"I Love You. I Truly Do, You Have To Know That." :boohoo:
What i've always wanted to ask him for.. a hug
I would hold his hand and tell him thank you. then thank him for everything and for being the most amazing man. I would sing to him smile, I would then tell him I love him always and forever.
If I know what I know today I would have told him to stay in the UK..
that actually eats at me already because I had a weird feeling about him coming here. I feel guilty for thinking that and I didnt tell him
Bem o que eu diria............não diria nada, so queria lhe dar muito amor, enche-lo de carinho e afeto, tudo o que ele sempre quis, atenção, mostrar a ele como é importante na minha vida e talvez fazermos uma guerra de bexiga mas claro eu teria que derrotá-lo.Seria um dia magico para nunca mais esquecer
cancel everything, get your children, get on the plane, send a calming message to the fans and get out of the states. disappear for however long you need. 5,10 years or the rest of your life. you dont have to do anything. it's not your duty. relax and enjoy life. just be alive. and sell this damn catalogue so they get off your back forever