In 20 years from now...

well i dont no wht ill be doing but i hope this forum is still around and where all still on it !!
In 20 years I'll be 45, and I hope to still be alive and well.
I'll be 45 and hope to have some sort of inner peace by then. My children will be brought up with Michaels music, but most importantly, Michaels message: Heal The World!
I thought I was the only one not really wanting to still be here in 20 years from now...

These past 3 weeks have felt like an eternity. I don't know how I'll make it another couple years.

If I have to live, I hope I'll find happiness. If my time comes early, I'll be happy too.

But in 20 years I should be 41...
I'll be 44 yrs old in 20 yrs time. And hopully married with kids, and still be listening to mj music abd missing him so much. Telling my kids who my big icon was bk in the day and still be my icon.
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I'm surprised at how many young (younger than 60) people don't know if they'll be around in 20 years! I hope I'm happy and healthy until I'm 100!

I'll be almost 50 in 20 years (wow, it's weird to think that). Maybe I'll have a couple of kids. I hope that I travel to Europe, Africa, and Asia in the next 20 years. I hope that I'll have learned a lot of interesting stuff and have become almost fluent in French. Mostly, I hope that I'm just happy.
In 20 years I will be almost 50... Because I have serrious health problems right now, I hope I will be in heaven with Michael!
Hi starone_angel... I almost posted that myself. I'll be lucky (would that be lucky?, hmm, not sure these days) to still be here in 20 years. Same thing... really serious health stuff. I find it amazing that even though I have relatives and my first boyfriend (whom I had wanted to marry at one point in life) on the other side already, I sure had no great desire to go there anytime soon! But then Michael passed and I've really had such a different feeling about it. I mean, I don't want to die soon. There's so much stuff I still intend to do, but it feels different now to think of it. It really made an impact on my life to know he was walking this Earth at the same time. Now that he's not, I don't know... the world isn't the same and I look forward to seeing him again someday...

I should add, just not anytime soon.
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20 years from now I'll be 37...dunno if can I enjoy enetertainment esp. music like I used to..looking forward to after life though lol no, but seriously.

the only thing I'm certain is I will live and relive Michael's legacy!
Wow, I'll be 42. :bugeyed I hope to have my own family by then, thats what I want most in my life. I also want to foster kids so hopefully by then I'll be doing that. It's funny, I used to be so career driven, but now that doesn't interest me at all.
In 20 years I'll be 50 and hopefully recording my own inspirational and awareness music. I'll hopefully also be supporting many humanitarian projects and maybe even visiting places to spread the word of love around and making tributes to artists who were and are spreading the message of love like Michael Jackson and the McCartneys and still be listening to Michael Jackson's music and watching his videos and of those who inspired him for some extra inspiration.

I will hopefully be raising my own family by that time too. :)

Speaking of which I'm going to head down town to find this volunteer's place and see what I can involve myself in.
In 20 years time i will be 37- so scary! I will be thinking, wow is it really 20 years since Michael left us? Thats really sad thinking that, i hate the fact its over 3 weeks since he left us atm, so 20 years is horrible. Im scared about that. I dont want it to be aaaages since he passed, i dunno i like how people are still talking about him atm (even if some is negative) i will never forget him though, hes been such a big partof my life.
I hope i will have a family at this point and l will definitly tell my children etc about this wonderful man. He will certainly live forever as far as im concerned.


Dying doesnt scare me as much as it used to now, knowing that when l get there i can give Michael a massive hug!
i honestly hope to god id make it to etertain you people with my dancing one day although honestly living is just something i dont have much joy for like im just here michael made me happy its like if i die shit oh well sorry if i sound crazy.
In 20 yrs time i will either be dead or on a geriactric ward grabbing the nurses bottoms lol.
gawd i ll be 69,
so iam not even gonna think about it. :(
I hope that in 20 years they will make some crazy machine to bring people alive and then.. you know.. maybe Michael would be with us again...
I will be in my late 40s by then. I will be passing on Michael's music to my kids for SURE ! they would love him as much as I do. Still, I find it weird to live in a world without Michael. Sure, he may not have performed of late or even released new albums BUT Michael is one of a kind. I been a fan since 1993. I cannot believe he's gone. I don't want to. That is why I keep watching his concerts, listen to his music etc. I don't want to believe he's "dead" cause in my heart he ain't.
hopely i'll be still making comic books other then that i dont know or care about much esle
I have trouble thinking of where I might be 1 , 2 or 3 years from now. Let alone 20 years from now. I very much try to live from day to day. I don’t really know where I will be at that point. However I would be 46. I have some story ideas so maybe I’ll have written some books and have had them published. Maybe I will have done some traveling by then, at this point I've never even be out of the USA and there are so many places I'd like to see one day, even places here in the states.

I would hope that I would be married by then to a great guy. Perhaps have 4 to 6 kids, I’ve always wanted to have sort of a large family. Two or three natural children the others adopted. I have wanted to adopt from foster care since I was 15 so hopefully in 20 years I will have adopted a few children from there regardless if I am married or not. I would hope to be as good of a parent to my kids as MJ clearly was to his. I would share with them MJ music and the kind soul that he clearly was, that this is someone that they can admire and look up to even though he was long since deceased. I hope to have done many good things to make this world a better place even if its something small. As far as music I have always listened to a variety of different kinds of music so I don’t see that changing.

I also hope that I at least have the basics food, shelter, clothing etc.

I don’t think I would want to see MJ cloned because it wouldn’t be him just a very good copy. Now holograms of Michael performing or anything else such as movies would be absolutely amazing.

Wouldn’t it be neat if this board is still here in 20 years and people come back and looked at what they wrote be sort of like a time capsule.
20 years from now I'd be 44. I'll probably still be wishing he was alive even then. I'd want to make a pledge right now to never stop listening to his music. I would never want a clone though. That just wouldn't be the same. I just hope that mainstream music is better 20 years from now, or even before then because I think it sucks now. I don't expect to ever see another great music legend like him, and that makes me depressed.
...where will you be, what have you been up to, what will you be doing, and most important what music do you think you'll be listening too.

Well I'll be in my late 50's, and hopefully I'd have visited Michael's place of rest (where ever it will be), I'm hoping he will be placed at his beloved Neverland. I can see myself becoming a grandfather and passing my memories and Michael's legacy to my grand children, who knows we could have 3D holographic performances of Michael, in concert or in your own living room, could you imagine singing and dancing with Michael, that would be so magical.

I'd hope by then the world, would now understand Michael and see him as some kind of saint who cared for our children and fought for peace.

Who knows, in 20, 50 or 100 years from now, and the way technology moves so fast. If scientists now know that human cloning is possible, how would you feel if they could produce a clone of Michael Jackson in years to come, so your children's children could grow up with him, just like you did. Would you want that to happen? I know Michael always said that he wants to live forever, and that wish may come true.

Could you imagine, if this crazy idea ever happened, that would be one hell of a concert.
The Beatles, Elvis, Sinatra, James Brown and of cause Michael, all on one stage.

speaking of 20 years from now
most of us will still be listen to michael's music requsting songs on the redio
play mp3 on a phone
technology? i know this much there all-ready is a 3d holograme of michael
good qussion what happen to the big stutale of michael if on only they could it move to michael's neverland home
by then michael will have his own resting place in his never land home
where his fans can vist his home
maybe some kind amusment park with its own zoo
thats what its says in michael's 2007 living will
maybe in 50 years when technology slows down
maybe they can find some kind of DNA of michal's and use it to help sick persons
in the next few years from then someone can go grave digin' and take of his bone use that and try to clone michael
or find any notes/music record by michael release so our grandchildern will know know who michael was to us
or find a living will of some kind so we can still rembmer michael in 100 years from now
i reckon in 20 yrs we ll still be trying to get gordon brown out of government
Well I'll be 40!! lol!! Hopefully married with kids and writing music. I'm hoping I've seen MJ's resting place. Most importantly still listening to Michael Jackson.