Is Bruce Swedien busy mixing ...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Is Bruce Swedien mixing/mastering MJ's latest material for release?

I've been hearing rumours about this, and I want to know what others know/think about what's possibly going on behind the scenes.. Thoughts?
Where have you heard these rumours?
I haven't heard anything in the mainstream media, or on music forums.
Where have you heard these rumours?

I've heard rumours on GearSlutz forum which is run by recording engineers etc, a few of which have worked on various albums of Michael's like HIStory, Bad and Thriller. Bruce is even a member of the forum and has posted at various times. All the engineers who have worked with Michael in the past have now pretty much vanished from the massive MJ thread on that forum. Bruce was supposed to have given his two cents worth (according to the other engineers) on recording and other topics, but hasn't and now all the engineers who were answering questions weeks ago have suddenly stopped. I have heard the rumour from some of my other contacts as well, but would like to hear from people here regarding the possibility.

I guess confidentiality agreements probably will stop people from talking.. so I'm probably just wasting my time.
Yeah, I guess there will be confidentiality agreements in place and that could be a reason for those engineers to stay away from gearslutz (I haven't been there for a loooong time), but it could be just wishful thinking that this is the reason.

I really hope somebody is working on releasing some MJ material soon, but I won't hold my breath.
IF they are working on something, I really would like it to be new material (recently recorded) not old 80s/90s stuff.
I guess confidentiality agreements probably will stop people from talking.. so I'm probably just wasting my time.

Only if new confidentiality agreements have been signed as any previous agreement which was with Michael expired when Michael died. ;)
All engineers have also stopped answering questions from their facebook and myspace sites..

Haha Sony
I read that thread on Gearslutz and it seems that the rumour was started by a user called DangerousInc who originally asked if anybody thought that they could be working on MJ material. The same member then said later that he had "heard a rumour" that it was true. I think he just made it up himself and then was trying to validate it in his later post.
Of course, they COULD be working on MJ material, but I think we should all be very cautious before putting any faith in it. The truth is, we don't have a credible source to base our judgement on and nobody has either confirmed or denied it.
I didnt start that rumour at all. I just mentioned what Ive heard which is rumour. There has been no confirmation at this point.
one of the reasons engineers stopped posting on that thread on gearslutz is a load of new members came on and started asking fan questions instead of asking about music production - which is what that site is all about. the whole point of that forum is for gear sluts to talk about gear and making music. Unfortunately for those of us into those things fan type discussion (for which MJJC is a suitable forum) probably drove them away.

it was highly unlikely that bruce was ever gonna weigh in on it to be honest. he hasn;t spent any time doing anything but lurking in these places for ages.

the engineers dropping out has nothing to do with rumored work on new material, which on gearslutz at least was a rumor started by a fan, not any one with any information.
All I know is that I have to collect all valuable info from that thread and make it in a "mini-book-pdf" form and save it... (if no one has done it yet?) It's like, some people don't even understand how important that thread is... it's a testament from the history of Michael Jackson, and in many ways more important that the book Bruce Swedien just dropped.
one of the reasons engineers stopped posting on that thread on gearslutz is a load of new members came on and started asking fan questions instead of asking about music production - which is what that site is all about. the whole point of that forum is for gear sluts to talk about gear and making music. Unfortunately for those of us into those things fan type discussion (for which MJJC is a suitable forum) probably drove them away.

it was highly unlikely that bruce was ever gonna weigh in on it to be honest. he hasn;t spent any time doing anything but lurking in these places for ages.

the engineers dropping out has nothing to do with rumored work on new material, which on gearslutz at least was a rumor started by a fan, not any one with any information.

The engineers said that they are happy to talk about working with MJ. Bill Bottrell chimed in a few times and said he would have to schedule a time to sit down and go through all the questions because he wanted the facts right concerning him. He stopped posting as well which is strange because he joined up specifically for that thread. And those engineers arent going to join MJJC to discuss tech etc

Yes Bruce hasnt posted in a long time but he never had this much interest either before. It was quiet before Michael died but now everyone is interested in the mans music and who better to ask than those who worked with him. Bruce LOVES to talk about working with Michael which he has on every album so why not Michaels last album? My guess is that the admins of MJs estate had to get permission from the courts first before they could request MJs last album be completed. This coincidently was around the same time everyone shut up on not only GS but also on myspaces and facebooks including engineers that aren on GS. Bruce also who has a new book out has only done 1 TV appearance talking about MJ which is strange as there really isnt a PRC to promote his new book which Im sure his publishers would want. More sales + more $ in their pockets too.

Rob has stated he isnt working on any MJ projects but he hasnt since BOTDF.

IMO, the new song that will be revealed on TII will become a single (as Mike probaly already planned this) and then not long after that (perhaps when TII hits DVDs and BluRay) MJs last album will drop although the new album should drop sooner to take advantage of the current sales hype.

BTW this is all my own opinions. Just thought Id say before being accused of stating fact.:fortuneteller:
that's pretty much what Bruce did for his first book :) based on the Ask Bruce sticky they had a few years back! Fair enough really seeing the time he put into it
yeah - i don't doubt the timing is interesting - as other places have also gone quiet.

You never know, take Bryan Loren's thing for example. So he posted stuff that was already out there with a pseudo promise to post more. The estate could have easily slapped him for that and warned him not to do any more.

but I am just trying to get across the views of many longtime GS members (of which I am one) that once the fans came on with some (not all) really daft questions and over burdensome attitudes the thread tailed off.

worth noting that while personally I would love bruce to work on "new" material, IMO, he's the only engineer that should, we have to remember that a while back there was a "falling out" and Bruce posted in a number of places about the bad blood and money issues. Coincidently around the time he started talking about how some of the stuff was made, and published the first book.

Bruce prolly doesn't want to promo the book, as the media scum will only ask lamer questions anyway, for all we know he didn't want the thing to come out at all and the publisher forced the issue. It really is a very poor book anyway given the title. And most of it is straight outta the first one

I seriously doubt that Billy would have any envolvement at all (in new stuff), and honestly think he's just too busy to answer all the Qs. Billy is one busy dude.
yeah - i don't doubt the timing is interesting - as other places have also gone quiet.

You never know, take Bryan Loren's thing for example. So he posted stuff that was already out there with a pseudo promise to post more. The estate could have easily slapped him for that and warned him not to do any more.
Loren was looking into the legality of streaming certain songs but that was that and that was a month ago.
worth noting that while personally I would love bruce to work on "new" material, IMO, he's the only engineer that should, we have to remember that a while back there was a "falling out" and Bruce posted in a number of places about the bad blood and money issues. Coincidently around the time he started talking about how some of the stuff was made, and published the first book.
Bruce recently mentioned that he was owed money but that he wasnt really worried about it (and he didnt sue Michael for it either) and that his time working with Michael was worth it.

Bruce prolly doesn't want to promo the book, as the media scum will only ask lamer questions anyway, for all we know he didn't want the thing to come out at all and the publisher forced the issue. It really is a very poor book anyway given the title. And most of it is straight outta the first one
It cant remember where I heard it but I heard that Bruce had MJs ok to release it.
I seriously doubt that Billy would have any envolvement at all (in new stuff), and honestly think he's just too busy to answer all the Qs. Billy is one busy dude.

I dont think Bill has done any new work with MJ either. There has been some chatter with some other GS members that Bill has been asked to select tracks with which he had involvement for an album of MJs unreleased tracks as well as have other producers of the past.
Bruce recently mentioned that he was owed money but that he wasnt really worried about it (and he didnt sue Michael for it either) and that his time working with Michael was worth it.

It cant remember where I heard it but I heard that Bruce had MJs ok to release it.

Wll, actually what Bruce said was:

"and I am MAD..... has to do with the way that MJ has crapped on all of us who put him at the top!!! AND WE'RE ALL MAD AT HIM!!!!"

As for the first book, MJ did OK the release, this was confirmed by Bruce at a workshop around a year after the publication.
Bruce told the September issue of the Record Collector magazine that he WILL be working on tracks MJ has left behind, in the near future, this was from a JULY 7th iterview.

So hope that helps
Wll, actually what Bruce said was:

"and I am MAD..... has to do with the way that MJ has crapped on all of us who put him at the top!!! AND WE'RE ALL MAD AT HIM!!!!"

As for the first book, MJ did OK the release, this was confirmed by Bruce at a workshop around a year after the publication.

Whats your source for this comment? I heard Bruce's words with my own ears when he said he was owed money but that the time with Michael was worth it. He seemed to brush it off and didnt act like he was mad however this was after Mike died so............

And MJ Ok'd the latest book as well.
well, I'm looking at the interview in record collector and i can't see any quote from bruce in there saying he's working on tracks
the actual quote from Record Collector is:

"I'm going to be messing around with Michael's stuff. I have been invloved with some of the new material, but I have no idea of what they are intending to do with it. There is some wonderful stuff there."
Bruce could have made both statements. Just bc at one time he was pisswed and emotional about certain issues he had with Mike, doesnt mean that he didnt, once thinking it over, just let it go, as friends often do.

Would like to see the actual link of the one quote bc it could have been taken out of context with the caps and the exclamation points. Do we actually know if this was the correct tone?
Ok, I have a question. Bruce has worked on all of Michael's studio albums with CBS/Sony right? So the record company would/should be the one to be paying Bruce, not Michael.

Now, if we are going to take that comment with some face value, I am assuming that Bruce was working on some of Michael's songs with no association to a record company, is that correct?

I mean, why would Michael owe Bruce money for work in a studio because IMO that should be paid by the record company.

What is the date and timeline of this quote?
Bruce could have made both statements. Just bc at one time he was pisswed and emotional about certain issues he had with Mike, doesnt mean that he didnt, once thinking it over, just let it go, as friends often do.

It would appear that this is the case.
Would like to see the actual link of the one quote bc it could have been taken out of context with the caps and the exclamation points. Do we actually know if this was the correct tone?

As would I.

the actual quote from Record Collector is:

"I'm going to be messing around with Michael's stuff. I have been invloved with some of the new material, but I have no idea of what they are intending to do with it. There is some wonderful stuff there."

When was this quote?

It seems that some tracks have been selected to be mixed.
I did not post on GS, but I loved reading that thread. I wish there was a similar thread for those who produced Mikes various videos throughout the years. I would love to hear the stories.... one day.