If the world was ruled by women....

Oh no he didn't.....I'M here now...!!


Ya know, I just can't help being as sexy as I am...Yeah yeah yeah...I know...I just leave you all speechless, don't I? ;)
I am so awesome in fact that I only see the above image as Halle Berry with a Wii controller in her hand... In Canada! lol
I've always been for having a woman president. However, if it's someone like Sarah Palin, they should NOT be elected into office. They could do more damage than good.
Why it's cool to be man (Just for fun)

1. Our phone conversations last no more than 30 seconds
2. Men (who look after themselves) get better looking with age
3. It only takes us 10 minutes to get ready to go out somewhere
4. When we get married we get to keep our last name
5. When we need to buy new clothes for ourselves we never hang around trying stuff on. We're just in and out
6. We never have the urge to redecorate the house every few months/years
7. Whenever we need to use the Bathroom we don't need our friends to join us
8. We don't give a crap about what clothes other people wear