I'm worried anout the release of a movie of Michael's Life...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Don't you think that someone will make a movie about Michael's life??? I'm so afraid that they make like a "tabloid" movie... you know, showing him as a strange person, like the bad media always did... I can't stand that idea. What do you think? (I hope Johnny Deep plays Michael).
I have been watching "Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story" on YouTube the other day. It's a horrible movie, I don't think they got Michael's character at all. But he is not an easy guy to figure out, is he?
I have been watching "Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story" on YouTube the other day. It's a horrible movie, I don't think they got Michael's character at all. But he is not an easy guy to figure out, is he?

He is not... thats what worries me...
and I don't like "Man in the mirror: The MJ Story" too.
I think it will take years until they make a proper movie about Michael. It should win every Oscar and award imaginable.
I'm thinking of the movie Mozart...
Oh god..."Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story" which was made for VH1 is just OMG...NOT EVEN RIGHT! IT IS NOTHING BUT ALL KINDS OF WRONG! I remember when it came out, I remember there was talk about how one could make a drinking game based on it. Every time the "Michael" character says "Neverland" or "Magical" or I think it was "Peter Pan" one takes a drink. Man, you'd be so pissed by the end of it you wouldn't be able to see straight! LOL! :lmao: That movie was a joke. It also angered a lot of people (rightfully so) who said "Well, I guess they think that all black people look the same." I remember this...And wow...that movie was F#&ked up! I remember having my mother tape it for me (as I had ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING on MJ taped) while I was at work, well my sister was watching it when I came in and I was like, "So how is it?" And my sister couldn't hold it in, she was like, "It is so fucking cheesy!" And she started laughing. LOL! I laughed at this movie because it was just based on all the tabloid BS that was out there and that had been out there for the longest time.

I think people should wait AT THE VERY LEAST a year before doing anything like this, and to do some actual RESEARCH! Instead of basing their "bio flick" on tabloid fodder and gossip and BS.

Just my two cents.
Now that he is dead, they will like realize that he was a better man than anyone, and they will make it for real.
I hope they don't create a movie of michael's life, and if they did let it be 100% truth, No one can play michael!

The Jackson an american dream is a beautiful movie but it doesn't show the latest years of Michael's life, especially the trial =(
I've been looking forward to seeing a movie about his life, but that's because I hadn't thought about it this way before. I really hope if there ever is a movie about him they won't make it a "W**** J****" movie.
Now that he is dead, they will like realize that he was a better man than anyone, and they will make it for real.

I believe this, too. It just sucks that he had to die for people to pull their heads out of their asses. Not everybody will, of course... but I think the majority of people will open their eyes.
if they do make a movie i hope its positive and really dose protray mike as he really was

but it would be good if they make a move to exspell all the bullshi* going around
Can you imagine... a movie saying the truth about all the lies around him... and the traitors... like Bashir... And showing the world how Michael really was!!!
A movie's job (from a studio's perspective) is to make money. A movie letting the world hear the truth about the Michael we know will not do it, they want scandal etc :no:
Oh god..."Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story" which was made for VH1 is just OMG...NOT EVEN RIGHT! IT IS NOTHING BUT ALL KINDS OF WRONG! I remember when it came out, I remember there was talk about how one could make a drinking game based on it. Every time the "Michael" character says "Neverland" or "Magical" or I think it was "Peter Pan" one takes a drink. Man, you'd be so pissed by the end of it you wouldn't be able to see straight! LOL! :lmao: That movie was a joke. It also angered a lot of people (rightfully so) who said "Well, I guess they think that all black people look the same." I remember this...And wow...that movie was F#&ked up! I remember having my mother tape it for me (as I had ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING on MJ taped) while I was at work, well my sister was watching it when I came in and I was like, "So how is it?" And my sister couldn't hold it in, she was like, "It is so fucking cheesy!" And she started laughing. LOL! I laughed at this movie because it was just based on all the tabloid BS that was out there and that had been out there for the longest time.

I think people should wait AT THE VERY LEAST a year before doing anything like this, and to do some actual RESEARCH! Instead of basing their "bio flick" on tabloid fodder and gossip and BS.

Just my two cents.

I think they should wait at least 30 years with a movie about Michael. I mean getting into a distance from all the tabloid BS and hype and let us get a clearer picture before a movie is done. But of course they won't wait that long. I'm sure somebody will want to make this movie very soon.

BTW, I agree with you about the "Man in the mirror" movie. Michael was childlike, but in that movie he is not childlike but a retard, LOL. Also there are many, many factual errors in it.
I'm so afraid that they make like a "tabloid" movie... you know, showing him as a strange person ,(I hope Johnny Deep plays Michael).

Your wishfulness is kind of an oxymoron.

I think they will probably wait about 10 years, and they will probably not make it in a fashion that any of us would be happy about. they will make it a phychological thriller, and they will paint MJ as insane and tormented and creepy.

They will probably leave it up the audience to decide for themselves on the allegations and not try to confirm one way or the other.

If they make the movie like that, then yes Johny Depp will probably play Michael Jackson.

Is there any way his family can stop it from being made?
BTW, if somebody wanted to make a movie on him, shouldn't he ask for the Jackson family's permission? And I'm sure the family wouldn't agree to a movie that would portray him bad.
Your wishfulness is kind of an oxymoron.

I think they will probably wait about 10 years, and they will probably not make it in a fashion that any of us would be happy about. they will make it a phychological thriller, and they will paint MJ as insane and tormented and creepy.

They will probably leave it up the audience to decide for themselves on the allegations and not try to confirm one way or the other.

If they make the movie like that, then yes Johny Depp will probably play Michael Jackson.

Is there any way his family can stop it from being made?

Now I'm confused...
BTW, if somebody wanted to make a movie on him, shouldn't he ask for the Jackson family's permission? And I'm sure the family wouldn't agree to a movie that would portray him bad.

They have to ask Jackson family? Cause there are many books about him with no permition... a movie needs permition?
They have to ask Jackson family? Cause there are many books about him with no permition... a movie needs permition?

that might be different in the eyes of the law. In a book you are acting as a journalist or a reporter. You are reporting events you believe to be true and expressing your opinion. That is protected by freedom of speech.

If it's a documentary than you don't need permission, because your again excercising your freedom of speech.

For a movie you need permission from somebody or their estate to feature their character in the movie.

so actually the family will probably deny them permission and it will not get made, unless the studio decides that their profits will make it financially worth it to get sued.
They have to ask Jackson family? Cause there are many books about him with no permition... a movie needs permition?

I don't know, I'm just asking. "American Dream" was made with the family's permittion and contribution (even Jermaine Jr. played in that). Although I doubt Michael's permittion was asked for "Man in the Mirror", so probably they do not have to ask for that. But I really don't know.
Thank you all for the answers! I'm more calm now that i know that the family has to agree with that...
If The Movie is totally honest and true to Michael, then i would have no problem with it. Johnny Depp is indeed the right man to play Mike:)
I dont think anyone will make a bad video abut MJ
In Denmark he's like a hero now in the press.

I think the world is still in shock over My KING's death
and everyone knows that people will reackt with anger if
they release a crappy video.

Hopefully well see some wonderfull homemovies so the world
can see what a BEAUTYFULL, SWEET, LOVELY person we all lost.

Im heartbroken and ill miss you forever Michael.