Is Michael Jackson Underrated?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I find that alot now-that Michael is now only an 80's artist. Will Michael be able to comeback and sell some 20 somethin' records, or will he always be underrated? Your thoughts?
He's underrated, that's apparent by people constantly comparing these jokers like Usher or Chris Brown to him. If they really understood how talented Michael is, they wouldn't make those kinds of unjustified comparisons. But at the same time, thye know deep down that there isn't anybody like him. He's sold 20 plus million in the 90s, and was able to sell 10 million with "Invincible", depsite no promotion. So yes, he'll be able to come back with those kinds of numbers, I'm sure of it.
I find that alot now-that Michael is now only an 80's artist. Will Michael be able to comeback and sell some 20 somethin' records, or will he always be underrated? Your thoughts?
Michael is not underated in the music industry. You need to go listen to the thrillercast. Stop listening to the media or negative websites.
Michael is not underated in the music industry. You need to go listen to the thrillercast. Stop listening to the media or negative websites.

I don't. Go outside and ask people about Michael Jackson. They will say his downside started in the 90's when he gave Quincy the boot. They will say their evidence is Dangerous- only one number one single.
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I don't. Go outside and ask people about Michael Jackson. They will say his downside started in the 90's when he gave Quincy the boot. They will say their evidence is Dangerous- only one number one single.
Well, stop asking them. Not everyone has MJ's albums or are fans of his. how do you expect them to make proper judgement when they do not know. They are not the ones to ask. Nobody heard Elvis for over 30 years, yet they still say he is great. Why? because they are fed it by the media. Stop asking people in the street that has no knowledge of the man's work. It is counterproductive. Ask the people that know. They are the ones who have worked with him and for him. the music people.
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Well, stop asking them. Not everyone has MJ's albums or are fans of his. how do you expect them to make proper judgement when they do not know. They are not the ones to ask. Nobody heard Elvis for over 30 years, yet they still say he is great. Why? because they are fed it by the media. Stop asking people in the street that has no knowledge of the man's work. It is counterproductive. Ask the people that know. They are the ones who have worked with him and for him. the music people.

I don't go asking people on the streets about Michael Jackson. That's just freaky. I already know about the man so...........
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I'm just asking, is Michael underrated? If he is, can he break free of it?
Well, I do not believe he is underated. I believe he gets his props. When I see other artists doing his songs and see their audience going wild, that for me says a lot. When his music is played ion the clubs everybody gets on the floor. No I don't believe he is underated. If he were, there wouldn't be so many who want to be like him.
But I do believe that there are some that are way overrated. Ie Elvis.
I do think, though that there are areas in his career that is way under rated, ie, the J5/Jackson years. They were great years and I think it is sad to see it ignored.
No way is he underrated. Being named the most successful artist ever proves that, and he certainly isn't underrated in terms of sales, awards, impact, etc and certainly isn't underrated by his fans or peers.

His artistry is often overshadowed in the media by his personal life, but that doesn't mean he's underrated, no. :)
No way is he underrated. Being named the most successful artist ever proves that, and he certainly isn't underrated in terms of sales, awards, impact, etc and certainly isn't underrated by his fans or peers.

His artistry is often overshadowed in the media by his personal life, but that doesn't mean he's underrated, no. :)
I agree. And mny people are discovering him on utube and are calling him the best ever. He gets new fans all the time.
He's not underrated, but lately he's underestimated.
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He's not underrated, but lately he's underestimated.

And might I add in terms of his Motown work and Jacksons work, overlooked in that regard. Michael Jackson between 11 and 20 years old produced some of the greatest work of the 20th century and on top of that, his singing and dancing was off the hook. Chris Brown and Usher hardly matched up to Michael when he was their ages when they first started! Real talk.
^ very well said.. i agree with you about usher and chris brown.
I don´t think mj is underrated. The love or hate Michael jackson was in the 90´s. I find more people respect him for his music and what he has done. specially his first 3 solo albums many people like.
he is not the one the world is talking about anymore...and god is that:) I just want his music!
Ofcourse bloody not, that's a dumb question......Musically he's worshipped, all the artists wanna get to MJ status...So many of them make it their goal to be as big as Mike, that's from their mouths, not mine....And MJ had a lot of success with Dangerous, in fact, moreso than BAD....And Black or White is always acknowledged when it comes to looking at MJ's videos....And who hasn't heard Earth Song or YANA? Yes, the pinnacle of his career was in the 80's with Thriller. But many of his peers who also shared the height of their careers with MJ in the 80's are still acknowleged and making music today e.g Madonna, Prince etc...Seriously, some of ya'll act like MJ is doomed or something. LOL. Chill out! He's gained a lot of fans in the last couple of years (including myself), plus, it doesn't mean if people aren't worshipping him and talking about him 24/7 that they think he's a hasbeen or whathaveyou, you're making large generalisations, you can't speak for everybody outside on the street, and believe it or not, but your average Joe probably hasn't even heard of Quincy Jones, especially from the younger generation...It's Michael Jackson that was the real driving force behind his success, yes, Quincy obviously played a crucial role in it, but w/o MJ Thriller, BAD etc, would not even exist.....
And might I add in terms of his Motown work and Jacksons work, overlooked in that regard. Michael Jackson between 11 and 20 years old produced some of the greatest work of the 20th century and on top of that, his singing and dancing was off the hook. Chris Brown and Usher hardly matched up to Michael when he was their ages when they first started! Real talk.
Now that is the real tragedy. I so love MJ's early work.:yes:
And might I add in terms of his Motown work and Jacksons work, overlooked in that regard. Michael Jackson between 11 and 20 years old produced some of the greatest work of the 20th century and on top of that, his singing and dancing was off the hook. Chris Brown and Usher hardly matched up to Michael when he was their ages when they first started! Real talk.

The Jackson's TV show was a perfect showcase of his dancing talent :wub:

Mike was bustin' them moves like nobodies business :punk:
I don't. Go outside and ask people about Michael Jackson. They will say his downside started in the 90's when he gave Quincy the boot. They will say their evidence is Dangerous- only one number one single.

Then show them the truth about Dangerous
there evidence is shabby

Dangerous was the first album Michael Jackson released in the 1990s, on November 22, 1991. It became Jackson's second album to debut at #1 on the Billboard 200 album chart, where it spent the next 4 weeks selling 7 million copies in the U.S. his third best-selling album there. With sales of approximately 30 million copies worldwide, it is Jackson's best-selling recording of the nineties and near ties with Bad as his second-best selling album, behind Thriller.

The album produced a total of 9 singles around the world
All of them were released in the UK, seven of them reaching the top 10,
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^ The Jackson's TV show was good...i loved their dancing on there
And might I add in terms of his Motown work and Jacksons work, overlooked in that regard. Michael Jackson between 11 and 20 years old produced some of the greatest work of the 20th century and on top of that, his singing and dancing was off the hook. Chris Brown and Usher hardly matched up to Michael when he was their ages when they first started! Real talk.

You know, that is true...I guess people do kind of overlook some of his earlier work--pure genius!

It's sad, really.

But I think that overall, if you mention Michael Jackson to anyone in the music industry (or just any common person), they will acknowledge that he is immensely talented.
He's not underrated, but lately he's underestimated.

That is perfect!

The music industry does have respect for Michael, maybe not as much as I believe he deserves but they DO respect him.

The public, that's a different story, and it all goes right back to the media again. Unfortunately people believe what the media feeds them, and in almost every single article written about MJ, they use terms like 'The fallen KOP', 'The former KOP' and stuff like that, when for instance Madonna is always praised even though her musical contribution hasn't been exactly ground-breaking.

This is something that I personally think will always haunt MJ, the media simply won't back off...they'll keep trashing him and do everything in their hands to undermine his accomplishments.
The sales of Invincible are the perfect example, not everyone is aware of the album's performance on the charts, not everyone knows it sold 10 million copies; only the fans know that, and not even all fans. To most people it was a flop because that's what they've been told, so people will continue to underestimate him based on what they hear over and over again.
Well, underestimation isn't always a bad thing. Both MJ and Quincy produced their best work when they were under estimated.

MJ was told not to use Quincy, but MJ insisted on using him. The rest is history.
Mj was angry with the music industry for ignoring what is arguably his best record,ie, OTW, so he went back and had his revenge with THRILLER. The rest is history.

The DA decided to prosecute MJ cause he was sure no jury would set him free. MJ had total vindication and the DA had total humiliation.

Naysayers predicted that MJ would never survive the trial, Now all the network are chasing after him and everybody and their momma wants to work with him...
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With the exception of the fanatics, i don't think that many people really expect (or expected) his recent/newer material to be that good. this is almost inevitable when there has been an increasing reliance on ridiculous hype rather than artistic merit. will people underestimate what the new album (if it ever happens) delivers? time will tell.
i think he is underrated as a singer mostly b/c he is seen as such a great entertainer that at some point his dancing abilities were seen as so great people stopped talking about his singing. Invincible proved to me that even if Michael Jackson were paralyzed I would still but all his records b/c I really wasnt feeling the You rock My world vid and he has clearly had better performances than the 30th anniversay concert, but the album Invincible to me was the same old magical Michael musically
That is perfect!

The music industry does have respect for Michael, maybe not as much as I believe he deserves but they DO respect him.

The public, that's a different story, and it all goes right back to the media again. Unfortunately people believe what the media feeds them, and in almost every single article written about MJ, they use terms like 'The fallen KOP', 'The former KOP' and stuff like that, when for instance Madonna is always praised even though her musical contribution hasn't been exactly ground-breaking.

This is something that I personally think will always haunt MJ, the media simply won't back off...they'll keep trashing him and do everything in their hands to undermine his accomplishments.
The sales of Invincible are the perfect example, not everyone is aware of the album's performance on the charts, not everyone knows it sold 10 million copies; only the fans know that, and not even all fans. To most people it was a flop because that's what they've been told, so people will continue to underestimate him based on what they hear over and over again.

Everything you said is so true!

Well, underestimation isn't always a bad thing. Both MJ and Quincy produced their best work when they were under estimated.
MJ was told not to use quincy, but MJ insisted on using him. The rest is history.
Mj was angry with the music industry for ignoring what is arguably his best record, so he went back and had his revenge with THRILLER. The rest is history.
The DA decided to prosecute MJ cause he was sure no jury would set him free. MJ had total vindication and the DA had total humiliation.
Naysayers predicted that MJ would never survive the trial, Now all the network are chasing fter him and everybody and theire momma wants to work with him...

True, true.