I'm devastated after the earthquake, please pray for my country Chile

  • Thread starter WomanInTheMirror
  • Start date
geez i heard that there were 3 strong aftershocks today.please tell us you're okay
geez i heard that there were 3 strong aftershocks today.please tell us you're okay

I am dizzy and sick, I promise!
6,8 this morning (an earthquake in itself)... and some other 5 in the last 12 hours...

I'm so sorry honey I'm sure you will get through this well

I'm a little bit relieved to hear that you and your family is fine.

Thank you soo much :hug:
It's really so nice to read your words, it really helps!
March 5 and 6, CHILE AYUDA A CHILE (Chile helps Chile)
Please help the victims of one of the strongest earthquake in modern history. You can donate from every country!!! Please share the information with your friends, in Facebook, Tweeter, everywhere!!!!

Go to the following page, click on "EXTRANJEROS" (Foreigners) and donate with your credit card!


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I made a drawing for the people in Chile. It's also to the MJ fans here from Chile and for a DeviantArt member from Chile. I have prayers to Chile and hope my special art will help heal away a terrible time in your country.

March 5 and 6, CHILE AYUDA A CHILE (Chile helps Chile)
Please help the victims of one of the strongest earthquake in modern history. You can donate from every country!!! Please share the information with your friends, in Facebook, Tweeter, everywhere!!!!

Go to the following page, click on "EXTRANJEROS" (Foreigners) and donate with your credit card!


Thank you very much for your words, prayers and support!!! This special "telethon" Chile ayuda a Chile has just ended and I am very proud to say that Chile, despite all its pain, has DOUBLED the amount we were set to gain ((originally 27 million dolars and we Chileans reach 60 million dolars!!! :eek:). We are very happy and this has united us more in this time of pain. Besides, we are receiving much support from many countries and friends: Russia, Cuba, United States, Canada, France, Argentina, Japan, European Union, Colombia, Bolivia, Perú, Venezuela, México, Spain, etc.

Today our heart were given a lot of happiness, pride and strenght. This is just the beginning to rebuild a country, there is much, much more to do, but... together we stand :)

The "Chile ayuda a Chile" crusade is over, but you can always keep on donating to Red Cross and other international organizations.

Big hugs from Chile!! :clap:​
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I made a drawing for the people in Chile. It's also to the MJ fans here from Chile and for a DeviantArt member from Chile. I have prayers to Chile and hope my special art will help heal away a terrible time in your country.


PoP!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

I am.... wowoww... I have no words, this is simply too beutiful and so very sweet from you!! I thank you very, very much for this wonderful gift, this is so special, so meaningful and moving. I don't have enough words to thank you!!!!

Would you let me share this with my Chilean MJ friends?? Thanks so much! THis is very important to us :cry:
PoP!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

I am.... wowoww... I have no words, this is simply too beutiful and so very sweet from you!! I thank you very, very much for this wonderful gift, this is so special, so meaningful and moving. I don't have enough words to thank you!!!!

Would you let me share this with my Chilean MJ friends?? Thanks so much! THis is very important to us :cry:

I'm glad you love it and yes you can share it with them, that's what it's for.:D
I made a drawing for the people in Chile. It's also to the MJ fans here from Chile and for a DeviantArt member from Chile. I have prayers to Chile and hope my special art will help heal away a terrible time in your country.

:wild: Wow, it's beautiful and you are very talented. :yes: :clapping:

And more prayers for Chile and all his people. :angel: :pray:
HI friends, I'm so happy to see all these lovely poeple gathered here and sending so much love and support to us. I've been off for a while since i have internet connection problems, but i want you to know i'm doing better and i'm trying to help people in need as much as i can. I am physically and emotionally exhausted, indeed we are all suffering from the post traumatic shock, not to mention the material, psychological and moral damages the quake and tsunami have caused and which we need to time to recover from.

These sad and serious circumstances have been terrible for everyone here in Chile but it have also brought up a new sense of brotherhood and unity among us. It's been really moving and inspiring all the love and support we've have provided to each other, along with the help and love from our brothers from all over the world. There is hope in a brighter tomorrow, together we stand and we can do it! We've showed ourselves and the world that we can do it thru the Chile Ayuda a Chile telethon, in which we have collected funds for the building up of emergency houses for the people most affected by the earthquake and tsunami that struck Chile. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all those who donated from abroad. :yes: :clapping:

Thank you dear friends for your prayers, support and unconditional love, for caring and having our wounded country in your thoughts...we are starting moving on and healing little by little, it's gonna take time but if we stand together we will go thru this. This is not it tho, there is still so much to do to rebuild our lives and start over. We need to cooperate with one another and hopefully to keep receiving aid and moral support from you. :better:

Thanks again friends...Pop, i'm speechless at your drawing, it's beautiful and touching, a sincere token of love and care we appreciate very, very much much. :)

Pao, PCR my dearest friend, my someone in the dark, I'm so happy happy we meet here too! life brings us together once more, we'll never drift apart friend, you are in my heart and thoughts always :better: love ya.

Hugs and much love to y'all.

:wild: Wow, it's beautiful and you are very talented. :yes: :clapping:

And more prayers for Chile and all his people. :angel: :pray:

Thnak you, I forgot to mention that was inspired by Michael's song "Heal The World", that's why I called it "Heal Chile".
I just heard that there was another quake 7.2 magnitude today (during President Pinera's inauguration ceremonies).

I hope and pray that everyone is safe. :angel:
Ok... First of all, our close friends and family and cities and towns, we are all doing fine. This must have been one of the wildest days after the big quake. I have already lost count of the many quakes we have had today. Last time I knew we had had 11... but that was like 2 hours ago. There was a tsunami warning, but thanks God nothing happened.

Yet, there have been but minor damages here and there. Panic everywhere. People running on the streets, I returned early from work, refused to use the subway... oh, yes, and by the way our new President was swering in between earthquakes... 6,9 and then 6,7. I am sure you have already seen the faces of some of the presidents here... or even Prince Felipe from Spain.... poor guys, they had no idea of what a quake is like.

I am dizzy. We are physically and emotionally exhausted. I wish I could sleep well, but even that has turned into a priviledge.

Take care and enjoy your quiet piece of earth out there :) Thank you very much for your love, thoughts and prayers.

Nat.... se pasó! Corten el show!!
Un abrazo. Allá donde tú estés, te encontraré :hug: