is there a god

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i dont belleve for the reson to much goes on but what about all of you
i believe, much for the simple fact of not believing would mean you're going to Hell.

So if there is or isn't a God, I don't see the harm in playing safe by believing. There's nothing you have to lose by doing so, am I right?
i dont belleve for the reson to much goes on but what about all of you

Absolutely...without ANY doubt in my soul, heart, and mind...

:angel:Heal The World...WE Are The World...Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~
I do not know if i believe in him or not. I'd say that most of the time i do not believe in him but im not a bad person for all that. I think ur question has already been asked and answered, if u search the forum ull find some answers. :)
There are several topics like this floating around on the forums. :)
I will just say, I don't believe in a "god" per se but a creator or something of a higher spritual being in which we came from.

That's what I believe.
Its whatever you believe. I don't preach nor praise ; its personal.

But brings me to this question: Can you believe in an afterlife, but still not believe in God??
I preach that god almost certainly doesn't exist. It's not personal; it's a scientific claim.
I believe in God. He's the creator of all creatures, nature and human beings, that loves everyone.:yes:
you are probably asking this question because of June 25. my answer to you is, keep on searching. you'll find answers that you never ever expected. not only on this question, but on many questions you have in your life, including those about june 25. you're most likely to find the true answers if you don't let other people, in life, in media, etc. influence you.
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This also raises the age old question: why do bad things happen to good ppl & bad ppl not get what they deserve??

Seems like angels of god, deal with the devil everday- until the devil wins. MJs definatley in a better place.

all this just a figure of speech
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I believe!!!

And about bad things happening to good people, that's life. Bad things happen to bad people too, as well as good things. What's your point? Things happen in ones life for a reason, even if we don't always know what that reason is.

I am a good person, my grandparent's are gone now, but that does not mean that I will stop believing because they are gone. They are in Heaven, and I will see them again one day. Why, you ask? Cause I believe.

In the end, we all die, hopefully Jesus is your savior, and then you know where your going. Not preaching, these are my beliefs, and I am not ashamed to say.
^ good post...

i have a God and He is the Risen Savior Jesus Christ. One day when prophecy is fulfilled, all will confess it. i really feel time is running out on us to be disbelieving. i feel the train is pulling in soon and we best be ready to jump aboard. not preaching and not up for debating. people have to find it in their hearts. this is what i believe.
^ good post...

i have a God and He is the Risen Savior Jesus Christ. One day when prophecy is fulfilled, all will confess it. i really feel time is running out on us to be disbelieving. i feel the train is pulling in soon and we best be ready to jump aboard. not preaching and not up for debating. people have to find it in their hearts. this is what i believe.

Thanks for liking my post, friend. And like you, I am not seeking a debate either. I have lost dear people in my life, and I was very sad when singer Karen Carpenter died way back in 1983, but I never once stopped believing. NEVER. I think people want a reason to not believe, but like you said, people better be ready. We never know when our last day is, and I would rather be in Heaven, NOT Hell.
God is so obviously invented. Let's use an analogy relevant to this time of year. Santa Claus. He has special "powers", keeps a naughty & nice list of all the children in the world, rewards those who are nice with presents and punishes those who are bad with lumps of coal. God has special "powers", watches over us all and keeps track of who among us are "naughty" or "nice", the "nice" people go to heaven and the "naughty" people go to hell. God is just Santa Claus for adults.
There has to be. When you fall inlove, don't you feel something that nobody can explain, there has to be something bigger than Us, we call it god. And I don't believe that there is some guy in sky that is god. I like that religions can make people close, but in the past it made them kill each other. And if there is no justice here on earth, hope there is after death. And I hope there is afterlife, otherwise I imagine death like tring to remember what it was before you were born, pretty much feels the same, which I don't like...
I'd just like to state that this is purely my opinion and I do not intend on offending anyone:

I do believe that religion has no place in people's lives in 2009...It belongs 300 years ago when Science was not as advanced as it is now.

As Arxter stated earlier, there is massive Scientific evidence that disproves the existence of "God". However, I have never seen a single shred of evidence that "God" actually exists in any way, shape or form.
I preach that god almost certainly doesn't exist. It's not personal; it's a scientific claim.

Science has yet to disprove god though. If it has you wouldn't be saying "almost certainly" since science equals facts. And fact are either or not... in this case it is not available.

I believe in god with all my heart.
The Maestro - Michael Joseph Jackson - believed in God.

Through him, I do as well.

I am not religious.

But I believe in L.O.V.E.

And I believe in Michael.

And HE believed in God.

So yes, in that sense, I do as well.

And God doesn't advertise you know.

But how do you account for the beautiful things in the world like Music and Art and Film?

And Michael?

Do you think he was mere chance?

Just the mixing of random chromosomes and hormones?


There must be more to life then this.

There must.
Science has yet to disprove god though.
And it never will because a deity is an absurdly unscientific hypothesis.

Science (the supported theories of evolution and the big bang) even contradicts it.

What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence. And a god is one of the most easily 'dismissable' notions where science is concerned.
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