Is it illegal to have a good ole punchup? want to know if it's illegal to have a 'good' punch up?

Absolutely yes it is. Violence is *never* the correct way to settle disputes, and fortunately our law reflects this.
The law is an ass. The police constantly use violence to settle dispute. Why do you think they walk with guns and batons. many times they instigated the violence themselves.

This is what I question:

A rep from Scotland Yard just told TMZ they have arrested Amy Winehouse on suspicion of assault.

She is currently at the Holborn Police Station.

Wino is accused of allegedly headbutting a guy outside a bar in London earlier this week. The maximum sentence for common assault in Britain is six months in prison.
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When people become desperate, they become dangerous, and more often then not, what starts out as a scrap can escalate very quickly in to a very scary situation in which serious injury or death can occure. I only got in to a few fights when I was in elementary school, after that, I never got myself in to any such situation again. But violence is never a good thing and can only end in bad results, someone getting hurt, and who wants that? Police I would say are instructed to carry weapons because often times, when trying to apprehend criminals and such, the situation can become dangerous and they need something to defend themselves. Of course, police are only supposed to use such action in cases of self defense, which is the only time one should use violence. If you are attacked, you really have no choice. But promoting fist fights as a good thing is wrong, imo. Because on the street, rarely does it stay as such.
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People are always going to fight, no matter how the law is used to stop it. When tempers flare and people feel that the words won't do they will always use fist. My question is why involve the police in what is basicly a local dispute? Many times they could have ended in a hugging and a shaking of hands just like they used to do, now police gets involved and it becomes a criminal act, when basicly there never was any law against fighting. There is law against assault, or undue force, but I don't think there was one for fighting.
A fist fight between 2 people to settle dispute that got out of hand is different from premeditated violence and bullying. Those should be illegal. Amy winehouse headbutting a paps that offended her shouldn't be a criminal offense, neither should Naomi Campbell throwing a phone at her helper who may well have provoke her and cause her to lose her temper. Those are local issues which happen everyday with human relations. We probably have more cases of madness or murder in our society because we are not given the space to express ourselves as we should, as human beings were intended to do. he have pent up feelings and we repress them to our detriment.
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Amy winehouse headbutting a paps that offended her shouldn't be a criminal offense, neither should Naomi Campbell throwing a phone at her helper who may well have provoke her and cause her to lose her temper.
nope, that's not the decent/civil/moral way to go about it. and certainly unfair for the recipient of the initial physical attack.
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nope, that's not the decent/civil/moral way to go about it. and certainly unfair for the recipient of the initial physical attack.
Human beings can regulate themselves if they are gven the chance to do so. I lived in the countryside in Jamaica where the only time one saw a police was if a dead body floated down in a river. Well that was the only time I saw a police in the area., There were no police station for miles. People got on with each other, but if there was a fight, which was very rare, it would be sorted out and there would be no charges and no one got criminal record. I think that those people, seemingly primitive in their lifestye, didn't really resorted to fighting very often because they had so many other levels of self espression that they were not frustrated or bored. Rarely did anyone suffer from mental breakdown
why is animal instict hindered in humans ?? .... maybe cuz we aren't animals ??
I see Dats using that brilliant "people are always going to _______" argument again.
People should turn on the WWE and use their over-active imagination. It would make the world a better place.
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I don't see the good in actually condoning the physical harm of another person or animal for that matter unless it's in self defense or, as already stated, as a payed sport, in which rules and regulations are implimented. More often then not, fights break out because someone is purposfully looking for trouble and they start in on someone who wasn't looking for a fight at all. And like I said, when people become desperate or feel threatened, they become dangerous. Rarely does it end in a shaking of the hands or a hug. It often times ends in someone getting a beer bottle smashed across their face, their balls kicked in, etc...
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