My advice to these two young ladies, IF they are indeed serious about this foundation (hard to tell when a Jackson is involved - Sorry), would be to get involved with another well established foundation, before going it alone.
Working with an established foundation, on a voluntary basis of course, would afford them the opportunity to see up close and personal how a foundation works, at the same time allowing folks to get acquainted with them both (at this point nobody knows who they are - famous last name or not).
I'm sure Genevieve Jackson expected Michael's fans to jump in with both feet just becasue she's MJ's niece (notice she's not saying "I'm Randy's daughter," but rather "I'm Michael Jackson's niece,") but that's not how it works. We knew Michael (per se), but we don't know her and we don't know the other young lady either.
I recall the hot water Wycleff got into with his charity venture and his supposed work in Haiti. His excuse was that "they were learning as they went along and didn't know better."
My note: You gotta know what you're doing BEFORE you start asking folks for their money!