Interested to see more from Michael?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi all!

As we are all "patiently" waiting for the new music to be created an released I must admit I'm entertained by those Thriller inspired toys that have been released lately and was wondering...
if Michael created some products other then music ... streetwear line ( small collection of apparel, footwear, accessories ), toys ( not just inspired by but designed by Michael ), a perfume.... to name a few,
would it appeal to you?

i think in the past he endorsed some products or brands that didn't really reflected who he is, it's business i know,
but i think both fans and the "others" know it, so to me most of those didn't really appeal to me.

but if i think of a well designed backpack, a hoddie, or even a sneaker ( maybe designed for this new generation of dancers )... i think i might be into that! :)



Affordable clothing line, cologne, perfume, and jewelry...that will appeal to the old, young and everyone in between...

To be honest, I think MJ never took advantage of the merchandising end of his career as much as his music and natural talent IMO. In todays age even mediocre artists advertise more and try to sell more products. In terms of MJ, he did the exact opposite. He was and is the biggest artist of all time, and he really hasn't put out a lot of products. I'm not counting his Pepsi endorsements b/c those were gigantic contracts and that's not made to endorse his own product. I never knew what the LA Gear deal was all about. I'm not sure if they sold that well. I believe he could come out with his own line of shoes, clothes, more DVD!!!!!, hats, cologne, and the list is endless.
Didn't he already do, cologne, plush toys, and a drink already?
products wouldn't really appeal to me at all. Unless of course he came out with more books, drawings, etc. That whole merchandising thing just isn't needed for him to be a hit. Toys, clothing, perfume, etc. I just don't think those are his thing. Things like that have been proven to be flops for him, and considering his perfectionism, I don't think he'd want to be embarassed to put out a product he is only mediocre at developing. His perfectionism needs to continue to focus on his real talents. It's his music that sells, not his merchandise.
products wouldn't really appeal to me at all. Unless of course he came out with more books, drawings, etc. That whole merchandising thing just isn't needed for him to be a hit. Toys, clothing, perfume, etc. I just don't think those are his thing. Things like that have been proven to be flops for him, and considering his perfectionism, I don't think he'd want to be embarassed to put out a product he is only mediocre at developing. His perfectionism needs to continue to focus on his real talents. It's his music that sells, not his merchandise.
I got to agree with this. The prime time for Mike to create and endorse products was the 80s and early 90s. That time is over and I think if he released product like that today in the US, it would be a flop. If MJ wants to sell a big volume today, it's got to be with his music.
I got to agree with this. The prime time for Mike to create and endorse products was the 80s and early 90s. That time is over and I think if he released product like that today in the US, it would be a flop. If MJ wants to sell a big volume today, it's got to be with his music.

Dear Eric,
I think it would....The combinantion between Mr.Jacksons name and the product: the percentage of sales would go to help humanity in one way or another.
I wouldn't mind some kind of clothing line to be quite honest. I mean he does wear some of the most unique outfits you'll find so I think he could seriously take fashion by storm even today. Thats the only thing I could really see him doing and doing well.
Hi all!

As we are all "patiently" waiting for the new music to be created an released I must admit I'm entertained by those Thriller inspired toys that have been released lately and was wondering...
if Michael created some products other then music ... streetwear line ( small collection of apparel, footwear, accessories ), toys ( not just inspired by but designed by Michael ), a perfume.... to name a few,
would it appeal to you?

i think in the past he endorsed some products or brands that didn't really reflected who he is, it's business i know,
but i think both fans and the "others" know it, so to me most of those didn't really appeal to me.

but if i think of a well designed backpack, a hoddie, or even a sneaker ( maybe designed for this new generation of dancers )... i think i might be into that! :)



I think MJ should come out with a new line of Roller Blades....sports clothing....jackets, t-shirts, you name it.
good thoughts so far...

Michael is a perfectionist, but did he really delivered when it came to products... as some mentioned those few things done with his name were not really reflecting him.

how about if he did it with amazing people, experts, perfectionists?

how about instead of milking his name this new product is based on one of the many iconic pieces he created over the last "many" years, a pose, a song, the hat.... so it's more sophisticated and not only for the fans....

what if he pushed the team to deliver a high quality, high innovation products as he does when it comes to his music... ART.

would you be interested to buy the coolest thing on earth that by the way was designed by him versus
buying a cool product with his name slapped on it?

i dream of something cool... that people will love, and talk about, and post on those cool trend blogs and after awhile connect the dots... " ohhh, it was designed by Michael Jackson.... ohhh... now i get the logo, the name, the detail... cool"

How dope would that be?

He's too big to have the need to write his name music, all you need to hear is his voice, no need to read who the performer is.

does this make sense?
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ohhh, by the way i really need your thoughts... opinions.
don't ask me why ... but something cool could happen ;).

good thoughts so far...

Michael is a perfectionist, but did he really delivered when it came to products... as some mentioned those few things done with his name were not really reflecting him.

how about if he did it with amazing people, experts, perfectionists?

how about instead of milking his name this new product is based on one of the many iconic pieces he created over the last "many" years, a pose, a song, the hat.... so it's more sophisticated and not only for the fans....

what if he pushed the team to deliver a high quality, high innovation products as he does when it comes to his music... ART.

would you be interested to by the coolest hing on earth that by the way was designed by him versus
buying a cool product with his name slapped on it?

i dream of something cool... that people will love, and talk about, and post on those cool trend blogs and after awhile connect the dots... " ohhh, it was designed by Michael Jackson.... ohhh... now i get the logo, the name, the detail... cool"

How dope would that be?

He's too big to have the need to write his name music, all you need to hear is his voice, no need to read who the performer is.

does this make sense?

My point EXACTLY....
If he sells something, it must be something that is affordable. But marketing michael in terms of products not related to music right now at least in the US, but Europe and Asia should be wide open for any product
Seriously, even though i'm well past it, i would buy Michael Jackson toys if he made them. Designed and sold them, i mean.
I can see him being connected to some interesting clothing - something casual or semi-casual that carries his style, but in a subtle way. I wouldn't be too excited about perfume/cologne. I'm generally not interested in perfume, but there's also the fact that every two-bit celeb is pushing a perfume. Ok, so all the celebs push clothes too, but in MJ's case he actually has a style and an aura that could be reflected in clothing (which I think would be more difficult with a scent) whereas other celebs just seem to be involved with random things or they just give their names to designers' lines and it doesn't really matter what the designers come up with.
Who doesn't want to see Michael release Smooth Criminal suits and leotards?
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So he had an energy drink? Never heard of it but I'm interested. Not that it would be any good ten years later.

On a side note, I would love another Pepsi Commercial. Those things were done so well.

"You know I'm bad, I'm bad. And Pepsi's Cool, its cool, you know it." That was the best.
products wouldn't really appeal to me at all. Unless of course he came out with more books, drawings, etc. That whole merchandising thing just isn't needed for him to be a hit. Toys, clothing, perfume, etc. I just don't think those are his thing. Things like that have been proven to be flops for him, and considering his perfectionism, I don't think he'd want to be embarassed to put out a product he is only mediocre at developing. His perfectionism needs to continue to focus on his real talents. It's his music that sells, not his merchandise.

how ironic. you actually mean that the focus is on his MUSIC? lol

it's the other artists that have become caricatures and need merchandise. wonderfully ironic.
Good thoughts!

so let me run a quick "focus group" exercise...
if Michael created a brand (shoes, apparel , accessories ) for the young professional entertainers
which of the following names would best represent it :




pick one.

I had a different idea based on the communication prob between mj and fans and the media....a creation of a youtube like channel where people post video questions to Mike and his team on his career and art and Mike can answer also with videos whenever he can or a person that repsresents him under his directions will do it ! Ofcourse all monitored and bad videos are cut off because haters lurke!
Also a music video can be done -based on the technology used on make yout Thriller video project on youtube, with the fans faces and starrin' in, it would be a cool innovation! What do you think ?:wild:
As far as the clothes I prefer new things not ideas used before especially ideas that many other artists have done before ....
Good thoughts!

so let me run a quick "focus group" exercise...
if Michael created a brand (shoes, apparel , accessories ) for the young professional entertainers
which of the following names would best represent it :




pick one.


Well, since you specifically asked the question, I'll answer it. "MOONWALKER" the name has always appealed to me. And it's very iconic towards Michael. But in all honesty, I like all 3 of your ideas! And I don't think the "name" makes the product. If the product is good enough, and people want it, it will sell, regardless of the name. That's probably idealistic thinking for me, but I think it can be true.

And Sdeidjs, I like what you're saying. I agree.
unfortunately i can't say much about this idea... actually i can' say anything at all but that your feedback is really important and will make a difference. so please help, take a second and let me now your favorite.




pick one.
