In 20 years from now...

DJ Spins the sounds

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Tamworth, England
...where will you be, what have you been up to, what will you be doing, and most important what music do you think you'll be listening too.

Well I'll be in my late 50's, and hopefully I'd have visited Michael's place of rest (where ever it will be), I'm hoping he will be placed at his beloved Neverland. I can see myself becoming a grandfather and passing my memories and Michael's legacy to my grand children, who knows we could have 3D holographic performances of Michael, in concert or in your own living room, could you imagine singing and dancing with Michael, that would be so magical.

I'd hope by then the world, would now understand Michael and see him as some kind of saint who cared for our children and fought for peace.

Who knows, in 20, 50 or 100 years from now, and the way technology moves so fast. If scientists now know that human cloning is possible, how would you feel if they could produce a clone of Michael Jackson in years to come, so your children's children could grow up with him, just like you did. Would you want that to happen? I know Michael always said that he wants to live forever, and that wish may come true.

Could you imagine, if this crazy idea ever happened, that would be one hell of a concert.
The Beatles, Elvis, Sinatra, James Brown and of cause Michael, all on one stage.
I dont want to think about in 20 years from now :cry:
I still have a hard time imagining living in a world without him
I dont like it at all :no:
Brilliant thread.

In 20 years I'll be 38, be trying to create a spectacular vision through Video's. Everytime I look back I'll think of the legends of our time.

In 20 years time Michael Jackson will be blasting from the airwaves.

I would have hoped to work with some influential people to help make music and video be inspiring.

"The Beatles, Elvis, Sinatra, James Brown and of cause Michael, all on one stage." You know Everytime I think of Heaven I think they all must be making sweet music. I can imagine when our time comes to go home I can imagine the gates opening and music just blaring out lol
In 20 years I hope they invent a phone that connects to heaven!!! Even better... a video phone...

Not sure what I'll be doing really... lol
Well I am still holding on to the believe that the world is going to end on December 21st 2012. And I am totally ready for it. That way I will be going to heaven with the other people that believes and excepted Jesus in to their lives. And I have I have to if I want to be with to be in the same place with Michael. I just wish the world would end now instead of 3 years from now.

So I am not thinking of where I would be in 20 years from now. Even though I would be 49 years old then.
to be 20 years?? (that's so long!!!) I hope I'll be in heaven with michael by then (I would be 39)
Well I am still holding on to the believe that the world is going to end on December 21st 2012. And I am totally ready for it. That way I will be going to heaven with the other people that believes and excepted Jesus in to their lives. And I have I have to if I want to be with to be in the same place with Michael. I just wish the world would end now instead of 3 years from now.

So I am not thinking of where I would be in 20 years from now. Even though I would be 49 years old then.
That's what I thought at first, but from what people who studied this say, this "end" is going to be the beginning of a new era of a higher energy vibration, where people will be more in contact with their higher self and more "psychic". I guess we'll see...
20 years from now I could very well be death because I'm almost 49 already.:( I'm really an old fart compared to you guys. But 20 years from now those of us who are still around may very well be listening to Paris Jackson or Prince Michael. :)
I'll be happy hopefully...I'd have a 24 year old daughter though! :O That's my age now!! Gosh I can't imagine! No doubt I'll be listening to 'old' music (as I will be 'old') including Michael Jackson of course :) Maybe I'll be a trendy 44year old and 'get down' with all the 'new' music! :D
In 20 years from now I will be 40! (OMGG!!! LOL)

Hopefully married, hopefully in a teaching job...hopefully writing children's books..

I will hopefully NOT be a grandparent yet =] lol but my children WILL know of Michael Jackson and his life, must most of all his legacy and the good things he did for people, because that is what I admire most about him.
It's hard to comprehend 20 years (God, 20 years) without Michael here with us, isn't it? Three weeks has been hard enough...

I'd also be in my late 50's. I always intended to be one of those adults who never loses touch with what's popular, but if music keep sucking like it has I guess I will be or am already, lol. (Heck, these last few years I didn't even know who some of the Grammy winners were, lol.) I would also hope I'd have visited Michael's final resting place and long been over the pain (well, maybe 90%? just hoping) and just back to nothing but the joy I've always found when experiencing anything from him (music, performances, etc). I hope to be part of occasional gathering of all us fans, too! I hope the Thriller dance becomes like THE thing for Halloween, lol. And I hope August 29th is a world holiday... MJ Day, with moonwalking flash mobs and his music blasting from every house. And if it's not too much to ask, I'm looking forward to some kind of really great virtual reality games or convincing holographic home movies... with Michael in them, of course ;)
I will be 62 in 20 years, and I will still be listening to MJ and enjoying his songs, as I remember my youth when I first became a fan!

Excellent thread!!
OMGOSH!! I'll be (49) in 20 years=2029 :cry:

Hopefully I'm a Mother of 2-3 chrildren at that time.. I'll
pass Michael's legacy to my Kids.. It's Still very difficult to
magine a life without Michael :boohoo: This 3 weeks have been a
nightmare for me..
That's what I thought at first, but from what people who studied this say, this "end" is going to be the beginning of a new era of a higher energy vibration, where people will be more in contact with their higher self and more "psychic". I guess we'll see...

Wow, I hope that that is true :)

20 years from now I could very well be death because I'm almost 49 already.:( I'm really an old fart compared to you guys. But 20 years from now those of us who are still around may very well be listening to Paris Jackson or Prince Michael. :)


I will be 41 by then, and hopefully I will also have a family and a nice house where I can bring my children up safely and I can share Michael's music and love with them :)
i was actually thinking yesterday about it. not 20 years but just about the future. i think now we have fans that have unique knowledge of the man. they met him, spoke to him, heard his answers, they know who he is. when we are gone - how people will perceive Michael? i am wondering how is it possible to preserve the knowledge about the man when there wont be anybody alive who would still remember Michael? because sooner or later this day will happen. like with the last passenger of Titanic

lol i guess this is the longest waiting ever Michael prepared for fans till they see him again in heaven. may be he's getting something really special ready for us. :) i only would prefer that he was doing it on Earth :(
i was actually thinking yesterday about it. not 20 years but just about the future. i think now we have fans that have unique knowledge of the man. they met him, spoke to him, heard his answers, they know who he is. when we are gone - how people will perceive Michael? i am wondering how is it possible to preserve the knowledge about the man when there wont be anybody alive who would still remember Michael? because sooner or later this day will happen. like with the last passenger of Titanic

lol i guess this is the longest waiting ever Michael prepared for fans till they see him again in heaven. may be he's getting something really special ready for us. :) i only would prefer that he was doing it on Earth
You can say that again...
Good thing we were so used in big delays, eh? lol
I can't believe myself when I'm thinking that old people and old fans are so lucky... Their delay is gonna be shorter! lol While I'm still 27...
I'm hoping he's preparing something special too! hehe! :D
i was actually thinking yesterday about it. not 20 years but just about the future. i think now we have fans that have unique knowledge of the man. they met him, spoke to him, heard his answers, they know who he is. when we are gone - how people will perceive Michael? i am wondering how is it possible to preserve the knowledge about the man when there wont be anybody alive who would still remember Michael? because sooner or later this day will happen.

I was thinking about that and hoped the fans that met him would all collect together and write a book about michael and their experience with michael the person (there are so many threads regarding this maybe they should be printed off and bound together)

In 20 yrs from now, I too hope to have a family who i will share with my love of michael. Also the holograms of michael performing in your living room idea - I hope will be true!
I hope that all this tabloid garbage will be history and people know the truth and remember michael for the kind and generous man he was and also the musical genious that he was and always will be!
I was thinking about that and hoped the fans that met him would all collect together and write a book about michael and their experience with michael the person (there are so many threads regarding this maybe they should be printed off and bound together)

i think this is actually very important to think about. i know we had a thread about a book before

may be it's too early to talk about it now. but we need to start this work sometime in the future. i only wish there was such a book. for people to read. someone must edit it etc...
I love the book idea! I'm sure the fans in LA would be very important in writing this but even the ones who didn't spend so much time with him could add their experiences, they're all important. :yes:
Im not sure what age i'll be in 20 yrs...and quite frankly i dont even wanna think bout it right now
Id be exactly 40 years and 2 days old. I hope i'll have children who will of course know all about michael, i have been collecting all the transcipts and downloading interviews and stuff so that they will know of him as a man and not just as a performer, i really feel the need to conserve this stuff so we can keep battling the false perceptions.

I'm going into the business of genetic engineering so maybe human cloning lol, i doubt it tho, that is banned and i think it always will be. Theres no replacing michael anyway.

All i know for definiate is that I will still be missing michael and playing his music in my lab.

edit: I loove the book idea! It would really be helpful and i strongly beleive that if it got published people would be intrigued enough to buy it and then the flood gates will open.
in my late 50's? I hope in that time I'll be in Heaven with Michael already.
It's actually a crazy idea...^^
In 20years, i'm 34years old, is for a long time~~~
But if the idea comes true, i would let my childrens know that he is the King of pop,Michael Jackson.