Invincible (2001) Vs. Michael (2010)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In your opinion, from what you have heard thus far, Do you think "Michael" will have better songs than "Invisible"?

I think "Michael" will have way better songs.
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Re: Invisible (2001) Vs. Michael (2010)

I think Michael will have great great songs.

I've never liked to compare MJ albums. They are all genius in each way.

Vince is one of my all time favorite albums, so I don't know if Michael will beat it, but maybe.

We'll have to hear all 10 songs.
Re: Invisible (2001) Vs. Michael (2010)

See, I know a lot of people think Invincible as one of his weaker albums but I LOVE it - perhaps because it was THE album that sparked my Michael Jackson obsession (again) or perhaps simply because of the songs on there. Either way, I love it! My favourites are the first 3 tracks, YRMW and Threatened! I love turning up the bass on Threatened - it makes me feel like I just wanna let go!

But yeah.. Compared to Michael? We will have to see what they are all like on there :) I can't wait to hear them all!
Re: Invisible (2001) Vs. Michael (2010)

From what I heard so far, and even though I adore Invincible, I have a feeling that Michael will be better, yes.
Re: Invisible (2001) Vs. Michael (2010)

How can we compare an album from which we have heard all 16 songs to a new album from which we have only heard 2-3 songs?

I can tell you how I feel in january when I have heard the album Michael 100 times from beginning to end. It will take time. Sometimes songs seem to grow on me. So I can't say yet.
Re: Invisible (2001) Vs. Michael (2010)

I think Michael will have great great songs.

I've never liked to compare MJ albums. They are all genius in each way.

Vince is one of my all time favorite albums, so I don't know if Michael will beat it, but maybe.

We'll have to hear all 10 songs.

I don't really compare them either. I don't see Invincible as inferior to other albums, sure some songs don't do it for me but that's the same for all his albums - there's always one song that i just don't like. And i really like a lot of the songs on Invincible. In saying that i don't think I'll see 'Michael' as superior.

Nice diplomatic answer there.
Re: Invisible (2001) Vs. Michael (2010)

Invincible was perfected by Michael himself..............

Michael and the future albums will be good.............but the songs that were finished by other people will never compare to ones released by Michael himself!!!!!!!

Having said that, there were many songs that Michael finished making that couldn't be released due to album length, problems with record label and personal legal problems.............

Michael was originally due to release a Christmas album during the 90's but that was cancelled due to 1993 extortion..........

.......I wonder how many Christmas songs he completed????
Re: Invisible (2001) Vs. Michael (2010)

Can't compare anything just yet. Let's wait till after December 14th.

I will say this though....if you compare the 1st singles released, "Hold My Hand" in my personal opinion is stronger than "You Rock My World"
Re: Invisible (2001) Vs. Michael (2010)

Invincible by far.
Re: Invisible (2001) Vs. Michael (2010)

Invincible is in tie with Dangerous as my fav album from Mike.. Very very underrated album by fans and non-fans, I find it hard to believe "Michael" will top that but I bet it's gonna be one hell of an album!
Re: Invisible (2001) Vs. Michael (2010)

I beleve that the "Invincible" was the soul of Michael!!!!Trimmed until the last note from him.The pinnacle of perfection!!!!
But something tells me "Michael" will be something similar!!!!
Re: Invisible (2001) Vs. Michael (2010)

Anything released after Invincible is to be seen as a gift from above. And great music will be come. But as said. MJ didn't finalize it. :(
Re: Invisible (2001) Vs. Michael (2010)

Invincible will be better because MJ put his final touches on it, MICHAEL will still be a great album and given the circumstances, it will be the best we can get. I'll be buying atleast 5 copies of it , probably 10. This is my first album release ever, as I became a fan in 2004. It's very exciting, and I am counting down the days until Dec 14th!
Re: Invisible (2001) Vs. Michael (2010)

Can't compare anything just yet. Let's wait till after December 14th.

I will say this though....if you compare the 1st singles released, "Hold My Hand" in my personal opinion is stronger than "You Rock My World"

Yeah, it's too soon to compare albums, besides every album made is a amazing but from what I've heard so far ,Michael will be AMAZING as well :punk:
Re: Invisible (2001) Vs. Michael (2010)

mmmmmm i'm not sure. I don't think any MJ album will be like it was when MJ was alive. I hope I am wrong though.
Re: Invisible (2001) Vs. Michael (2010)

And why have you called it Invisible in the name of the thread? - If it's a joke - not so funny. :)
Re: Invisible (2001) Vs. Michael (2010)

why are there more threads comparing anything Michael has ever done, or supposedly has done, to Invincible, than any other album Michael has ever put out, if Invincible is so invisible? all those threads are proving Invincible's invincibility. so thanks, on behalf of Michael, and the fact that it is my favorite album from him.
Re: Invisible (2001) Vs. Michael (2010)

Re: Invisible (2001) Vs. Michael (2010)

I have a really good feeling about this new album, but the first 4 songs of Invincible are up there with my favourite MJ songs of all time. Also Speechless, Whatever Happens, Threatened. Invincible was a masterpiece you know. But I'm open to all new MJ brilliance :)
Re: Invisible (2001) Vs. Michael (2010)

why are there more threads comparing anything Michael has ever done, or supposedly has done, to Invincible, than any other album Michael has ever put out, if Invincible is so invisible? all those threads are proving Invincible's invincibility. so thanks, on behalf of Michael, and the fact that it is my favorite album from him.

I think it has to to do more with it being his last official Studio album Vince...I think most people understand how special Invincible is...It is EASILY the greatest album of the 2000's and it's my favorite album by him as well. I hope the "Invisible" is just a typo :lol:
Re: Invisible (2001) Vs. Michael (2010)

don't try to compare something he did with something he didn't do, or completed.

I think it would be good, but definitely not better.
Re: Invisible (2001) Vs. Michael (2010)

That's a very tough question and I'm not sure if anything that gets released now can ever be honestly compared to anything he released while he was still with us.

'Invincible' was his last solo album. And although it is my least favorite album, it's still a "real" Michael Jackson album, so to speak. It's his work, his vision, and he completed it, approved all the songs, finalized the production, and so on. It has that feeling of authenticity to it that, I think, will be missing from most of the material that gets released now. Of course I hope that I'm wrong, and I do believe that on some songs it might be a LOT less obvious than on others -- I absolutely love 'Hold My Hand' for example, and believe the final product that Akon delivered is extremely close to what it would have been if they had been able to finish the song together. Maybe even exactly what it would've been. But we'll never know and that's why, in my opinion, it's unfair to compare it.

This new era that's starting now... The "Michael" era or the "Immortal" era, or whatever you wanna call it, it's a very different kind of reality for us fans. We have to basically trust in the Estate to make the right decisions that will allow us to carry on MJ's legacy in a way that we can feel comfortable with and that we feel does him justice. And so far, I have to say, I'm impressed with what they've done -- I find myself fully supporting the new album, and that's a very good sign indeed. But it still feels very different, as well. And it's gonna take a while for me to find a certain level of comfort within this situation.

So yeah, that was kinda rambly, but the bottom line is that for me, there will always be a very, very clear distinction between what came before and what came after. And that's why I don't think I want to compare what we're getting now to what we already have.
Re: Invisible (2001) Vs. Michael (2010)

how can compare a classic MJ album we all know and love to one album which none of us ( apart from a few on here) have ever heard ?
Re: Invisible (2001) Vs. Michael (2010)

So tired of threads about Invincible! It's a great album so let's appreciate his last real completed work! And let it stand on it's own! Thanks!
Re: Invisible (2001) Vs. Michael (2010)

Invincible will be better because MJ put his final touches on it, MICHAEL will still be a great album and given the circumstances, it will be the best we can get. I'll be buying atleast 5 copies of it , probably 10. This is my first album release ever, as I became a fan in 2004.

Wow, Im amazed to read that from you. Im sorry you were`nt around for the thrill and hysteria around every album after Thriller, fantastic FANTASTIC times. Anyway, I cried tonight when I heard HMH full blast in the car and Im unbelievably excited about "Michael", but I`ll say Invincible because Michael was here to bask in the excitment, I do know "Michael" will be an amazing gift to us though
Re: Invisible (2001) Vs. Michael (2010)

"Invincible" was over-produced in my opinion. It was just too much, although I confess that I just love Threatened, especially after hearing the This is it version, hell yeah, baby! But Michael doesn't sound promising either, although you never know. It might be amazing.