Impersonator for This Is It :S

Your fave album out of these 4

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...Please remember that we are supposed to be here together, a community of fans. Michael Jackson's fan base is very diverse. Age, ethnicity, belief, culture, language ... as a community we run the gammit on diversity. Please keep that in mind when replying to one another.

Thanks :flowers:

right on bro

thankyou for that :) i really appreciate it :agree:

me too
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DO PEOPLE REALLY ACTUALLY THINK M.J WOULD USE AN IMPERSONATOR...OH COME ON PLEASE...THATS LAUGHABLE!! LOL.... next thing we'll hear is that michael is not actually human but is actually a talking dog...!!
Hey Luke!
I'm just about 2 years older than you :p
Its kinda hard being an mj fan at this age becase people at school believe all the BS but you just have to know tabloids lie about mj! :D


I couldn't agree more :agree: i had someone saying today "OH Michael Jackson's ear is deteriorating!" and then I just said "do you believe EVERYTHING YOU READ?" - then that turned into an argument. No matter how much i say "he was proven innocent" or "he has vitiligo" they still don't believe me :( oh well it's good that I know there are millions of other fans around the globe who have the have those experiences too :better::)
I think either they have completely made it up, or an impersonator will be used for the end of Thriller like Dangerous and HIStory tours.

the end of Thriller ! I KNEW IT!!! x)
Damn, no one ever believed me when I said that!
the end of Thriller ! I KNEW IT!!! x)
Damn, no one ever believed me when I said that!

When you said there was an impersonator at the end of Thriller? Ive allways thought it was quite obvious, why didnt anyone believe you? :S
Basically just vote for your favee album out of thriller and invincible :)

I don't see what that has to do with the text written in the thread.

But maybe it's just me being a little dumb not seeing the link. :lol:
I don't see what that has to do with the text written in the thread.

But maybe it's just me being a little dumb not seeing the link. :lol:

Actually thatz a good point... how do you remove polls? :doh: lol
no way is Mj using an impersonator. if this is based on that tabloid rumour that he's going to be too old and too tired so he's using an impersonator for the more challenging dance routines than they might have well have said he's got a third eye growing out the back of his head and a second nose growing out his butt hole.

the only way he will use an impersonator is if it's for the illusion of being in multiple places at once or a second apart. he would never be that stupid. it would be obvious, exposed, humiliating and pointless, becasue even if he doesn't have the same energy he had when he was younger he's still going to have the same skill, grace, and precision that he had before. It's instantly recognizeable. An impersonator wont be able to convincly pull it off. we've seen a bunch of impersonators. many are great but they still aren't MJ.
The whole MJ using in impersionator thing is just a clever way for the media to give the shows a bad review (IMO). If these shows go really well and Michael puts on an awesome show (Which we know he will) the media will say that it was in impersonator. But if all these shows go wrong and Michael puts on a crap performance (Which we know he won't) the media will say that it was really him.

So either way the media can give the shows a bad review
the media really doesn't work like that. they are not going to claim it was an impersonator when it's actually him. not coutning tabloids of course. I'm majoring in journalism and although the media can be biased when delivering stories, delivering key facts while neglecting to mention other key facts, nobody wants to be the next Dan Rather. It destroys your career and costs the media outlet a large amount of income. CBS lost a lot of money for several years all because they ran with that story about the national guard papers that were supposed to be George Bush's file. They wren't fined or anything, but they lost sponsors and advertisers, and the ones they kept were no longer willing to pay nearly as much. Dan Rather had to retire in disgrace, and the station lost money for years. They were lucky they didn't get sued. People working for the media can't directly knowingly lie to you. The most they can get away with is spinning facts and leaving facts out.

Plus I don't think the media is set on giving the shows a bad review. If it's a great show than it's going to get good reviews. The media will probably say "this is what MJ does best." then you will have a little analyzation as to whether or not he can turn his career around, and the analysts will say that it all depends on if he can make people concentrate on his music. They were constantly doing that during and after the trial. MOst entertainment analysts in the media agreed that if he won his trial he could turn it around, but they all said it was a very difficult uphill battle for him. but then they always said "let's not forget who were talking about here. If there is any star in the business who can make a come back after a child molestation trial it's MJ.
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that,s the last thing i,m worried about...
If i were you i rather make some worries anbout the tickets that still ar not sent to us al...
yeah I would be worried about that. what if it doesn't arrive untill after you have to catch your flight?