Interviews whilst in london


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Surrey , UK
I would love to see Michael on some of our interview type programmes here in the UK! i would love too see him on Jonathon Ross or being interviewed by Paul O'Grady !
I think Jonathon Ross show would be perfect , he always has the biggest stars I think if Michael does anything it will be "friday night with..." . I am really really hoping for this.
mj was watching jonathan ross when in london in march it was on the big tv on his bus when he came back from oliver. then ppl joked that he will be watching it in his room and wont wave until its finished. he started waving just after it finished lol. personally mj shouldnt talk to anyone imo especially ross and the this morning programe
mj was watching jonathan ross when in london in march it was on the big tv on his bus when he came back from oliver. then ppl joked that he will be watching it in his room and wont wave until its finished. he started waving just after it finished lol. personally mj shouldnt talk to anyone imo especially ross and the this morning programe

Also sorry for DP! but wasnt that when Linoel Richie was on?
no idea i never watch ross show.

why not? this morning is a chessy tacky ptograme that talks crap about mj and ross well the same. mj needs to stay away from interviews and let the music speak for itself.
Michael seems to BIG of a star to be interviewed by these people lol If you know what I mean. I like the fact that he doesnt do many interviews gets people guessing, and it also shows you how big he must be that even presenters like this cant get hold of him lol
Michael seems to BIG of a star to be interviewed by these people lol If you know what I mean. I like the fact that he doesnt do many interviews gets people guessing, and it also shows you how big he must be that even presenters like this cant get hold of him lol

What do you mean by that comment? Was Martin Bashir the right person then? ;)

Rossy has interviewed the biggest stars going except michael of course :-D
Johnathan ross would be a no no, b/c i can see if mike went on that show, the frist thing will come up about the trial and other stuff like concert, and i think he would poke fun at him, and we all know what Johnathan is like, some of us do. And i think that would be the same with this morning. He need to go on a tv show or whatever that is reliable and that he can trust.
Nah, not Johnathon Ross he's a right prick, making snide comments about MJ here and there, plus, he was rude about MJ to Janet's face so I don't see why he wouldn't be rude to MJ's face.

I'd rather him do another PHM to an interview.
ross is a idiot and so up his own ass im surpprised he can see. his exploits with russell brand sum him up
Michael is too big a star for these kind of interviews. People who do this interviews are tring to revive their flagging careers. If Michael did these interviews it would take away the mystery from the man . . .
No way should he be on Jonathan Ross. He'll have the urge of taking the piss.

The only credible UK Journalist he should have a chat with is Michael Parkinson. Unfortunately, he's now retired.
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OoOO Peirs Morgan ! I dont think he has interviewed big enough stars yet to cope with Michael! But Mr Ross on the other

The strangest thing happened after i wrote this thread i went home and found 4x tickets to Jonathon Ross show for the 28th May!!! I applied about a year ago for them and totally finger crossed that michael is in the country and might be considering JR ;-) LOL *in my dreams huh? * mmm
Haha so you're going to sit in Jonathon Ross' audience then? Lol!

Depends whos on - would love to of seen Tom Hanks but he was on last week :( and Ben Stiller - But his this week :-( knowing my luck it will be osmeone like Kerry Katona and Someone rubbish from Big brother lol In which case i wont attend!
What do you mean by that comment? Was Martin Bashir the right person then? ;)

Rossy has interviewed the biggest stars going except michael of course :-D

I guess Martin Bashir got lucky? LOL But before Michael he was well known for his interview with Princess Diana. Also The LWMJ Interview was a different kind, its more of a interview/documentry. The reason I said he was to big, is because it would make more sence if ross came to michael, not michael come to him lol
The only credible UK Journalist he should have a chat with is Michael Parkinson. Unfortunately, he's now retired.
not after the things hes said about him. parkinson couldnt interview anyone. all he does is have the same ppl on who have a new book or film to promote theres no really interview just chit chat.
Nobody is "too big" to be interviewed anymore, but it would have to be prime time to make it worthwhile IMO.

IF Mike decides to do an interview before the concerts, I'm sure whatever he does will be a pre-recorded special that allows him some room to have personal control over what is broadcast (though editorial control over your own TV special/interview is always derided by the British press). He won't want to be caught out like he did with Bashir, and that may even mean ITV won't get a look in. That would only leave BBC 1 as a mainstream station that could carry such a huge special, but unfortunately for Mike, Jonathon Ross really is the biggest interviewer they have and he's one of their highest paid stars. He has said some terrible things about Mike in the past (even said them directly to LAtoya and Janet!) so on the one hand I hope Mike doesn't go there, but on the other I hope he does do something - a nice special with exclusive rehearsal clips, perhaps interviews with Ortega, the dancers, choreographers etc would be a good way to go, though it would then have to broadcast after the concerts have started. Perhaps Parkinson would come out of retirement for a one-off interview with Mike? I always thought he could be quite direct about the topics he questioned people about, without being nasty or rude.

Perhaps if he doesn't want to do a recorded, broadcastable interview he could invite papers/magazines to submit interview questions to him. He could then repsond directly to them through letters or emails. That way everything he said could be moderated by an advisor to ensure that nothing stupid is said.

One way or another, I do think he should be planning to something to promote himself, the concerts (tho they're already sold out) and potentially new music while times are relatively pro-Jackson. Done well, the next 12 months could help to substantially rebuild his shattered image and restore some of the shine to his legacy in the eyes of the general public.
if he does anything DEFO NOT this morning, very tacky. DEFO not paul o'grady, altho i do love paul. too tacky.

now johnathan ross i hate but it would be better for him in the sense that ross has had all the major stars on his show.

but then i would also be worried. because i think everyone in the UK no about the things ross does.

sooo yeh i would love to see an interview. but he will either get the piss takin out of him. or he will look like hes stooping to low with some of them tacky shows.
Nah, not Johnathon Ross he's a right prick, making snide comments about MJ here and there, plus, he was rude about MJ to Janet's face so I don't see why he wouldn't be rude to MJ's face.

Surely its worse to say it to his face than to Janets. You make it seem as though it would be a step back from saying it to Janet.

Johnathan Ross is hilarious, he makes fun of everyone to their faces. Just not about serious things. Its not as if he would say things molest kids.........your face is made of plastic. He wouldnt say things that bad. He said Tom Hanks looked chinese last year. It was funny!

He makes fun of people for minor things, and its funny. Why should it be different with Michael?

not after the things hes said about him. parkinson couldnt interview anyone. all he does is have the same ppl on who have a new book or film to promote theres no really interview just chit chat.

Thats generally why most people go on talk shows. These days at least.

ross is a idiot and so up his own ass im surpprised he can see. his exploits with russell brand sum him up

You want to know what I find really funny?? That a lot of Michael Jackson fans often use the arguement that people dont even know Michael so they cannot judge him! You all say this in defense when someone says something about Michael.

But apparently this only applies to Michael Jackson :O I see a lot of people here calling Johnathan Ross names, calling him an idiot and a prick?! Guess dont know him so you cant judge! haha!

Seriously though, a lot of you are such hypocrites I have to say!

His exploits with Russel Brand sum him up? Ok, lets judge Michael solely on him dangling a baby over a balcony! Just to make it fair :)

Besides if you have actually heard the Russel Brand and Johnathan Ross incident with Andrew Sachs. You will hear Johnathan Ross saying it was going to far, and the majority of it was Rusell Brand. Which is also funny, because from this I gather that you are just basing your opinion now on what you have heard in the media. Isnt that normally frowned upon here?! :O Oh no silly me, thats only when Michael is involved!
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I don't think he should do any interviews while he's here, especially not Jonathan Ross! OMG, he is so not the right person. He just takes the piss out of people constantly, can't be doing with him. If he was to do an interview, it should be a one off, not him going on a programme that is on every week. Saying that though, look how that last one turned out... he's probably better not doing any. Sad but true.
I can't see any problem with Michael doing an interview while he is over for the concerts, the only questions that should be asked are about the tour and up coming music and the basics,
J Ross would be awesome!
Although he does have a ppop at people now anad again and Michael has been the subject a time or two, but J Ross knows respect when it comes to interviewing stars on his show (respect for stars while he's on radio is another thing but lets not get into that) He knows how too have a laugh when its needed and when to be serious.
Plus his guests on the show get to preform some songs!.... you do the thinking on that one! haha

But I highly doubt Michael will do any interviews...