Is there such thing as bad Michael Jackson photos?

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Iam asking that cause it seems the news media likes posting photos of MJ from 2001-trial era. The news media really likes posting these pics when there a news story on MJ. Some fans don't like that. So you think there such a thing for bad photos of MJ? 2001-trial era. I wish they start posting 2009 pics of him.
Obviously we all take bad pictures sometimes, I know I do. Michael had a few bad pictures taken but I think most of them were beautiful. The ones from the trial are just beautiful. I know it was the most painful time for him but he was so beautiful and has always been stunning. Michael is the only man I use the word beautiful to describe.
Yep.There are some very bad pictures of him and the media is using mostly them...
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Of course there are bad pictures, its obvious theres going to be bad pictures when there is a camera flash at every angle.
Could see this thread gettin comments like "he looked odd". Pretty poor thread tbh.
Theres no such thing as bad photos. Michael always was beautiful but it was his damn hairdressers that sometimes made him look bad. Stupid hairdressers..
Everyone has their bad photos. MJ's worst times, in my opinion, were 2001 and 2006. Before and after are great. During the trial he looked great with his stylish and sophisticated suits. He looked like a monarch really.
IMHO,,,Michael ALWAYS looked beautiful....God I miss him so much..:cry:
From 2001 to 2006 he didnt look to good. Apart from during the trial. He looked great when youd expect him to look worst.

2007 onwards he looked quite good.

2009 he looked amazing, when I saw him at the press conference he looked brilliant! :D
I think he looked good in 2001, 30th annveristy for example..

He always looked great, though he has some bad pics. Who hasnt?

Just close this thread, please :)
Yep.There are some very bad pictures of him and the media is using mostly them...





I find nothing wrong with these two pictures :scratch:

And I personally find him to be very beautiful in the last 10 years, not "odd" at all :smilerolleyes:

I could find LOADS of 1999-2009 pictures of him where he looks absolutely breathtaking :wub:

And as what was previously said, EVERYONE has at least a few bad pictures of themselves. Michael wasn't perfect, so he had a few too...but VERY few in my opinion :D

It's hard for me to find a picture of Michael that is "ugly" or "weird" or "bad". Yes, I have seen a couple of them...but definitely no more than five :fear:

But I could also be blinded by my love for him :wub: God knows I love that man so much! He was almost perfect in my eyes...not a God, definitely not...but sort of God-like in a sense :yes:
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Iam asking that cause it seems the news media likes posting photos of MJ from 2001-trial era. The news media really likes posting these pics when there a news story on MJ. Some fans don't like that. So you think there such a thing for bad photos of MJ? 2001-trial era. I wish they start posting 2009 pics of him.

there's such a thing as subjectivity. there are too many fans, for negatively 'objective' people to spoil the fun. and the screams of apporval that he got, everytime he appeared in public, kinda made some people envious.
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I like the 4th one from above LOL too. LoL...

Also, I don't like this thread. Of course there are bad pictures. Doesn't mean we need to bring attention to them. I would absolutely die of embarrassment if there was a thread with all my worst pictures and everyone talking about them. He was so shy and sensitive - especially about his appearance - I think he'd probably cry if he saw this. =(

Loving th stubble :wub:

Think he looks adorable!!! :wub:



Come home with me now :wub:

Think he looks beautiful :wub:

Love the short hair :wub:

The reason i deleted the obvious one is because i hate what it represents!!!!! :no::no:

So to me no there are no bad pictures of Michael!!! :D
The media likes to publish pictures of that time by what was a very difficult time for Michael (trial) and the plastic surgeries that Michael did, unfortunately the media love it: talking about the appearance of Michael and that will never change. At the time of trial, he was completely destroyed emotionally by the bad things people were doing against him. I never thought Michael stranger in no time. The years pass, people grow and change some things in the body, this is the law of nature and Michael would be no different. No one should pay attention to all that crap you write and publish about Michael. We know it and know what truly amazing and wonderful man that is Michael Jackson. That's what matters. :)
Mike was always a handsome guy, but that don't mean he didn't take his fair share of bad pics.

Can't look perfect ALL the time, but damn did he look good most of the time.:wub:
Of course there are plenty of those kind of photos, that's rather obvious. And so many people calling him hot and beautiful looking, on this forum. Now i ain't gonna say that, i'm a guy and i just don't see guys like that, but i have always been surprised by how Michael's female fans love everything about him. How they love his look and all of that,

Not to diss Michael now, not at all...but i never understood it. My friend's girlfriend says she really think Michael was very handsome during the Thriller-Bad era. And other females in general that i spoke always say...he used to look so good during Thriller-Bad. But never about how he looked for the last years...but of course, in the
end it's all a matter of opinion.
Yep.There are some very bad pictures of him and the media is using mostly them...








Of all these pictures I must say the only one I don't like is the third one becuase it was plasted all over the tv and newspapers with disgusting words when Michael was arrested, I do find it hard to look at it for that reason only. In all these other pictures I think Michael looks lovely (especially the photo with the white suit) and during the trial the photos of Michael were beautiful. He always dressed elegant in those lovely suits I thought he was just so beautiful looking considering it was the hardest time of his life, even going through all that crap he had class. I admire Michael he is so elegant and graceful during that period.

Yep.There are some very bad pictures of him and the media is using mostly them...








I like those last three photos. Well of course the media is going to pick the worst pictures, to paint him in a bad light for their negative stories. It's sad the general public might only know of these photos seen in the media, and have not seen how beautiful he really is.
Everybody takes a bad picture now and then. Even before 2000, MJ had a few.


Here is a candid, very unflattering shot of Michael on the HIStory tour.
LOL at the HIStory pic he was dancing hard lol but, MJ is the man! The media can suck his sucks.....wait actually that's what they have been doing for yrs so..... anyways, who hasn't taken a bad pic? Plus, it's all in the eye of the beholder. I'm so use to MJ pics that the "suppose" bad pics above are no big deal to me....It's still MICHAEL.....And love was his message so....anything else doesn't matter! PEACE!
We all have bad photos, there are definitely a few on Facebook of me that I've had to untag that's for sure. The photos above aren't that flattering but as I said before we all have bad photos and that period was one for Mike that the media deliberatly used inflattering photos of. He had a ton of beautiful pictures but did the media ever use them, god no. And with the Rock and Roll HOF one I don't see what's so unflattering about it TBH. I think its a very nice picture.
The media made sure they used the less flattering ones, and I think sometimes altered them, but it doesn't matter, we loved him for more than how he looked. Before Hoeflin got his hands on him Michael had a beautiful face, but his smile and those eyes always looked beautiful. God knows, they say the camera never lies but it always does when I see photo's of myself! I look awful.

Thankfully we are the sort of people who look beyond how people look.
You know whats amazing about this? Is that yes, he did look a bit under the weather during his trial years due to mental and physical exhaustion. BUT.... in his concert documentary, This Is It film.. he looked electrifying! It was truly MJ all over again. ...At the alarming age of 50 btw.

The media sucks. And in time, they will all get their just deserts.
You know whats amazing about this? Is that yes, he did look a bit under the weather during his trial years due to mental and physical exhaustion. BUT.... in his concert documentary, This Is It film.. he looked electrifying! It was truly MJ all over again. ...At the alarming age of 50 btw.

The media sucks. And in time, they will all get their just deserts.

I so agree, Nar! He looked amazing! :D


EDIT: Makes me so sad to see what Michael had to contend with his entire life. Shameful. I'm outta here now.
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