im done with this froum!!!!!!!!

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i'm sure the police are building a case and getting as much evidence as possible, so they can get the justice Michael deserves.

I understand yor frustration. But you have to understand that there is not alot that you or other fans can do in terms of the investigation. There are members on this forum, who were close to michael, who have spoken to the LAPD and the other authorities, but do not scream and shout about here because it would jeapordise the case. You can not assume that because someone is quiet they are not doing anything.

As a fan there is not much you can do, the authorities will not take you seriously and the media already think fans are blinded by their faith and love for michael - theyve already used our comments in evan chandler articles - imagine what they would do if we started presenting our own case - they would have a field day and we would jeaopardise the integrity of the case in the eyes of both the public and the law.

Let the authorities do their is what they are trained to do. it could take years for them to gather the evidence and have a solid case, but there is no way this will go unpunished. how could it - he gets administered an overdose that kills him, theres no way of getting away with that.

Trust me, were all hurting, those of us who had to speak to the authorities can tell you that its not a nice thing to go through and breaks your heart even more -

but, rather than get frustrated at not being able to take action, do something constructive - remember that Michael was a great Humanatarian and would be so proud of you if you followed in his footsteps - the smallest steps can have the biggest impacts.

Most of all, remember that fighting Hate with Hate gets us no where at all. Try and improve our world with Love, no matter how angry or hurt you are. L.O.V.E
I too understand the frustration , and I am sorry but I am sick of fans like you , those who think that they are the only ones who love Michael and claim others are not fans. My 2 cents. I really really can't stand that. Show some respect!
I too understand the frustration , and I am sorry but I am sick of fans like you , those who think that they are the only ones who love Michael and claim others are not fans. My 2 cents. I really really can't stand that. Show some respect!
Sorry, but I have to agree with dangerous.

Maria - As has been explained, no matter how much you want to hurry something up or whatever, we fans don't have a say. Lots of protests happened during the trial by fans on this board and others. I don't know if you were aware of it but I can say that a lot of fan action has taken place throughout the years. Did you take part? Although it's a fantastic way to show support, there is no way we can get involved in the happenings on the inside.
It's unfair (and pretty offensive) to say that the rest of us don't care as much as you.
Maria apologised for her first post, and stated that it was in the heat of the moment and out of frustration, and never intended to insult anyone.

Saying you are 'sick of her' is just as insulting. lets all try to be respectful in this discussion? We are all frustrated, but there is no need to continue to attack each other. Maria recognised her first post was slightly insulting, and I dont think it is fair to continue this discussion with negativity. I have said it a million times, and all in love, but please dont respond to hate with hate, it is a vicious circle and part of the reason this place has become so full of atmosphere recently.

I love you all, please dont fight. We are all here for the same reason - LOVE
im not acting like that ok i just think 4 months have been to much

If you want to understand why it is taking so long you can go read the News and Happenings section. Many of us are discussing the various parts of the case and what we believe is happening behind the scenes.

Think of it this way. Most of us realize that if they LAPD arrests him too soon and without proper evidence, he could end up going free or having a very small sentence. It takes time to get all the evidence together so that it may be presented into court as fact.

It probably won't happen until 2010. If you really want to learn about it go over to the other section and read about the Propofol and stuff.
I have only just really learned to cry over Michael's death. I miss him ever so much and am so angry at Dr. Murray, the Chandlers, the Arvizos, Tom Sneddon...everyone who contributed :cry: I want to beat them down, make disgusting allegations about them, handcuff them and hurl them into a courtroom. I want them to feel so lost and helpless that they want to go far, far away just to get away from it all. I want to see them cope with it, and walk out with a smile on their face and their head held high.

Michael was definitely a fighter. He lived by Jesus' message of love and forgiveness. It's incredibly difficult for us all to sit and wait. For justice? As a christian I believe that whether or not Michael is brought to justice, those responsible for his death will be judged by God and they will get what they deserve - I'm finding it so difficult to accept, but we have to act in other ways - no matter what our background, faith etc, we have to live by example. Lashing out at Dr. Murray will not help - there's so much speculation out there. No matter what we might think, we don't know the full story.

Sorry if I went off-topic, but fans shouldn't be lashing out, or venting on here implying that we're not doing enough. We're doing all we can - we're supporting each other through what's still a difficult time. My heart's broken, and I'm so pleased that MJJC can offer such love and support. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart x
Maria apologised for her first post, and stated that it was in the heat of the moment and out of frustration, and never intended to insult anyone.

Saying you are 'sick of her' is just as insulting. lets all try to be respectful in this discussion? We are all frustrated, but there is no need to continue to attack each other. Maria recognised her first post was slightly insulting, and I dont think it is fair to continue this discussion with negativity. I have said it a million times, and all in love, but please dont respond to hate with hate, it is a vicious circle and part of the reason this place has become so full of atmosphere recently.

I love you all, please dont fight. We are all here for the same reason - LOVE

Then why not edit the first post? As if I was to read the whole thread...

My response was also "in the heat of the moment" and I didn't read the whole thread so, no need to apologize for I am not "hating" or anything like that.
A little prayer: (777) "the devil won't win" heavenly father i ask you to guide this website and lead his fans to rejoice in his memory and keep his name alive I ask you heavenly father as I cried to reach out to his fans bless them strengthen them so that they can reflect on many memories in gods name amen.

Real Talk: I was waiting for a thread like this cause I know many of you fans go off the cliff some times. First of all I don’t have to much time on my hands to be taking action on a case that is bigger than his fans, family etc. its real in the field “them” people are nothing to be playing with I don’t have time to on missing persons reports or in the lost and found section of some restaurant you get my jiff?
As for the LAPD There are a lot of people who loved Michael dearly who doing their undercover swoop down telling all not even using their names and so on cause they knows its some shady, grimy ordeal that went down. Most of the things I said on here I had to watch my self cause yes this forum is being looked at you really thing only MJ fans come on here this is the biggest MJ website I even had unknown crazy’s trying to add me to their face book and myspace many of you have face books and myspaces.

Listen up and listen to me real clear I’m not saying not go out and protest for Michael Joseph Jackson but if you decided to go hard get ready for a big thunderstorm like no other. My team is on their way in the industry my brother is about to sign a deal with a very well know person Mona Scott so when we in their we going all out for the MJ smooth Criminal Movement I drop a few dimes about his death on here and many fans did too doing research and seeking out the truth. I havn't seen TII yet thro many of you said its a very good movie i'm very too emotional to go see but i will. I want to go all out cause that fucking Industry is dark and they are so foul what they are doing to these artist needs to stop. God has his hands on this case MJJ has so strong forces backing him up trust me.

I'm out ~100
I don't know what country you come from Maria21, but in most Western countries it takes more than an online petition to put somebody in jail.
Been on the forum 2 months and says your done with the BEST MJ forum in the world telling us fans that your the only one who stands up for Michael?! Whats that all about?
The fact of the matter is, that we fans are not the authorites. The LAPD are taking there time so they can get whoever needs to be brought to justice, can be brought to justice. Can't rush a case that includes a person like Michael.
Give it til January. And if nothin is done by then, then we know there just takin the piss lol
Protesting is a very good idea. I would do it long time ago if I was in LA.
According to latest reports the investigation will continue into 2010. I can see charges being filed in about Feb/March time. Just keep the faith.
hehe... I live right across LAPD, guys. (protesting outside their department, not a very good idea. We are talking about LAPD here afterall. lol. yikes)
hehe... I live right across LAPD, guys. (protesting outside their department, not a very good idea. We are talking about LAPD here afterall. lol. yikes)

lol give them a wave from me :mello: or maybe not
hehe... I live right across LAPD, guys. (protesting outside their department, not a very good idea. We are talking about LAPD here afterall. lol. yikes)

I think protesting is always the best idea no matter where it is. This is ONLY the way how ppl can show their concerns.
I think protesting is always the best idea no matter where it is. This is ONLY the way how ppl can show their concerns.

people don't take protesters seriously. if anything, they just laugh at protesters. i've seen too many instances where people protest, and the target of the protest just closes the door and goes about their business, and nothing changes. boycotting maybe different though. if you hit them in the pocket, they listen.
people don't take protesters seriously. if anything, they just laugh at protesters. i've seen too many instances where people protest, and the target of the protest just closes the door and goes about their business, and nothing changes. boycotting maybe different though. if you hit them in the pocket, they listen.

I do not agree with this. In case of MJ officials afraid of fan's protesting because it is a very special case.IMO.
Hello Maria,

First off I want to tell you that I am in no way shape or form attacking you with what I am about to say. I know EXACTLY where you are coming from, and EXACTLY how you feel. I have been where you are at. I know EXACTLY what it is like to have someone you know is responsible for the death of someone you love very much walk around free, while that person you love lies in a cemetery.

I have told this story before in another post, but after reading what you posted here, it warranted repeating......

When I was 16 years old a life long very good friend of mine was murdered. When he died there were over a half dozen of his "friends" there that saw the whole thing. We all knew who did it, the police even knew who did it. But, none of the witnesses would come forward. Not one.

I was enraged when my friend was killed, and even more so that no one would come forward. For years I asked how could they call themselves his friend, and not tell the cops what they saw that night.

And now here it is 18 years later and the person who murdered my friend has never been charged with it. And I have come to the realization that he probably never will.

As I got older I began to realize where the people that did not come forward were coming from, and was actually able to put myself in their shoes. You see, my friend was not the first person this man killed, nor was he the last. And this person who killed my friend was very bold, and didn't care. If he thought someone was going to talk, he would not only take you out, but your family as well. And when I finally came to that realization it was when I was at peace with why they didn't come forward (one was going to, and the killer snuck in his house in the middle of the night, woke him and told him if he talked to the cops about my friend's death the next time he'd go in his little brother's room first if you know what I mean-and this was not a bluff he would have).

Now, I am not saying here that Murray won't be charged and go to jail. No I am not. But here's the thing....

This person who killed my friend, well a few years ago he was arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced to about 25 years in prison (no chance of parole). This was on a totally different charge-bank robbery. I was there, with my friends and my murdered friends parents that day as he was sentenced. And while yes, when the sentence came down we were so happy that he would probably never be a free man again given his age and health, but once I got home that day, well that good feeling wore off and I felt the same as I did before. And it wasn't because he wasn't going to jail for my friend's murder but something else that I was not happy, that was not it at all.

No matter how much jail time this man got, it wasn't going to bring my friend back. It wasn't going to fill the void that was left at every holiday, every major milestone in my life that he wasn't there for, etc. And at the end of the day, the loss of my friend and learning to deal with that is what I have to work on. Not whether or not his murderer was ever brought to justice or not.

It took me many many years to come to that one. And I have to say, once I did, I felt almost like I did before my friend died. No, I was not a sad depressed person all that time since my friend died. I went out, lived life, had a good time, fell in love all of that. And I did that because that is what he'd want me to do, and because he could not anymore. But I guess once I came to terms with the true reason for the sadness I was still feeling all those years was, I was at peace.

Trust me Maria, this, unlike my friends case, will be prosecuted and there will be a conviction. The whole world is watching this one. That is why it's taking a while for Murray to get arrested. They really have to make sure they cross all their T's and dot their I's before handing down an indictment. If they rush just because we fans want them to, then I can guarantee that he will be found innocent. Guarantee it. Keep in mind that he probably already has attained a lawyer that is top notch and they are already working on ways to get out of this. So trust me, that is what the delay is, and to be honest, I am glad that it is taking this long because it tell me the police care and are doing their jobs. You want that. You don't want them to rush it. I already told you what will happen for sure without a shadow of a doubt if they do rush it.

What you need to do is to not dwell on "Justice" or "revenge" and take care of yourself. Take the time out to mourn Michael and get back on track with your life. We all need to do that. That is what Michael would want for all of us, you do know that right? To be happy, not sad, smile when you think of him, not cry. Yes this will take a while, believe me I know. But if you start to think of your own pain over his death, not how he died, and start to heal, trust me from experience here-no matter what the outcome-whether he is arrested or not-found guilty or not-does time or not-you will be OK. You have to be, no matter what happens.

If you don't take the time out to do that, trust me on this, after the sentence is handed down, even if it's EXACTLY what you wanted, you will be elated at first, then not so long after you will feel this empty void that is almost as bad as when your first heard that Michael died. That is why you need to address that void now, not later.

This is all being said out of love, not attack mode. I have been where you are in my very own life. I am here with you going through this now.

Oh, and one more thing that made me at peace with the fact that my friend's killer never was charged.....well no judge or jury's sentence can compare with what awaits him when he meets his Maker......and I also know that my friend will be right next to God when that sentence is handed down to him.

And when Murray has his final judgment with his Maker, Michael will be right there next to God to see his sentence too....

Of this I have no doubt..............

i think people are allowed to feel as they do, whatever that other words, i do believe Maria loves Michael, even though some may not agree with how she is processing things. we all love Michael.
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hahaha@Adore.. yeah, we're gonna have to take a rain check on that. :p

You don't want to protest outside LAPD, that's all I'm saying. lol :doh:
Take it from someone who works within the legal profession. I've seen the size of the documents involved for MINOR offences compared to what this is. They are GINORMOUS!! We all understand your frustrations marias. We really do. As has been suggested by a couple of people already you can make a much more positive (retrospectively) contribution to Michael by doing something in the name of his Legacy. Please refer to the MJJC Legacy Project threads in this board section & News Happenings.

Keep The Faith
im so tried that every one is not taking ACTION!!!!!!! when i want to set up a protest in regarding dr murry you guys run and not join in why its it that i have to be the only one stading up for MJ you guys go to his grave and suff but yet you dont want to put presure on LAPD im done talking about it i want to see DR murry in jail

Have you ever heard of innocent until proven guilty?

The fans preached it until they were blue in the face when it was MJ on trial.

But apparently it's one rule for MJ and another for everybody else.
Have you ever heard of innocent until proven guilty?

The fans preached it until they were blue in the face when it was MJ on trial.

But apparently it's one rule for MJ and another for everybody else.

Well, the difference is that there is no doubt Murray is to blame for Michael's death. He's even admitted he administered Propofol in a home setting which in itself is illegal before taking into account everything else the man did. It is no way similar to Michael's case...but I'm thinking you know that anyway.
But is it or is it not the case that legally, every American citizen is considered innocent until proven guilty?

Or is that only true for MJ?
first of all i think you should talk for yourself and dont make statements that say that other fans dont care about Michael, because we are big big fans, and what you say can really hurt us, second, you dont have any power to do something against Dr Murray, he havent done nothing bad to you so you cant do nothing, only you can do is support the family and the fans, and let LAPD resolve the problem!!!!!!
We can't take action because:

A) We'll mess up the investigation
C) We'll give Michael and other fans a bad name
D) It will put pressure of the family

So really you can vent all you like but we know the LAPD are doing a good job and are taking TIME to get it RIGHT.

Everyone needs to understand this is bigger than us.

Take it from someone who works within the legal profession. I've seen the size of the documents involved for MINOR offences compared to what this is. They are GINORMOUS!! We all understand your frustrations marias. We really do. As has been suggested by a couple of people already you can make a much more positive (retrospectively) contribution to Michael by doing something in the name of his Legacy. Please refer to the MJJC Legacy Project threads in this board section & News Happenings.

Keep The Faith

im so tried that every one is not taking ACTION!!!!!!! when i want to set up a protest in regarding dr murry you guys run and not join in why its it that i have to be the only one stading up for MJ you guys go to his grave and suff but yet you dont want to put presure on LAPD im done talking about it i want to see DR murry in jail

I think people can certainly understand your frustration, but by taking action you mean to protest the LAPD? Forgive me, but exactly what would that do? The entire world is already watching this play out, there is huge pressure for the LAPD/DA to do this right. I would certainly imagine that the entire Jackson family, close friends, associates in the music business, leaders in many other areas of life are following this like hawks.

Perhaps if you would explain in more detail just why you think protesting would change what is already regarded as a huge closely watched and scrutinized case/investigation? I'm not defending the LAPD nor criticizing them. While this investigation is huge, all other cases and investigations cannot just be stopped in a city the size of LA because this involves Michael Jackson, and I say that in a realistic way, not to say this case isn't worth very dedicated and focused investigation.

Like others have said in this thread, by devoting even part of the energy towards furthering Michael's goals and charitable actions might help relieve some of the frustrations that can overtake us during all of this.

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