Is Beyoncé the New Michael Jackson?

As someone once said: "what about all the millions of people who sit out in the sun, to become darker, to become other than what they are. No one says nothing about that."

I'm not sure why media has an agenda against dark skinned people appear lighter but says nothing about light skinned appearing dark? Media seems to love trying to create some sort of hatefest against successful black artists!

I suppose as Michael gone, tabloids don't have really big star to pull down, so they are attacking on Beyonce.
Just like they used years after years trying to pull down Michael.
Hmm, I think when the writer wrote is Beyonce next Michael, he meant that, is Beyonce going to be the next person that tabloids are going to vilify, just because of her skin colour.

I'm truly disheartened by the replies to this post:cry:
Seemingly the most of the posters missed the whole point of the article!
Some of you repeat well rehearsed mantra: There is no other Michael Jackson, no one can be MJ.....That wasn't the case in the article!

At least people commenting on HP, really got the point:

You're right Bubs. I apologize for not reading all of the article, tho I do get what it is about.

Personally, I haven't seen any comments about Bey and her skin color.
But hopefully she won't be pulled down by what the media is trying to say.
Beyoncé certainly has the entire package and is the most talented female performer on the scene today but she is no Michael Jackson. MJ was in a class all his own and there is simply no one who can match him. I love to watch her dance and she is a wonderful singer, actor. I wish her nothing but the best.