Inside Jackson's world by personal medic


Proud Member
May 21, 2008
this is an article I found about a romanian doctor who took care of Michael throughout the years, the article is a month old but I couldn't find it anywhere on this forum (or any other forum)*****%B4s_world_by_personal_medic

(I hope I'm not reposting because I don't wanna get banned
nope, i hadn't seen this before. Thanks! this was very interesting
"The problem with the anesthetic propofol, or diprivan as it is called, is that it only stays in the blood two to three minutes.
"If the autopsy and the tests can prove the drug was still in his system at the time of his death then whoever administered it, should go to prison.

Wow...I hadn't read this.

Multumesc :flowers:

Loved the article. I wish the media would pay more attention to it.

The only thing I'm having an issue with is......what 2005 world tour is it talking about? :blink:
Wow...I hadn't read this.

Multumesc :flowers:

Loved the article. I wish the media would pay more attention to it.

The only thing I'm having an issue with is......what 2005 world tour is it talking about? :blink:

Invincible more then likely. but Something else happened and that tour was put on the back burner.
maybe the doctor misunderstood since he's not an expert in music, but I think what he meant is that Michael had many plans for 2005 that were ruined by the trial, remember he was arrested when filming the video for "One more chance"?
I can see where you're coming from, though I would think that, back in 2003, Michael had plans for 2003 and 2004 and not as far as 2005. And I'm sure that in 2004 he wasn't making any touring plans.

But that's not important, I don't wanna make an issue out of such a small detail ;) You're right, the one who wrote the article was probably just assuming.

It's the medical/humanitarian details that count.
good article - and yeah probably Michael was planning tour in 2005 I remember also some article says that he planns to go to the studio and record new album in 2005 - all go to trash because of Sneddon/Arwizo and they stupid allegations...

Rest In Peace Michael
A few of us on this board have said if they found diprivan in his blood then it was one extravagant amt and that's a poses a serious problem for Murray.
A few of us on this board have said if they found diprivan in his blood then it was one extravagant amt and that's a poses a serious problem for Murray.

Yeah I agree with this. The level must have been high for the coroner to conclude homicide and list acute propofol toxicity as the cause of death.
A few of us on this board have said if they found diprivan in his blood then it was one extravagant amt and that's a poses a serious problem for Murray.

Sure does.

Thanks for posting, snowhite.
"The problem with the anesthetic propofol, or diprivan as it is called, is that it only stays in the blood two to three minutes.
"If the autopsy and the tests can prove the drug was still in his system at the time of his death then whoever administered it, should go to prison.


Interesting indeed. Does he seem to imply that if there were levels of propfol found in Michaels system, the amount had to be very high? And that he must have died shortly after being injected with Propfol?
Interesting indeed. Does he seem to imply that if there were levels of propfol found in Michaels system, the amount had to be very high?

the coroner did mention the propofol intoxication was "acute", so yes very high
God I hate sneddon(sp? Although I am not concerned of how this a-holes name is spelled) so much, Michael had huge plans Like that tour and a whole lot of stuff and the greedy DA and those money hungry accusers messed it up. I hate that fact, I wish that the accusations never happened.

Back on Topic: I think the doctors lying about the amount that he put in Michael. He put much more than that looking at the coroners report. I just hope they didn't eff up the investigation enough to get the doc off.
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Thanks for the article, like esp. the donation part!

" But the law in America forbids me to give information about the health of a patient," he explained.
Yep, and I still don't get why doctors and nurses (whether they lie or not) talk about Michael's treatment on tv shows etc. without being punished. When it comes to Michael everything seems to be OK. That is why Murray still is on free foot while Michael had to stay in prison for nothing, was beaten by the police and nobody cared.
Whenever I read about this I get that hollow feeling in my stomach all over again. Thanks for the article. Michael died during the infusion of this propofol that is why it was found it in his system. together with the other sedatives. This bloody doctor is still not in jail..WHY??
Thank you for posting...
I always say I didn't think MJ was some habitual drug user like the media is trying to spin....
thanks for sharing this nice article.

problem is they said they have found propofol in his system but that's it. no one's moving to make an arrest. first time i'm seeing a homicide ruling without a corresponding warrant of arrest. so maybe investigation is ongoing for other participants, but perhaps even murray, himself, is wondering why he hasn't been arrested yet.
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"The problem with the anesthetic propofol, or diprivan as it is called, is that it only stays in the blood two to three minutes.
"If the autopsy and the tests can prove the drug was still in his system at the time of his death then whoever administered it, should go to prison.



Was a good article. Thanks for posting!
by the way what they say about klein at the end of the article, I wouldn't be surprised if he kept the money for himself...this is the same guy who said "no matter what michael wanted, someone would give it to him" insinuating he was a drug-addict. I think Michael was so naive and easy to use and these people saw that in him, if you'd ask him money for a sick kid he would give it to you just like that
Now this is a Doc i believe. Everything sounds like Mike. The last trial ruined everything for him and for his fans, that much is clear!

MJ wasn't a painkiller junkie, he wrote about it, but overcame his addiction. Until 2005, he lost contact with his 'good' entourage and came in touch with the vampires and leaches, who sytematically killed him. This is what i believe.
just like Elizabeth Taylor said "It shouldn't have happened. He shouldn't have passed away."