If someone else your fan of says something horrible about Michael

AndreyZidane™;3301423 said:
Same here, I never really forgot what Eminem did and while I kinda enjoy what he does I still don't enjoy it as I used to, which is until he made fun of Michael in a horrible way.

I used to hate Eminem's guts for that but then I realized he's just a douche and he can't help it, he feels the need to openly show us that and I understand it. Be a douche, nobody likes you anyway...

Eminem is overrated anyway. He's the Elvis Presley of Hip Hop
AndreyZidane™;3301423 said:
Same here, I never really forgot what Eminem did and while I kinda enjoy what he does I still don't enjoy it as I used to, which is until he made fun of Michael in a horrible way.

I used to hate Eminem's guts for that but then I realized he's just a douche and he can't help it, he feels the need to openly show us that and I understand it. Be a douche, nobody likes you anyway...

I feel the same about Eminem, he is like that with everybody.

Anyway, I was wondering: Is this some sort of apology from Eminem? This is a scripted skit in Eminems album Encore.

I mean, keep in mind the guy is a douche, so it seems like it's some kind of apology, sort of :scratch:
I liked Oprah a lot, not as much now. But I have experienced something more difficult. One of my best friends was a HUGE Michael fan and we did nothing but Michaeling together for three years straight. Then she was suddenly less interested in Michael and the last several years I heard her bashing him a little ('Eww he's wearing lipstick', remarks like that). I just can't grasp this change. I know fandom comes in waves and sometimes it's more present in your life than on other times, but it never just stops or changes in dislike. At least I can't imagine this and she was always the better fan of the two of us (in terms of collecting and defending Michael). I just don't understand how this coud happen at all. She is still a dear friend, but for this reason not the first one I turn to anymore.
I have another example.
I love Josh Groban. I really do. I have been a fan for several years now and back in 2009, when dark June came, I was mainly listening to his last live album. On the 25th, he twittered this:

Definitely a "Where were you when..." day. Lost a great artist who had great demons. @theloosh said it...may he finally rest in peace.

And then, on the memorial, he tweetered this:

My heart truly goes out to MJ's kids...the show is over...best tribute would be peace, love and normalcy for them.
Now I just realized that the tweet of the 25th, was not his, but someone else's.... but that really didn't make me any good on that dark day. And then, the second tweet on the 7th, that really hurted me and I stopped following him.

I got really, really angry with him. VERY angry and dissappointed. I wanted him to say something nice about MJ, but he didn't (in my opinion). It took me several months to start listening to his music again, mainly for it really reminded me so much of Michael and I would end up crying every time.

Eventually I got over it and I just focused on his music and some months ago I started "following" his tweet (I use " " cause I really never check tweeter at all, lol!). I have been in 2 of his shows lately, I have had the wonderful experience to talk to him 3 times, got his autograph and even chat with him last week (he had a live chat for fans). And I really love his music!

But then I had that on my heart, so I went back to see his tweets... and now, looking back with less anger, I see the tweets were really : 1) not really his (though he liked it and so he retweeted it) and 2) it's not really that bad. In fact, that is what we all wish to MJ's kids. But back in the day, in the middle of my pain, it hurted me so much :(

What I really hated was that part of the "show" being over, for I saw that right after the end of the memorial, so I guess I just overreacted to the whole thing.

Indeed, the best tribute to MJ ever would be to give his kids the normal life Michael wanted for them.

So... it seems like I really did wrong. That's what pain can do.
There are only 2 types of people in this world, those who "get" Michael and those who don't. I have no patience for those who don't get it. I was a big Oprah fan until she interviewed Katherine Jackson, and I believe Oprah came across as uninformed, unprepared and totally callous to Mrs. Jackson's suffering in that interview. So that's it, Oprah's out. I can't even stand the sight of her anymore! And I mean I was a big fan previous to this interview! If you don't get Michael Jackson, I don't have time for you!
People are allowed to their opinions so whatever. I just know that when they start talking out of their asses, especially when it comes to the allegations and all the information that's already out there, then I know I won't be bothered with them. Usually, they're the kind of people I don't really bother with or even like in the first place.
I'm so used to it now most of it flies over my head, I simply roll my eyes and give a very disaproving look. I do however always refer to Jarvis Cocker as 'Jarvis Cockhead' every time I see a picture of him!
It would be very difficult for me to see them in the same light again.

+1. But for me, I'm the kind of person who can't stay mad at someone for very long. But, it's like they are not the same. Take Slash for example.... He was in an interview and he said something about Black or White, that he didn't play on the track, or wouldn't play on the track or something and described it as "gay". So then he retract his statement saying by gay he meant happy. Also, Axl. Love the man, but after GNR won MJ Vanguard award back in the day, Axl says into the mic..."This has nothing to do with Michael Jackson!" So Slash and Axl I can't look at them the same, but for the sake of talent... Amazing!!

I never was a Madanna fan neither Bono but I don't listen their music anymore after thay said those stupid stuff about Michael.

I know bout Madonna, but what did Bono say??:bugeyed
+1. But for me, I'm the kind of person who can't stay mad at someone for very long. But, it's like they are not the same. Take Slash for example.... He was in an interview and he said something about Black or White, that he didn't play on the track, or wouldn't play on the track or something and described it as "gay". So then he retract his statement saying by gay he meant happy. Also, Axl. Love the man, but after GNR won MJ Vanguard award back in the day, Axl says into the mic..."This has nothing to do with Michael Jackson!" So Slash and Axl I can't look at them the same, but for the sake of talent... Amazing!!

I know bout Madonna, but what did Bono say??:bugeyed

Same here I can't believe Bono would ever say anything bad about anyone.
I can put up with the pathetic plastic sugery jokes but when someone starts making ''Michael Jackson was a pedophille'' jokes then i'm done with that person
There are only 2 types of people in this world, those who "get" Michael and those who don't. I have no patience for those who don't get it. I was a big Oprah fan until she interviewed Katherine Jackson, and I believe Oprah came across as uninformed, unprepared and totally callous to Mrs. Jackson's suffering in that interview. So that's it, Oprah's out. I can't even stand the sight of her anymore! And I mean I was a big fan previous to this interview! If you don't get Michael Jackson, I don't have time for you!

I guess you haven't heard of all the other times, where Oprah has bashed Michael with nasty comments and remarks.. then you would have stopped liking her way before..
I really can't understand how any fan of Michael can even watch Oprah anymore.. urrgh she sucks..!!

I have this same problem with Jack Black, I heard that he said something bad about Michael, but I like some of his movies, I think he is really funny.. but I DON'T KNOW for sure if he DID say anything, or what he said.. but I do know that Michael went to see Kung Fu Panda, and I think that was after he might have said something.. anyone who knows what he said, so I can decide whether or not to cut him out?

Normally I don't like any of the people who talk badly about Michael anyway..

Good topic by the way:victory:
I never was a Madanna fan neither Bono but I don't listen their music anymore after thay said those stupid stuff about Michael.
Fortunately the ones I am a fan of lived centuries ago Like Wollfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven or Charlie Chaplin. Like some of you said, Michael will be always first. :heart:

what did bono say about michael?
Sometimes i think it's best not to know people's opinions about Michael.
Sometimes just ignore them, sometimes defense for michael, but the most important thing is 2 keep MJ image in ur heart..