferred the new versions and was accused of baiting hardcore fans when all I did was have a different opinion to them.

I have used this forum to find information about the release, now I've got it and am enjoying time to go

Its the flip side for people who feel they can't support whats being done with MJ's image/music we are seen as "always negative" and "not supportive enough" if either side yielded we would be lieing to outselves. Most of us supported MJ our entire lives, thats when it counted, we got accustomed to his ways, his standards probably way way too much. But Xscape is not what Michael would have done, probably far from it from hearing from friends the work he was doing in late 2008/2009, its great album for todays mainstream audience and thats great, its doing amazing, but for some Michael's becoming a "Gimmick" and this is what this thread is about, some feel LA Reid doesn't care, he is watering Michael down, hell he even suggested the Bieber duet. All these little points which there is a flipside to the argument.

I was pumped up as hell for last night, I fixed up a live stream and chatbox for everyone, but as soon as it finished everyone was like WTF, some people rewatched and liked it, but it was a shock, much like hearing Breaking News for the first time. For alot of people who really study Michael it was a shock, I didn't feel any MJ at all, for me at the time it was like a bad impersonator, wearing random clothes with a badly rendered CGI face that looked a decade old. I wasn't the only one who felt that way. but this is a discussion board both sides of the argument are going to hit the same threads, incase you create a seperate ones (Like the lets celebrate one) and the reason I created this one so stuff wouldn't clog up other threads.
Its the flip side for people who feel they can't support whats being done with MJ's image/music we are seen as "always negative" and "not supportive enough" if either side yielded we would be lieing to outselves. Most of us supported MJ our entire lives, thats when it counted, we got accustomed to his ways, his standards probably way way too much. But Xscape is not what Michael would have done, probably far from it from hearing from friends the work he was doing in late 2008/2009, its great album for todays mainstream audience and thats great, its doing amazing, but for some Michael's becoming a "Gimmick" and this is what this thread is about, some feel LA Reid doesn't care, he is watering Michael down, hell he even suggested the Bieber duet. All these little points which there is a flipside to the argument.

I was pumped up as hell for last night, I fixed up a live stream and chatbox for everyone, but as soon as it finished everyone was like WTF, some people rewatched and liked it, but it was a shock, much like hearing Breaking News for the first time. For alot of people who really study Michael it was a shock, I didn't feel any MJ at all, for me at the time it was like a bad impersonator, wearing random clothes with a badly rendered CGI face that looked a decade old. I wasn't the only one who felt that way. but this is a discussion board both sides of the argument are going to hit the same threads, incase you create a seperate ones (Like the lets celebrate one) and the reason I created this one so stuff wouldn't clog up other threads.

Fair comment. Peace and goodwill
Its the flip side for people who feel they can't support whats being done with MJ's image/music we are seen as "always negative" and "not supportive enough" if either side yielded we would be lieing to outselves. Most of us supported MJ our entire lives, thats when it counted, we got accustomed to his ways, his standards probably way way too much. But Xscape is not what Michael would have done, probably far from it from hearing from friends the work he was doing in late 2008/2009, its great album for todays mainstream audience and thats great, its doing amazing, but for some Michael's becoming a "Gimmick" and this is what this thread is about, some feel LA Reid doesn't care, he is watering Michael down, hell he even suggested the Bieber duet. All these little points which there is a flipside to the argument.

I was pumped up as hell for last night, I fixed up a live stream and chatbox for everyone, but as soon as it finished everyone was like WTF, some people rewatched and liked it, but it was a shock, much like hearing Breaking News for the first time. For alot of people who really study Michael it was a shock, I didn't feel any MJ at all, for me at the time it was like a bad impersonator, wearing random clothes with a badly rendered CGI face that looked a decade old. I wasn't the only one who felt that way. but this is a discussion board both sides of the argument are going to hit the same threads, incase you create a seperate ones (Like the lets celebrate one) and the reason I created this one so stuff wouldn't clog up other threads.

I'm not trying to spam or anything I'm just interested, as someone who doesn't take music that seriously and clearly isn't as into the man as you. Can you not enjoy the album for what it is and that shows off at times his song writing but more importantly his voice. To someone who, as I've said does not look to deep at music, his voice is the high point of the album. It might not be the album he would do now but it's just a great fun listen to me. As I said I'm not spamming I'm trying understand you real fan, I don't know maybe that's the difference to me it's just music
I'm not trying to spam or anything I'm just interested, as someone who doesn't take music that seriously and clearly isn't as into the man as you. Can you not enjoy the album for what it is and that shows off at times his song writing but more importantly his voice. To someone who, as I've said does not look to deep at music, his voice is the high point of the album. It might not be the album he would do now but it's just a great fun listen to me. As I said I'm not spamming I'm trying understand you real fan, I don't know maybe that's the difference to me it's just music

I can enjoy it, theres a couple of tracks which I think sound good for what they are but the problem for alot of fans is, we had already heard the vocal tracks on demos of some form for 6 of these 8 songs some years before it was released, they are so familiar to us. This is my method of thinking when it comes to this stuff, and its one of the ways I determine in my own head (as everyone has there opinion of what should be done) whether it is right to remove all of Michael's music and start from scratch, I know these demo are not instant classics but imagine removing everything from Billie Jean, the demos might not be as good as but the process behind them was still the same. Michael came up with or "snatched out of the air" riffs, chords, melodies and especially coming into the early 90's Michael wouldn't commit to a vocal track before the song was ready for the next level. L.A Reid said himself these songs (minus LNFSG obviously) Michael sung them not just once, but multiple times, he was that confident and that into the songs he was singing too.

This is where L,A Reid shows he knows next to nothing, and shows he cares very little for what Michael wanted even though they shoved down our next "this is the album we think Michael would have wanted" Michael liked those compositions (yeah the instrumentation was rough) to commit to them, now to take away everything that got him to the stage of actually singing them defeats the point of making an Album Michael would of wanted or liked.

If you need to complete Michael's work, use his building blocks, get people involved who were present, the producers, musicians and anyone else involved who is still here and willing. dig out every tape listen to it, study it. Finish the song.
That's where I disagree with you Birchey. The songs can only be finished by one man and he is not here anymore. I really don't care what they do with the "contemporized" versions. They aren't the finished songs. They are remixes. They aren't really Michael. It's just his voice. I'm interested in the original versions as Michael left them (and all the stages before). That is where the real Michael is. I agree there needs to be some balance between the chart chasing and respecting and uplifting the artist. Xscape comes very close to that. It's just the talking down of Michael's original demo's to uplift the new remixes which leaves a bit of a sour taste. I don't think every release can be like Xscape. I'm glad it's been a success. Now comes the balancing act of showing everyone Michael's true artistry. That he wasn't just a song and dance man. There is room for both.
I still want legitimate answers as to why they removed certain instruments on the Blue Gangsta "Demo" and why they marketed the demos as " the last versions Michael worked on".
I still want legitimate answers as to why they removed certain instruments on the Blue Gangsta "Demo" and why they marketed the demos as " the last versions Michael worked on".

That Blue Gangsta "Demo" which you are calling a "Demo" is not really a demo. Just like Much Too Soon, Do You Know Where Your Children Are and Monster (without 50 Cent) - they all leaked together - those versions are not the "Demos" or Original Versions! Those are 2010 Work In Progress for MICHAEL album versions! So they didn't take anything out of the original version. And the released versions may not be the last versions MJ worked on but they are all versions that MJ worked on and not John McClain or someone else in 2010.
That Blue Gangsta "Demo" which you are calling a "Demo" is not really a demo. Just like Much Too Soon, Do You Know Where Your Children Are and Monster (without 50 Cent) - they all leaked together - those versions are not the "Demos" or Original Versions! Those are 2010 Work In Progress for MICHAEL album versions! So they didn't take anything out of the original version. And the released versions may not be the last versions MJ worked on but they are all versions that MJ worked on and not John McClain or someone else in 2010.

You can clearly hear that they removed/muted instruments on the "Original" on Xscape. Freeze himself said that he wanted to do a modern day Smooth Criminal [with the western flute right before the chorus}. Even if that was the Original Demo on Xscape that Western flute would still be there.

Don't tell me you believe Michael sang the whole song from top to bottom, Verses, Choruses, Bridge, with harmonies together with Dr Freeze to a simple drum track with a bass? Comeon.

From 2007
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I am sure you understand well what I ment by "everyone is pissed off". There is no need to split the words... especialy after I explained.
As for the "happy" fans... I've meet alot of them believeing that is alive, believeing that he sung Cascio songs, excited by the Vision release in a Full HD era (not mention 4K), happy with the Live Disk from Bad25 where everyone (again, in general) use to play an audio RIP from DVD instead.... people happy for no reason that support things not quality related.
Just not my cup of tea!

Still generaly speaking... You loved the billboard performance? I'am starting to believe that you deserve it as long as you support it.
See what I mean?

What would I do?
Just the opposide Estate is doing!
Invest in technology, show the world that Michael Jackson even is is not here anymore.... can still revolutionizing the industry and stuff...

How easy it is to write something like this on a message board! But these are general terms. I too can write: "Oh I would do things which revolutionize the industry." With that you said nothing at all.

I would like to hear ideas which aren't just in general terms like that. Ideas which do NOT compromise MJ artistically in any way but are also profitable from a business POV and are sure success with the general public. What would you do with MJ's legacy?

I'd love it if MJ had such a huge and dedicated hard core fan base as the Beatles to whom they can sell albums purely with demos and different outtakes over and over again - and so albums like Anthology can be big sellers. Unfortunately MJ does not seem to have that kind of big and strong hard core fan base to be able to sustain such projects, so I think with him some kind of compromise needs to be done to do well on the charts. See how Bad 25 did... (Yes, it's a pity and I wish just his demos would sell like hot cakes, like in the Beatles' case, but unfortunately that's not the case with MJ.)

Though I agree that there have to be projects which aim at building that artistic respect towards him - and then on the long term it may be achieved that MJ demos become popular like Beatles demos are. I used to submit an idea about one such project to the Estate a couple of months ago:
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Absolutely agreed with you Birchey. In fact I think I've stayed pretty much exactly what you said on other MJ boards. I'm currently worried about the direction of Michael's brand/image release quality in the future. A duets album in particular would be absolute trash though the popularity of the faux MJ/JT duet has me worried.
Its the flip side for people who feel they can't support whats being done with MJ's image/music we are seen as "always negative" and "not supportive enough" if either side yielded we would be lieing to outselves. Most of us supported MJ our entire lives, thats when it counted, we got accustomed to his ways, his standards probably way way too much. But Xscape is not what Michael would have done, probably far from it from hearing from friends the work he was doing in late 2008/2009, its great album for todays mainstream audience and thats great, its doing amazing, but for some Michael's becoming a "Gimmick" and this is what this thread is about, some feel LA Reid doesn't care, he is watering Michael down, hell he even suggested the Bieber duet. All these little points which there is a flipside to the argument.

I totally agree with the BOLD lines here. :agree:
I think, that's the main reason why some or even a lot are "on the fence" about this whole Xscape venture.
I'm 'torn' too to 'adapt' cause the world just keeps turning and whatever we feel about Michael ' the person' :sigh: it can't compete with how he's treated as an 'artist' these days. :blush:

Indeed, Michael is a tough act to follow or now even to copy and keep 'fresh and alive' as we all want, hey? :blush:
How easy it is to write something like this on a message board! But these are general terms. I too can write: "Oh I would do things which revolutionize the industry." With that you said nothing at all.

I would like to hear ideas which aren't just in general terms like that. Ideas which do NOT compromise MJ artistically in any way but are also profitable from a business POV and are sure success with the general public. What would you do with MJ's legacy?

I'd love it if MJ had such a huge and dedicated hard core fan base as the Beatles to whom they can sell albums purely with demos and different outtakes over and over again - and so albums like Anthology can be big sellers. Unfortunately MJ does not seem to have that kind of big and strong hard core fan base to be able to sustain such projects, so I think with him some kind of compromise needs to be done to do well on the charts. See how Bad 25 did... (Yes, it's a pity and I wish just his demos would sell like hot cakes, like in the Beatles' case, but unfortunately that's not the case with MJ.)

Though I agree that there have to be projects which aim at building that artistic respect towards him - and then on the long term it may be achieved that MJ demos become popular like Beatles demos are. I used to submit an idea about one such project to the Estate a couple of months ago:

The Beatles don't really release demo's and outtakes though. Other than the Anthology series which was 20 years ago. There is rarely anything released by the Beatles period, simply because they weren't all that prolific. That's why whenever there is a new release it gets a lot of attention. It really has nothing to do with a hardcore fan base. There are artists that have had demo's and outtakes released to the public that have done well. Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Elvis Presley among others. They've done well, but haven't topped the charts. They are aimed at hardcore music enthusiasts. Not soccer Mom's. They do well because the artists or their estates have been able to build a level of artistic respect to the point where the material is seen as important by real music enthusiasts. There is no reason Michael shouldn't have that respect, but right now it seems most of the respect goes to people like Quincy Jones. THAT is what needs to be changed.

There are also collectors labels like Elvis' FTD label which sells releases in limited qualities to Elvis' hardcore fan base. At this point those are the only releases that sustains that fan base and that they heavily anticipate. The general public releases are strategic and few and far between, but there are around 8 FTD's released a year! Now I know that Michael's hardcore fan base is at least as big as Elvis'. Something can be done there.
The Album
Absolutely agree with what you said. I've listened and re-listened and listened it again and again and I just don't feel Michael on it. The only tracks I feel were in his style are Place Without A Name and Xscape. The rest sound like leftovers, which they are. I can't stand Timbaland, nor LA Reid so my opinion is somewhat biased. Timbaland never liked Michael nor was his fan. And all you can hear on the commentaries is how great Timbaland and LA are.

The Demo's
As I said, I only like those two songs, both demo versions. The remixes are terrible.

The Cover and Artwork
The cover is something you'd see a 90's techno-pop band choosing for their album.

The Hologram
The hologram was OK. Obviously not the best, and the song choice was weak but if it makes the general public happy...
Frank Zappa has 40 posthumous albums, but the difference between Michael and Frank is that nobody changed anything.

I think, if they want to please the fans, they need to release the songs, as they are.
The Beatles don't really release demo's and outtakes though. Other than the Anthology series which was 20 years ago. There is rarely anything released by the Beatles period, simply because they weren't all that prolific. That's why whenever there is a new release it gets a lot of attention. It really has nothing to do with a hardcore fan base. There are artists that have had demo's and outtakes released to the public that have done well. Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Elvis Presley among others. They've done well, but haven't topped the charts. They are aimed at hardcore music enthusiasts. Not soccer Mom's. They do well because the artists or their estates have been able to build a level of artistic respect to the point where the material is seen as important by real music enthusiasts. There is no reason Michael shouldn't have that respect, but right now it seems most of the respect goes to people like Quincy Jones. THAT is what needs to be changed.

There are also collectors labels like Elvis' FTD label which sells releases in limited qualities to Elvis' hardcore fan base. At this point those are the only releases that sustains that fan base and that they heavily anticipate. The general public releases are strategic and few and far between, but there are around 8 FTD's released a year! Now I know that Michael's hardcore fan base is at least as big as Elvis'. Something can be done there.

Idk, but based on this there seems to be a lot of Beatles releases:
But it's true that most fly under the radar and are not commercial blockbusters, so maybe it's wrong to say that people buy Beatles demos and outtakes. I guess I was just under that impression because of Anthology which was very successful, but like you said that was 20 years ago.

They do well because the artists or their estates have been able to build a level of artistic respect to the point where the material is seen as important by real music enthusiasts. There is no reason Michael shouldn't have that respect, but right now it seems most of the respect goes to people like Quincy Jones. THAT is what needs to be changed.

And yes, this is a point I certainly agree with and have been advocating for a long time. I do not mind projects which are aimed at commercial success (like Xscape) but I think they should alternate with projects which are aimed at building that artistic respect for Michael (and that's also a long time investment in building his brand). Documentaries (more serious and in-depth ones than Bad 25), books (with a serious discussion of his art) and also albums which represent that serious angle.
Frank Zappa has 40 posthumous albums, but the difference between Michael and Frank is that nobody changed anything.

I think, if they want to please the fans, they need to release the songs, as they are.

They did release the demos on Xscape.

Thing is with Frank Zappa that he's never been a popular artist. I'm sure his fan base is happy with those releases but they are not commercially successful. Now, would Michael's fans really be content with something like that? Then there would be a lot of complaining about the lack of commercial success, I'm sure of that. About how the world is forgetting him, the Estate doesn't do anything that would put him in the spotlight etc. Just like a lot of fans were disappointed with the poor sales of Bad 25. Obviously there are a lot of different attitudes in the fan base - for some commercial success is important, for some it isn't (and let's not forget that it was important to Michael, unlike to Frank Zappa) and I don't think it's easy for the Estate to cater to everyone.
They did release the demos on Xscape.

Thing is with Frank Zappa that he's never been a popular artist. I'm sure his fan base is happy with those releases but they are not commercially successful. Now, would Michael's fans really be content with something like that? Then there would be a lot of complaining about the lack of commercial success, I'm sure of that. About how the world is forgetting him, the Estate doesn't do anything that would put him in the spotlight etc. Just like a lot of fans were disappointed with the poor sales of Bad 25. Obviously there are a lot of different attitudes in the fan base - for some commercial success is important, for some it isn't (and let's not forget that it was important to Michael, unlike to Frank Zappa) and I don't think it's easy for the Estate to cater to everyone.

There are more Zappa fans than you realize.

Not denying that he's not as popular as Michael Jackson, but when John Lennon died, they released demos, as is.
ShipOfFools;4010014 said:
Frank Zappa has 40 posthumous albums, but the difference between Michael and Frank is that nobody changed anything.

I think, if they want to please the fans, they need to release the songs, as they are.

Then some fans would say that they are lazy.

I don’t understand why those mixes bothers anyone. They are something extra to have, why not?