If you are a devoted Michael Jackson fan, The Oprah Show wants to hear from you

This has nothing to do with how Oprah feels personally about Michael. This is about business PURE AND SIMPLE. And once we start to conduct the protection of Michael's legacy in a business-like way, we will have to smile in the face of those we would really like to spit on (for the larger purpose).

And I am assuming that this request for our stories is NOT for tomorrow's show. The producers would need to time to sift through and decide who they want. I guess that show will closer to the actual release of the movie.

Legacy Project action team members look out for a PM from me tomorrow! Much love.
This has nothing to do with how Oprah feels personally about Michael. This is about business PURE AND SIMPLE. And once we start to conduct the protection of Michael's legacy in a business-like way, we will have to smile in the face of those we would really like to spit on (for the larger purpose).

And I am assuming that this request for our stories is NOT for tomorrow's show. The producers would need to time to sift through and decide who they want. I guess that show will closer to the actual release of the movie.

Legacy Project action team members look out for a PM from me tomorrow! Much love.

Or they will chose a fan that's in the Chicago area, if it is tomorrow.
As fort Oprah, my tak is she is gonna do a show where she has a special viewing witht he audience, made up of MJ fans and then discuss the movie, the whole saga with guests and fans.

In any case, for any fan who decides to go, please be intelligent.

Co-sign this!! I do hope they pick someone who is informed and firm but calm when speaking. But that might make us fans look.... intelligent and objective... and well we all know they can't have that secret getting out can they :doh:

Sorry, I'm soooo cynical. :( I just hope this show is well done, it has the potential to really change peoples' perception of Michael and of us as a community - that would give our arguments in Michael's defence more weight :)
I have so many stories, not just fan stories, but there is no way i would speak about michael on the opera show or any other tv show, and it makes me angry when i see other people who 'knew' michael doing it. How people who 'claim' to have been his friend can cash in on a friendship that should be treasured and not exploited is beyond me.

I see what you're saying but the fan isn't being paid are they, and I don't see it as exploiting (not from the fan anyway, perhaps from oprah), I see it as balancing out the bull that is constantly said about Michael. There is plenty rubbish and misrepresentation about Michael out there that if there is a chance to represent him in the correct way so people can hear about the real him, I think it should be taken, shouldn't it? If we can let people hear about the MJ we 'know' shouldn't we take that opportunity? Not for us or Oprah or whoever.. but for Michael. I don't expect people who have had close relationships with him to do this but I hope some fan in the USA who has a nice story gets on and will represent him correctly.. but who knows.
I see what you're saying but the fan isn't being paid are they, and I don't see it as exploiting (not from the fan anyway, perhaps from oprah), I see it as balancing out the bull that is constantly said about Michael. There is plenty rubbish and misrepresentation about Michael out there that if there is a chance to represent him in the correct way so people can hear about the real him, I think it should be taken, shouldn't it? If we can let people hear about the MJ we 'know' shouldn't we take that opportunity? Not for us or Oprah or whoever.. but for Michael. I don't expect people who have had close relationships with him to do this but I hope some fan in the USA who has a nice story gets on and will represent him correctly.. but who knows.

I agree with you!! sorry, I must have put it accross wrong... i meant people who claim to be friends of michael, not fans... I think i went off topic a bit, i was tired.
I agree with you!! sorry, I must have put it accross wrong... i meant people who claim to be friends of michael, not fans... I think i went off topic a bit, i was tired.

ohh ok whoops, i took it a little wrong then, sorrrrry. I'm not a big fan of the sellouts no. A nice little story or comment as a side note/in answer to a question in an interview that they're already doing perhaps....
but I do not think purposely doing a sellout interview ie. Uri Geller and even his 'Michael Jackson: My Story' or whatever it was.. is something a friend would do.
Come on lads, if it is a show discussing Michael then some of you on here should do your best to be on it and tell the truth about him. There is no point coming on this forum the day after the show complaining coz somebody on the show lied about him or worse still lied about the allegations which still seem to come up in the media.

Agree 100%. Don't moan about the negativity in the media or from the general public if you're not prepared to at least try to make a change and represent Mike. The only thing that's certain to allow the negativity to spread and do further damage to Mike's legacy is sitting around staring at an LCD screen.

The movie is NOT SOLD OUT.

A few shows are, but most tickets are still available.

Why do people think the movie is sold out...? a movie cannot really sold out. They will keep adding shows to match demand. It is not like a concert...

This is the trouble with AEG's marketing tactic for TII. The tickets went on sale and they boasted about the sell-out status of the show. They have since released information about even more sell outs, but they're missing the point. It's possible the general public now think the shows are sold out and aren't even bothering to check the cinema websites to find out for themselves if it's sold out or not, and that is something Sony themselves have been worried about.

I didn't expect somebody on a fan board to have that false impression though. :)

In the UK, the average TII show is only 25% to 50% full, so even though Odeon and Vue sold a total of 120,000 tickets between them, the number of tickets still available to buy is probably in the range of 240,000 to 360,000!! That's a lot of tickets!!
Agree 100%. Don't moan about the negativity in the media or from the general public if you're not prepared to at least try to make a change and represent Mike. The only thing that's certain to allow the negativity to spread and do further damage to Mike's legacy is sitting around staring at an LCD screen.

This is the trouble with AEG's marketing tactic for TII. The tickets went on sale and they boasted about the sell-out status of the show. They have since released information about even more sell outs, but they're missing the point. It's possible the general public now think the shows are sold out and aren't even bothering to check the cinema websites to find out for themselves if it's sold out or not, and that is something Sony themselves have been worried about.

I didn't expect somebody on a fan board to have that false impression though. :)

In the UK, the average TII show is only 25% to 50% full, so even though Odeon and Vue sold a total of 120,000 tickets between them, the number of tickets still available to buy is probably in the range of 240,000 to 360,000!! That's a lot of tickets!!

AEG are idiots. They better not mess this up for MJ's estate.

I, too, was surprised that someone on a fan board thought the movie was sold out.

Where I live, they are playing the movie for only 1 week, because the interest is not as high as other places.
It was a great interview and great footage with Kenny.
Can you believe the clips they showed? AMAZING!!!!

"I gotta cue that...I gotta cue that...." Loves it.

Oprah just said, she hasn't been to a real theater in ages...but on the 28th, she will be in a theater to see "This is it". So am I!!!

Oprah's clips were just amazing...I wanna cry....MJ was not ready to go.

and I am not ready to let him go. Ever.

ETA: Access Hollywood also showed some of the same clips.
Oprah's show was great. Kenny O was great. Michael was awesome in the clips. Oprah thought the movie magical and that it would break all records.

Go Mike Go! You went all out for us. Thank you
Amazing footage.. I planned not to see this movie because I dont feel ready.. But how could I miss this.. Michael was magic..
is it me or Oprah has a real change of heart ?

No. It's just ratings. This is Oprah we're talking about :rolleyes:
For her to have a REAL change of heart, she has to go on her show and publically apologize to Michael and his family for calling him a child molester since 1995. Even her tribute show to Mike last month, she insinutated he was a child molester as saying 'I did this show before all the weirdness and child molestation charges' about 15 times. As if to say - 'I would have never interviewed him had I known....this interview was done before...ect'

This is all about ratings.
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I have to say, I love Michael with all my heart, and although I don't have all his albums and such, I still wrote endlessly to CNN, 20/20, Larry King and even Oprah during the last trial to try to get the truth out. In fact, I even spoke to Oprah staff and the producer/main writier at 20/20. Still to no end. I loved Michael's past, present and future. Sadly, it's something none of us will see.

I'd only want to go on Oprah if she would allow us to discuss what really took place with BOTH trials, esp with Geraldine Hughes, Aphrodite Jones, T Mez and some fans who attened the last trial. I still want justice for Mike, as I'm sure we all do.

I do hope however that those who get to go on represent themselves and Michael with as much respect and dignity as possible. Although he's passed, his legacy lives on. It's up to us to maintain what he so dearly fought for.
I recall over the years when Michael or The Jackson 5 were mentioned on her show, she would always stick in the MJ cases, the child molestation accusations and she would go on a lecture talking about the ways pedophile behaved and how they "lured kids into their chamber of madness". She made it cleared Michael was a pedohile. When audience member's would raise their hand and talk about Michael (to defend him) she would cut that audience member off or say "sorry to interupt but we have to cut to commercial" or she would just slam dunk and say that audience member doesn't know Michael's history therefore have no right to speak. Everytime the subject of Micheal came up on her show, it would be the same darn thing. "He was aquitted Oprah"....."that don't mean he didn't do it" - Oprah. Then she would go off on Neverland.

There's too much bad vibes I have with Oprah and I don't think I will be able to sit through her show for her This is It special. I sat through her Tribute last month to see if she would apologize to Michael - which she didn't. :angry: So I think I will back out of this next project of her's, because I don't have tolerance for hypocrisy. I love Michael and I will show support by seeing this film. But I will not support Oprah for her ratings.

And I doubt Aphorodite Jones will be able to speak 5 min's if Oprah invited her to the show. She would cut her off in an instance.
I know this is starting to sound cliche but it's disgusting how all these leeches who couldn't care less about him when he was alive and even disrespected or attacked him are now trying to make money off his death, Oprah is just one of those leeches
when she said on her show that she regretted she didn't get closer to him and become friends with him I thought I was going to puke
but I guess this is America for you - anything for money...and ratings...it was capitalism that made him such a big star and it was capitalism that destroyed him. yeah America made him a legend..a dead legend. America loves and glorifies dead people, when you're alive you're a pathetic has-been, they only love you only when you're dead and buried.