Is Bruce Swedien busy mixing ...

the sound recordings are produced and owned (or at least were for Bad thru Invincible) by MJJ productons. whilst the lable floats the advance to pay for things, the deal will likely be between the PRS owner (MJJ Prod) and the individual.

but rememebr you are speculating that the static was something to do with the production, it could be any manner of other things, like royalties etc
but rememebr you are speculating that the static was something to do with the production, it could be any manner of other things, like royalties etc

Bruce has nothing to do with royalties, thats to do with the estate. His only job was to mix the music.
it's all speculation on our part what the beef was about regardless. I simply used royalities as one possible example.
Well at either rate, I do know that some of Michael material is being worked on.