Is "This Is It" a popcorn movie?

I hate popcorn and I bought some! I ate it because it reminded me of MJ and I thought it was absolutely fitting - me enjoying mjs film eating popcorn!
Exactly, I imagined Michael eating popcorn while I was eating mine. It felt fitting as a tribute, even though I never get popcorn. On the first day when I watched it twice I ate popcorn and drank fizzy orange both times cos that also reminded me of MJ for some reason.
Last week when I first saw it I couldn't eat or drink anything.
I'm going again tomorrow, and maybe I will this time... I know Michael would've brought some... that's for sure:)
I did get some pop and popcorn, but by the time I watched all the commercials and previews, I'd had my fill. When the movie was on, I was too mesmerized to bother with it anymore. lol. candy would probably be good to have next time. ;)
Me and my friend were actually discussing about this before we went to see the premiere :) Is This Is It that type of movie where you would eat popcorn while watching the movie? In my opinion it's ok, I don't mind if someone wants to eat popcorn or candies during the movie but I just can't see myself sitting there and eating, because to me it isn't a "normal" movie, if you know what I mean :)
Yesterday when I went to see the movie for the 3rd time there was this couple who seemed like they were on a date, but I think they were already married and were just having an evening-off from the kids or something. For some reason I found it funny when they had a huge box of popcorn and drinks with them and it seemed like they were going to watch "a normal" movie.. In my opinion it was just hilarious :D
I think we need to try the popcorn thing when we go to see the very last screening together with my friend... :fortuneteller: Im afraid we'll end up eating the popcorn when we leave the cinema :giggle:
I've seen it twice so far and I had popcorn both times. Which is kinda weird since I never get popcorn at the cinema.
I have an ice cream at the very beginning... kinda finished it mostly before the film started.. but i did have lollies by my side and didnt eat any... i was too busy singing and getting into it to want to eat! ;)
A lot of people did bring popcorn into the film, which I felt was fine. :) Personally, I didn't, as I knew I'd be too into the film to want to eat any popcorn. :lol:

It was the same for me! :D
I didn't wanna miss out on any second! :)
But then after an hour or so I had big unfortune, I had some pain in my stomach and had to run to the toilets while 'Beat It' was goin' on...damn it!
I didnt have popcorn either, but i did see these young girls did.
I got a free small popcorn when I went to see TII the second time. I ate during the trailers, but stopped when the movie started. Then I started again during the middle of the movie! LOL! People were eating popcorn and even nachos! LOL!
no, i couldn't eat at all during the movie, i was too into the man and the movie.
I got a free small popcorn when I went to see TII the second time. I ate during the trailers, but stopped when the movie started. Then I started again during the middle of the movie! LOL! People were eating popcorn and even nachos! LOL!

Yummy!!! nachos.mmmm lol
I brought a bucket of popcorn (opening night) was eating during the commercials and stopped eating as soon as the movie started
Haha I personally didn't eat anything during the movie. It just felt too important and I didn't wanna miss anything! It felt like a concert! I wouldn't buy food at a concert! Everyone's entitled to do what they want haha. I usually eat stuff during movies anyway ha
No, I don`t, I have no taste for food when watching "this is it".
I usually don't eat anything while watching movies because I can't concentrate 100% then!
It's odd but my friend bought popcorn the first time we went and didn't eat it and as we got up to leave we noticed that LOTS of people had left untouched popcorn boxes.... It just seemed the kind a film that made many people not want to eat - me being one of them!
It's odd but my friend bought popcorn the first time we went and didn't eat it and as we got up to leave we noticed that LOTS of people had left untouched popcorn boxes.... It just seemed the kind a film that made many people not want to eat - me being one of them!

Did u take the popcorn home with u at least? :D
I spent about £10 on a giant Popcorn and Drink but at the end of the movie there was way over half of each left! LOL, it's mezmerising.
I bought a small popcorn when I went to see it the second time but it was really difficult eating them since I kept wanting to clap my hands during the performances, or I couldn't concentrate on Michael's beautiful voice because of the crunching of the popcorn. It's a good thing I didn't buy a bigger popcorn. :D The first time I didn't even want to buy any food or drinks since I it just didn't feel right.
I usually eat popcorn at the movie ... but at the movie This is it I could not eat or drink anything ... I was 4 times at the movie ... and every time I watched very concentrate... I was afraid to breathe ... the movie is fabulous!
I've had eats on all times I've seen the movie minus the last time as I had a nice lunch at a nearby cafe with my friends that came and saw it with me, so I was full to eat anything.

But no matter what movie I go to see I always buy a popcorn, to me a movie isn't a movie without it :lol:
I brought some popcorn, lol it was somewhat comforting to have it =[
I had Bubblegum packed with me the first time i went the second time I did have popcorn and candy... heck Michael Looved his Popcorn and candy in the theater!


awww...Michael sure did love his popcorn in the theater....thanks for the post.
my mam bought popcorn for me and my sister, we ate nearly half waiting to go in..then i didnt eat any during the film i was so into it and didnt wanna miss anything
The first time I felt too sad/scared/nauseated to the whole day before. =/ The second time I brought some oreos, but I couldn't eat them, because of the crunch amplified in my head, LoL. I just wanted to hear Michael. And I didn't wanna have to divide my attention. I wanted to give my full concentration to the film. I think it just depends, though. I mean, I picked a theater I knew would have the least amount of people and noise, so that I could completely tune the world out. I felt bad for getting agitated with the people around me who were chewing noisily, but I didn't want to be reminded that I was in a theater with 100 other people watching him on a screen. =/

[I'm not normally this snobby, swear. It's Michael. *sighs* I didn't wanna share him.]