If Michael isn't #1 in the UK...

Well, maybe it's sold out? That's a good thing right? But then again.. I guess if you want to have your album... I understand. Hopefully, you'll find one soon. :)

It's not actually good if it's sold out somewhere because then it won't sell more first week even thou it would. How long it takes if the store sold it out and orders more?
Tesco do have it on their chart I saw it today its number 3 and priced at £9.97, your store must be waiting for stock.
AT LAST - Michael album is actually being promoted on UK i-tunes homepage, hope this is the same for all other i-tunes around the world!!!
^ The album based on pre-sales will shift over 100,000 copies in Japan in the first week alone!

Only 100k for Japan with population of 127 mill.???
(btw, Mariah Carey is the best selling foreign artist with the best selling foreign album in Japan)
Yes rather #1 in US than #1 in UK.

US is obviously more important than UK.

here in Europe, the UK album and single charts were considered as a signboard of "quality" and as the most important charts in Europe.
thats why if MJ isnt no.1 in the UK, its the same like MJ would not be no.1 at Billboard.

In 20 years from now people will not remember sales, but if it is #1 it will be remembered.

#1 is so much better than #2.

As for the UK, yes #1 it will be remembered in historic statistics with a postscript that Michael Jackson failed to be no.1
With all due respect to England, you are treating the British charts like the only one in the world. There are other countries, you know??

Billboard is much more important. Probably the album will sell more in Japan...we still have France, Spain, Germany, Italy, etc..

Do not get me wrong. I know the British charts are important and the thread is about UK, but they're not the only one, nor are the most important.

Anyway, if the fans want the album as number one, BUY THE ALBUM (from different stores).

And this....
Michael = World

Please guys... the world is soooo much bigger than just the big "United" countries. Michael is global. So let's not panic for just a couple of big charts in one or two countries :smilerolleyes:

but as this thread is about the UK... then it's ok, we have to focus in this place. BUT THE WORLD IS WAY BIGGER THAN THIS!!!!

I said it!
^ It's rated 4.5 stars on i-tunes UK. Already it's been reviewed 264 times!

MICHAEL is currently #3 in the UK i-tunes. With this advertisement, I expect it to go #1 by tomorrow when people start to wake up.
Isn't it ironic how we have been worried about the lack of promotion but my non-fans friends have been talking about the album (and individual tracks) and how much it's been promoted?

Hmm. That's good, though.
God so freaking nervous and shaking i hope michael sells over 200k in america fingers crossed!
Michael is currently #2 on UK Itunes but the no1 is Now Christmas which as a compilation doesnt count in artist charts so surely that means Michael is #1 on UK Itunes? Also #1 on HMV and Amazon UK downloads. Could be looking up?
Michael is currently #2 on UK Itunes but the no1 is Now Christmas which as a compilation doesnt count in artist charts so surely that means Michael is #1 on UK Itunes? Also #1 on HMV and Amazon UK downloads. Could be looking up?

Compilations are a different chart so yes, Michael is number one kind of!
^^ music speaks to the soul
You dont have to understand a single word to enjoy good music.
Michael is currently #2 on UK Itunes but the no1 is Now Christmas which as a compilation doesnt count in artist charts so surely that means Michael is #1 on UK Itunes? Also #1 on HMV and Amazon UK downloads. Could be looking up?

Its still #3 on my itunes? (uk)
didnt realise that rihanna had been on the x factor in the uk last week. no wonder shes beating mj. u cant compete with that no matter who u are when other artists are getting such huge publicty. hope that maybe after xmas it gets a push with the quiet sales weeks if sony bother to get singles out there like HT and monster
didnt realise that rihanna had been on the x factor in the uk last week. no wonder shes beating mj. u cant compete with that no matter who u are when other artists are getting such huge publicty. hope that maybe after xmas it gets a push with the quiet sales weeks if sony bother to get singles out there like HT and monster

Maybe Akon should go to X factor and perform Hold My Hand with MJ on big screens behind him.. like Janet did Scream. That would be good promotion.
OnirMJ - great idea.

AKON could help promote Michael.
Maybe Akon should go to X factor and perform Hold My Hand with MJ on big screens behind him.. like Janet did Scream. That would be good promotion.

Last week was the X Factor final. I said your idea weeks ago, it never happened.
When he will be charted in Japan and Ireland? He is on every other iTunes in Top5.
Rihanna benefited from singing and performing on both shows, on Saturday and Sunday. It was huge promotion which is sadly what needs to be done to get a number 1 now. Its a sad thing to see.