is there a god

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In the end, we all die, hopefully Jesus is your savior,
Mohammed is your savior :)

Hey guys, come on. Can't we all just get along?

i believe, much for the simple fact of not believing would mean you're going to Hell.

So if there is or isn't a God, I don't see the harm in playing safe by believing. There's nothing you have to lose by doing so, am I right?
(Disclaimer: I am not attacking anyone.)

That's probably one of the things that has turned me off religion - the idea that no matter how good I am, I'll be sent to "Hell" just because I'm not a believer. If such a God exists, then I'm afraid I don't respect his/her thinking.

Also, if the Christian God didn't promise a Heaven or any kind of reward at the end of this life, how many people would still believe? I hear so many people saying they believe because they are afraid of going to Hell (which I reckon is so Medieval)...or "Well, I have everything to gain and nothing to lose". Motivation like that is, pardon me, pretty sad. It's not a game where you put yourself in the most advantageous position for the sake of it.
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In a word: yes. I'm not very good at explaining my faith and I'm not into debates, so I won't get into details. Suffice it to say that I'm a Christian. Hell doesn't really play a role for me, I don't believe to avoid Hell. I believe God is Love and as such all judgements will be thoroughly fair one day. The higher justice will make sure that people like Michael who suffer needlessly in this life will be rewarded and vile ones (those who fall through the cracks of earthly justice too) will receive their just desserts as well.

I've many non-believing friends (and I'm married to one too!), so I don't like to preach and as long as my views are respected reciprocally, everyone is welcome to their own beliefs. At the end of the day we all need to co-exist on this earth.

(My first attempt at sending this message failed, so I guess it's my reminder right there that I'd do well avoiding debates, should any arise. :) )
Yes there is a beautiful, loving and Holy God that loves us allllllllll so very much. Do you know that Michael knew this in his heart to. Ask the Lord God for help in this area of faith...and wait for His answer...and a child:)
no one knows. find out when u die and thats about it.
I never attack anyone, though it's plain to see us Christians always get attacked. I believe we have several threads asking is their a God. How many do we need?
^ It's a shame that you consider free inquiry as an attack. It's also a pity that many religious folk are offended by knowledge.
many people who say they have knowledge are offended by religion.
and you can tell that they are, because they use negative adjectives before nouns.

everybody is searching. i don't know why one person should be bothered by what the other is doing. in the end, the only person that is going to be affected by their search, is the person searching. one person isn't really affecting the other person.
Embarrassed, more like.

Which of our present practices will appear most ridiculous from the point of view of those future generations that might yet survive the folly of the present? It is hard to imagine that our religious preoccupations will not top the list.

Our descendants will inevitably look upon us with pity and disgust, just as we view the slaveholders of our all-too-recent past.
Embarrassed, more like.

Which of our present practices will appear most ridiculous from the point of view of those future generations that might yet survive the folly of the present? It is hard to imagine that our religious preoccupations will not top the list.

Our descendants will inevitably look upon us with pity and disgust, just as we view the slaveholders of our all-too-recent past.

it depends on who you talk to, if you're here ten thousand years from now. there are many that wish slavery were still here.
mo_rizwan said:
Mohammed is your savior :)

Wow.. really? :sleep:

Yes, I do believe In God. God has helped me in my life, in many ways and has changed me for the better. :)
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The Maestro - Michael Joseph Jackson - believed in God.

Through him, I do as well.

I am not religious.

But I believe in L.O.V.E.

And I believe in Michael.

And HE believed in God.

So yes, in that sense, I do as well.

And God doesn't advertise you know.

But how do you account for the beautiful things in the world like Music and Art and Film?

And Michael?

Do you think he was mere chance?

Just the mixing of random chromosomes and hormones?


There must be more to life then this.

There must.

nice to see you back. i remember worrying that you might not come back

It's obvious some you can't act with tolerance and dignity.
Because of that, thread closed.
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