Is "This Is It" a popcorn movie?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I'm going to see this tonight and was just wondering if it would seem "normal" to bring a box of popcorn into this movie. For some reason it just doesn't seem like any other movie where it's ok to eat during the film. Were you or anyone in your cinema eating popcorn during it?
A lot of people did bring popcorn into the film, which I felt was fine. :) Personally, I didn't, as I knew I'd be too into the film to want to eat any popcorn. :lol:
I'm going to see this tonight and was just wondering if it would seem "normal" to bring a box of popcorn into this movie. For some reason it just doesn't seem like any other movie where it's ok to eat during the film. Were you or anyone in your cinema eating popcorn during it?

I didn't, but everyone else in the showings I've attended seemed to. I saw someone have popcorn, soda, nachos, and a slice of pizza, so I wouldn't worry about a box of popcorn.
I didn't eat anything either but some people had popcorn or candy. Nothing wrong with eating popcorn while TII :)
lol, it doesn't matter what type of film it is to eat popcorn. shieee, theres no food guidelines with movies, hun.
i had some cotton candy myself.:p
I always have popcorn when I go to the cinema. In fact sometime I go JUST so I can eat pocorn LOL (shame on me!)

But I never eat anything in This is It. It wasn't really entertainment for me, so popcorn or any other food didnt feel right...but other had stuff so I guess it's personal choice.
I was to into the Movie. I really was caught up and bomb could have went off and i wouldn't have noticed. So I suggest forget about popcorn you probably wont remember to eat it when watching the Movie
I got popcorn...but it was because I was so nervous I needed something to do.
As soon as the movie began I didnt eat any....but it was pretty much empty after the previews anyway :p
Ive been to see This Is It twice now. The first time I went i bought sweets, but didn't eat them, and the second time (last night) I had popcorn and coca cola :) At first it didn't seem appropriate, but a lot of people were eating during the film so...why not? :p
I had Bubblegum packed with me the first time i went the second time I did have popcorn and candy... heck Michael Looved his Popcorn and candy in the theater!

It is a matter of choice. I cannot eat more than 2 handful of popcorn. I get fedup. Mike did like his!
However, whenever the movie starts everyone stops eating and it is total silence when the writing starts scrolling on screen. You can hear a pin drop. I have noticed that people eat before the movie starts and once it starts they are mesmerised.
I eat when I'm bored so I bought some and ate most of it while waiting for the movie to come on, but I only had a small portion, I did eat some sweats as well when the movie was on I just didn't take my eyes off the screen while I was eating it I couldn't !!
always have poppy corn if u like it...
best thing about popconr is the tub is so big you can take from it and still keep your eyes on movie OR FILM IF YOU FROM UK !!!!!! LOL
Well we had no popcorn at first but then something was wrong with the movie so we had to wait 45 minutes and my sister went to get some.
During TII I didn't touch it because I was too cought up in the movie but before the movie started I did eat it and during the break.
It's impossible to eat popcorns during this movie because it's jaws dropping!

i hate smells cocporn while during the film
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I don't usually eat popcorn during a movie, but I bring a drink with me, so I did that this time as well. Only I know for a fact that I only managed to take a few sips during the entire film, because I was just so engrossed in it and the two hours seemed to fly by. It's totally different from a normal movie going experience, it's more like being at a live concert and people don't usually have time to eat kebabs during those either, so. :p Maybe for the second viewing popcorn would be okay.
when we were invited to the premiere here in tuschinski we were provided with pepsi, chips and champagne...

I had the champagne but i didnt touch the chips (and i dont drink pepsi, lol).
I bought a big ole bag and a large coke that was almost $12 bucks, and couldn't eat it, infact it is still in my pantry, that remimds me that i have to throw it away.