Interviews whilst in london

Well if Michael was to do an interview in the UK I don't think Jonathan Ross would be a good idea since he just seems to make fun of everyone and sometimes I think he crosses the line with some of the things he says. If he wanted to do an interview in the UK then it would be cool if he did a special with another star interviewing him who admires and respects him and who he can be relaxed with and laugh, Dermot O'Leary would be a good choice I think.
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I can't see any problem with Michael doing an interview while he is over for the concerts, the only questions that should be asked are about the tour and up coming music and the basics,
J Ross would be awesome!
Although he does have a ppop at people now anad again and Michael has been the subject a time or two, but J Ross knows respect when it comes to interviewing stars on his show (respect for stars while he's on radio is another thing but lets not get into that) He knows how too have a laugh when its needed and when to be serious.
Plus his guests on the show get to preform some songs!.... you do the thinking on that one! haha

But I highly doubt Michael will do any interviews...

Your 100% right, he knows when to be serious and when to have a laugh.

I do doubt he will do it anyway though :\
he just needs to focus on the music and performances, and not try and convince ppl how "normal" he is. all he needs to do is remind people why they loved him in hte first place
Jonathan Ross is cool, I love to watch his show.

If you can't laugh at yourself then whats the use. Michael isn't too big for anything, but could you imagine Michael sitting in the green room of Jonathan Ross, lmfao. So random and unreal... i don't think it would happen.

I'm sure if he went on one of those shows they would tell them what questions to ask perhaps. But whatever, Michael may speak to someone who knows.
I really don't think Michael needs to be doing any indepth interviews while on this tour in London. He should just let his music, artistry speak for itself. That is what will shut up the nay sayers and those in the media who are just hoping he'll fall flat on his face.
I really don't think Michael needs to be doing any indepth interviews while on this tour in London. He should just let his music, artistry speak for itself. That is what will shut up the nay sayers and those in the media who are just hoping he'll fall flat on his face.

Jonathon Ross Interview isnt and in depth interview like parkinson or anything its a fun show. and jonathon asks questions that are on topic , if he did appear i bet it would be a lot of stroies and talk about prep for the tour, and all the stars always say they have so much fun and lots of michaels friends have appeared on there- so wouldnt mind betting they recommend him.
It would be really cool if he did Jonathan Ross, but I highly doubt it. Michael will be too busy with performing and resting in between the shows to do intereviews and such things.

He could do it in the break between this years and next years shows though. Would be really awesome! But highly doubt it!
Yeah,Dermot would be a great choice.
He's a big fan of Mike and they have already met (although very briefly), which might put Mike at ease.
In fact, they could do a special as a spin-off of X-Factor. The show could follow the process of putting together the concerts with audition clips, rehearsal clips and perhaps very brief performance clips, interspersed with new interview clips. It would make a change from using increasingly old footage from the 80s to portray Mike as an entertainer.
"Am going to bed with Jane to watch TV and catch up on her day. But have had EXCITING news re HUGE STAR to be on show in Sept ! Just HUGE !!"

^^^^^^^^^^^^On Jonathon Ross Twitter page^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I applied for tickets to his show last year and they only turned up last week for next weeks recording! So took a while but heres how you get them you have to send a SAE to

PO Box 58378

I think if we all put on the envelope we want to see Michael! lol we may have a chance!!