If you had been chosen to be a hug girl at the concert, what would you have said (talked) to MJ?

Spike the Speed Demon

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
When I watch MJ concert on DVDs, I always think what I would do if I were chosen to be a hug girl.

What would you say (talk) to him if you were a hug girl???
LOL!! Cute question.

I probably would not be able to say a word, and cling onto him for dear life, then be pulled away from him by security! :lol:

No, I'd say "I Love You" to hear him say "I Love You More" back. :wub: Michael was so great to his fans. :cry:
I would have held him as long as I could, and told him I love you endlessly.....then I'd steal some cheek kisses from him lol.
I'd just gush and tell him i love him and tell him he's incredible and brilliant, and beautiful....i would just cuddle into him...
I think I'll hum him a slow song as we dance on the stage with me hugging him to show he is really loved.

And after that's over, I'll simply whisper in his ear that I love him and so many does as well.

Then, I'll leave without a fuss with the biggest smile on my face.

MJ was so affectionate. :wub: You do not see many artists invite their fans up on stage for kisses and cuddles. :D
I'd probably cry but then I'd have to think fast before security manhandles me off the stage, lol.

So, I would beg him to invite me to Neverland, that would be my way to try and spend a day of joy and laughter with such a sweet man.:wub:
LOL!! Cute question.

I probably would not be able to say a word, and cling onto him for dear life, then be pulled away from him by security! :lol:

No, I'd say "I Love You" to hear him say "I Love You More" back. :wub: Michael was so great to his fans. :cry:

lol this :yes: :wub:
I would kidnap him :ninja:

Oh I would love to see that and the 20 bodyguards that will take you off stage while Michael gestures his hand out to you! lol!:hysterical: too cute! but if you could get away with it..I would not tell where he is :):cheers:

I would prob just ask him "How are you sweetie?" I wonder how many people asked him that with meaning :( and I would tell him he is beautiful :):wub:

God Bless
I would have held him so tightly and told him how much i loved him. :)
I don't know if I would be able to speak. :mello: Not sure if he wold hear anything with the music anyways. :lol:

I had a front row ticket for TII Feb 24th who knows if it would have been me. :cry:
OMG. I used to ALWAYS think about this... even before I got tickets BUT.. Ever since I got my tickets in March last year, up until June. EVERY night before I went to sleep I played in my head how I would react/what I would say to Michael when I got up on stage.
I would hug him soooooo tightly. look him in the eyes and thank him so much! I'd tell him I love him so much. I would tell him he is so beautiful.. Then collapse in his big strong arms. Lol.
but seriously.. every night in bed I would think of this. I knew it would have been me. :cry:
I don't know if I would be able to speak. :mello: Not sure if he wold hear anything with the music anyways. :lol:

I had a front row ticket for TII Feb 24th who knows if it would have been me. :cry:

:cry: Aww Lorraine!

I would have been :dance2: followed by :girl_tantrum: when security pulled me off followed by :swoon:
I would put a paper with my phone-number in his back-pocket with a personal message....hmmmm.......maybe it would work.omg...hug him. I could die right after that.
I had a front row ticket for TII Feb 24th who knows if it would have been me. :cry:
Aww Lorraine :hug: :huggy: :no:

Yeah I'd slip a note with a few words (probably something cheeky like you wanna go egg some cars or go cow tipping :p ) and a number in a pocket if I could find one. Then I'd whisper to him 'dance with me' and proceed to actually make him dance, like proper couple style with a few turns and dips.... I always wanted to do that with Mike... dance like that... reckon he'd be great at it :wub:
"Ignore the wig and dress. I'm actually a male."
"Ignore the wig and dress. I'm actually a male."
:lmao: Unless my husband was there... then you might have to fight him for MJ's arms, lol. (In the meantime, mjbunny sneaks past you both and hops into his embrace...) :wub:

Honestly, I'd probably only be able to spill out a constant stream of "I love you, I love you, I love you soooo much, I love you soooo much...." and then later think doh! :doh: That was my chance to say something more original! :lol:
I would have hugged him tight and said "I love you. I pray for your happiness and your children's happiness. Thank you for all you've done!" I used to be very very shy when I was younger, but I know I've become less shy now, so I would have been able to do that. But, other than the hugging and the words, I would have never had the courage to do more:blush: and make a scene. But then again, I don't know what I woulda done caught up in the moment!:ph34r::wild:
I would kidnap him :ninja:
:D:shifty: Let me be your partner in crime.
gahhh I had 5 front row tickets so I gotta admit I thought alot about that.!!! it COULD have happened, you never know :cry:
I would cry and hold him as tight as I could all the time, BUUUT a few times I'd have to back off a little(while holding his HANDS) to look him straight in the eyes
I would most definately cry and ask him to take me home with him! I wouldnt leave the stage till he said "ok"
lol :D