Interesting comments by people working with Michael's kids


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I found these interesting comments on the TV1 website where they posed the questions of people's opinion of what should happen to Michael's children. They are made by one of his attorneys and the child psychologist that are working with the children. They state some interesting facts of the tender relationship between Michael and the kids.

Lisa Renaulds
on July 13th, 2009 at 12:12 pm Said:
After working with Mr Jackson and several of his family members, i have seen his superb parenting skills with his three children. Paris, who has always misbehaved with nannies, was turned into an angel by Jackson’s calm and reasurring manner. Blanket, who Jackson loved although was not related to Prince or Paris, never left his dad’s side and tried hard to immitate his dancing. Prince had a way with words, just like his father, and spoke up whenever a bad word was put to his father. He never allowed anybody to insult his family and always reassured his youngers siblings whenever the media attacked them. My personal opinion as a child pysycology worker is that the children live with their grandparents, with the other Jacksons helping to raise the children. Child care is something to be treated with care and these children may recieve traumatic shock if sent to live with Rowe, who they consider to be a stranger.

David Branca
on July 13th, 2009 at 12:26 pm Said:
Jackson and I had been working together for many years. His children have always been his main priority, and he has loved them as much as possible. His eldest son Prince, currently undergoing physical changes in his body, needs a fatherly figure to help him understand the effects of puberty. Paris is maturing and is facing the same difficulties as Prince. Her father has talked to her about this, but she needs another member of the Jackson family to help her to realise what she is going through. She has told me once, “I hate this Branca. I don’t want to grow up.” It is clearly obvious these children need somebody to give them the birds and bees talk before Blanket undergoes the same thing. Me and Dr. Renaulds, (who has written a comment above me!) have sat with Jackson and the children and calmly listened to him explain the changes they are going through. Although the children seemed to be shying away at what Jackson had told them, Paris wanted a private chat with her dad about what was happening to her. Prince and Paris talk to each other about anything, and their maturing secrets have been something that the two children rely upon their father to help them with. Paris is in desperate need of a female, as sometimes talking to a male is rather akward for her to do, although Jackson understood the physical process that Paris had undergone. As for where the children should go, they should stay with someone they know well and love. Their grandparents and members of the Jackson family for support would be a great start!
David Branca
We always knew how great Michael was to his children! :)

And Prince, I think he's gonna defend his father to the core, in the years to come... Paris too. :yes:
I thank you for posting this information.
God bless Michael's little ones and help them as they grow. :angel:
Thankyou for this info.

lol about the birds and the bees. Can you imagine Michael talking to his children about that? awwww

I know. I was worried about that. I know Paris loves her daddy so much and I was afraid he hadn't had the chance to have "The Talk" with them but this reassures me he did and that eases my heart a little. :yes:
My son is the same age as Blanket. I don't wanna have*that* talk with him.
Good for Michael taking care of that. Girls can be very shy about that. Looks like Michael did a great job. Duh!
I'd let him babysit my kids any time. They are a handful!!
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Who are these people? David Branca? Why would they be allowed to talk about this? I don't believe this. Lol. I am ur regular MJ skeptic. Btw MJ talked to Janet about the birds and the bees.
Lisa is the child psychologist the Jacksons hired to help the children deal with their father's death. Dave Branca is obviously related to John Branca who is one of the executors of Michael's estate. Don't worry Lisa B, I think those people are ok and professional. I was just happy to know they are being helped to deal with their personal issues as well as Michael's death and that Michael started it all himself as a father should.
Who are these people? David Branca? Why would they be allowed to talk about this? I don't believe this. Lol. I am ur regular MJ skeptic. Btw MJ talked to Janet about the birds and the bees.

yeah that was weird
i found a lil disturbing, paris is 11 how much physical change anxiety do you have at 11??? its not like she was 13 or 14 and them discussing this if it happened randomly like this just seems really odd. like "Jackson understood the physical process paris had undergone" errrmmmm she's 11? im confused.
i found a lil disturbing, paris is 11 how much physical change anxiety do you have at 11??? its not like she was 13 or 14 and them discussing this if it happened randomly like this just seems really odd. like "Jackson understood the physical process paris had undergone" errrmmmm she's 11? im confused.

Erm, I had my first period when I was 11 and my mum was 9 when she got hers...
I don't trust this. How dare they reveal this private info. That would be illegal. And Paris calling David "Branca" is odd. The whole thing seems wrong. I don't believe this report.
That what I was thinking lisaB. Why are they sharing this info with the public. I mean its one thing to say michael was a great father share a story and move on, but going into all of that is a bit much and should be illegal. I don't get it.
I dont like the way the woman said Blanket is not blood related to Prince and Paris. They are half siblings. Did she run a dna test to prove otherwise? Did anyone?
is this even real. what sort of professionals are these ppl who have gone running to the media. they claimed to work with mj and the kid when mj was still here.
ahhh right maybe that was it, but still I really dislike these people writing about the children's concerns that stuff is really private. I think they should have kept that confidential.

I agree. They will be teens in a just a few short years, so of course they are concerned about these types of things but this should not be shared with the public. The kids are off limits as far as i'm concerned and how they feel about things like this should not be made public. It's too personal.

I feel very protective of those kids since MJ died even if I don't know them, but I do feel protective of them and I think people should respect their privacy more.
Oh....kay. Well, um, the last half from David Branca I could have done without. Come on, man. As if those kids aren't embarrassed enough, you have to highlight the fact that Prince and Paris are going through puberty?? :doh:

I feel like a voyeur.
This invasion of privacy on Michaels children is shameful. Haven't they learned a lesson from their treatment of the father. I can't take it :no:
I feel for all the kids.. i wish i could give them all a hug :(
I feel for paris- i hated what i went through with puberty it sucked big time
but imagine going through that with the whole world watching!

And i hope prince will find a father figure that he can go to to talk bout his feelings and what hes going through. And i wish the same for blanket when he reaches that stage in his life.
Gosh, I'm just so sad that they can't share life stories and experiences with their dad as they get older.... man, it breaks my heart.
I find this a bit weird as well.... I don't get why they would post so many details about their private lives.

We all know by know what a wonderful father Michael is. It's not a surprise to anyone.

I wish there was something we could do for the children, it breaks my heart to know what they are going through.
The puberty talk is just too much. Why would they say that publicly? Poor kids.
I think MJ did a GREAT job parenting those children. You could really see his strength in little sweet Paris at the memorial wanting the whole world to know what a great dad he was. She is a darling!!
I really hope she gets her way and make that song to honor her dad.
So Prince saw what the media said about MJ??

the jacksons have said that the children are very naive and innocent and they know dad was a famous singer but that's it they lived sheltered lives...I remember Michael saying in that Geraldo interview that he would hate for his children to see the way they are making fun of him
I thought that was so sad
Michael liked innocence I'm sure he tried to preserve that in his children...I'm worried about them now that he's not here anymore...these children don't need psychologists they need love
and isn't Branca one of the executors of Michael's estate? I don't like the way he talks