Imagine the "Hold my Hand" video


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Akon said to the media that our man, Michael Jackson will be in the video for the song "Hold my Hand". I think that many people , many fans in here imagine in their heads how the video will look like.

This is your thread to post your imagination around that video. Tell us how you think the video will look like. what is Michael going to wear in the video, will he dance on a table? or moonwalking on a mountain? , etc. :)
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Hmm.. I think it will involve a lot of people holding hands. Something similar to the Cry video.
^^ I agree.
Either that or something similar to You Are Not Alone or Stranger In Moscow, hopefully.
What I have in my head is like a little story kinna thing.. but I think it's gunna be too long to explain. :lol: But, as much as I like to imagine the video.. at the same time I don't want to get my hopes up on anything.. meaning, if it's something that I did not expect and end up not liking it, that is my own fault cause I was hypin it to myself. :lol: So please.. no one.. don't feel a different way if its something you don't expect.. just wait and see what we get. :D in the meanwhile I guess you can just make up your own lil vid in your head. :)

But I would say.. something like fighting through struggles.. hard times kinna concept, each of them shown on and off (To MJ.. back to Akon scenarios) showing them with their girl tryin to make it right but theres problems.. and in all the end.. one guy has a sad ending with their girl.. the other guy has the opposite.. he actually solves things and its all happy.. yaay. :) But for just one (Akon or mj.. in this case Akon to me lol) its a sad ending.. but it can be a new beginning.. yeaaa. :mello: But that is just one part of the video I have in my head.. I didn't want to be all detailed. :lol: But I guess that is too much for just one song. :mello: ah well. :lmao:

Damn I want to type less. WTf happen. :bugeyed lol
I wanna hear more people ideas, I'm like the only detailed here in the thread?! :lol:
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Maybe the video will be with people getting together holding hands..or it will be like what Sasha was explaining.. Guess we have to wait and see :yes:..Ahhh I can't wait for the video to come out :D ....
I sure hope not that it's going to be something like cry... i dont like that video ..
I hope its going to be something like : MJ is sitting in a bar or something just like the rare pics we've seen from One More Chance:)
like someone in this thread said. I can really imagine Michael sitting in a bar on a beach in Thailand :D
i reckon it will be like Give In To Me partly how it is set onstage. And partly something else, maybe Akon and MJ shaking hands with fans, meeting people in poor parts of the world or something like that. Who knows. The song doesnt allow for anything spectacular or ground breaking. Not much you can really do with it. The concept is like about them telling a girl not to be lonely and to spend the night with them. But then its supposed to be a "message" song... so who frikkin knows haha!
Well there were a series of xenophobic attacks in my country over 60 foreigners died.
Akon and Mike could come down here and go to the townships (our equivelent of "the ghetto") and stage some kind of reintergration between the foreingers and the locals where they all Hold hands as a sign of reconciliation. There could also be accompanying shots of people going crazy over Mike and Akon (they don't have to stage that,lol)
It would really be nice though, think about it.
^yea something like that could be the idea. However I ten to agree with damien, the video doesn't allow for anything really spectacular to take place, which is what i believe should happen in MJ's comeback video.

This is why I don't like the idea of MJ making a comeback onscreen in a video such as this. He's better than that. Plain and simple
^yea something like that could be the idea. However I ten to agree with damien, the video doesn't allow for anything really spectacular to take place, which is what i believe should happen in MJ's comeback video.

This is why I don't like the idea of MJ making a comeback onscreen in a video such as this. He's better than that. Plain and simple

In my opinion there is like three different comeback. 1. Single comeback 2. Stage comeback 3. Music Video comeback

Thoose three together creates a comeback.
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I have no idea how the music video will turn out to be. But I seriously hope it will not even be like CRY. As much as i love that song, I didn't care much for the video.
^yea something like that could be the idea. However I ten to agree with damien, the video doesn't allow for anything really spectacular to take place, which is what i believe should happen in MJ's comeback video.

This is why I don't like the idea of MJ making a comeback onscreen in a video such as this. He's better than that. Plain and simple

Couldn't disagree with you more Micky.
You see, that's part of the problem with some MJ fans. They want to be wowed all the time. Every Michael Jackson "comeback" doesn't have to be done on a grand scale. He shouldn't always have to be the center of attention. Who gives a shit if the next time we see MJ, it isn't in a music video, that's a multi-million dollar budgeted, mega special effect's, hyped world event. He mastered that art in the 80's & 90's.
At this point, Michael just needs to remind people that he's still breathing. I think this Akon single/video collabo (if it even happens) is a great way for MJ to reintroduce himself to the music world.
Take baby steps and then....BAM!
He can deliver that long awaited first single and video for the new album. At least I hope that's a part of his plan, lol.

Couldn't disagree with you more Micky.
You see, that's part of the problem with some MJ fans. They want to be wowed all the time. Every Michael Jackson "comeback" doesn't have to be done on a grand scale. He shouldn't always have to be the center of attention. Who gives a shit if the next time we see MJ, it isn't in a music video, that's a multi-million dollar budgeted, mega special effect's, hyped world event. He mastered that art in the 80's & 90's.
At this point, Michael just needs to remind people that he's still breathing. I think this Akon single/video collabo (if it even happens) is a great way for MJ to reintroduce himself to the music world.
Take baby steps and then....BAM!
He can deliver that long awaited first single and video for the new album. At least I hope that's a part of his plan, lol.


Amen to that...
Don't got nothing to say about the video that'd I've already said here. :lol:
Couldn't disagree with you more Micky.
You see, that's part of the problem with some MJ fans. They want to be wowed all the time. Every Michael Jackson "comeback" doesn't have to be done on a grand scale. He shouldn't always have to be the center of attention. Who gives a shit if the next time we see MJ, it isn't in a music video, that's a multi-million dollar budgeted, mega special effect's, hyped world event. He mastered that art in the 80's & 90's.
At this point, Michael just needs to remind people that he's still breathing. I think this Akon single/video collabo (if it even happens) is a great way for MJ to reintroduce himself to the music world.
Take baby steps and then....BAM!
He can deliver that long awaited first single and video for the new album. At least I hope that's a part of his plan, lol.


holla'ing back and agreeing 100%
I'd laugh my ass off if Michael isn't even in it. They use like old clips of Michael doing humanitarian work. LMFAO
I'd laugh my ass off if Michael isn't even in it. They use like old clips of Michael doing humanitarian work. LMFAO

Nah, that will not happen lol. Akon said they will do a video. "Mike is in the video". Not old stupied videos remix kind of thing lol.
I'd laugh my ass off if Michael isn't even in it. They use like old clips of Michael doing humanitarian work. LMFAO

I think we shouldn`t put our expectations too high. Not forget: it`s Akon`s new album and Mike is just a special guest in this project!:yes:

So I don`t think Mike will have a leading role in the video. Akon said, he is involved but it could also mean that Mike works on the video transcript (behind the camera).

I`m pretty sure that Michael will put all his energy in his own album work incl. short films. So, we`ll see.;D
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I think we shouldn`t put our expectations too high. Not forget: it`s Akon`s new album and Mike is just a special guest in this project!:yes:

So I don`t think Mike will have a leading role in the video. Akon said, he is involved but it could also mean that Mike works on the video transcript (behind the camera).

I`m pretty sure that Michael will put all his energy in his own album work incl. short films. So, we`ll see.;D

Michael is singing in the song ? Of course he will be IN the video if there is a video for the song!
Well I'd hope the video wouldn't literally be about holding hands...That's like, too obvious. :lol: Then on the other hand, the song, as catchy as it is, sounds too "usual" to have an unusual video. :scratch: But I guess anything's possible if you put your mind into it. No idea right now what the video could be like...I'd have to think about it and "brainstorm". :lol:
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well whatever the concept is, I hope they show Mikes face really well when he says.. "Of ya jusssss" his expressions in those type of words are so cool.. :)