If he died AFTER the concerts...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London, UK
Let's say that God had decided 2 options for MJ: to die before or after the concerts. Would you have found it a little easier to cope if he died afterwards or not? If you had the chance to see him perform for a last time (just the way he had said in the conference) and say goodbye? I know the answer would be a straight yes right now... But then... I was wondering if it would it be MORE difficult if we had this unexpected death AFTER the concerts...as we would all be in an... "MJ high"...? I don't know if you get what I mean... hope I make sense.
yes because i really wanted him to shut the world up and proove he could still do it, it woulda been ther perfect way to go
Part of the sadness for me is knowing he had so much more to give and show the world
Yes i would have found it a little easier to cope if he had died after the concerts. Like andyp350 i wanted him to prove to those who didnt believe in him that he still had it. At the same time, maybe i would have felt guilty if it had happened this way. Michael Jackson's death makes me think of Lee's as Lee died before his movie (Enter the dragon) came out, he didnt get to see how much people love him .
It would have been awful if he died during the run of concerts. I'm just thankful he died at home where his family were nearby, not alone in London.
thats what makes it worse knowing after the past 5 years he was finally coming back we were all making plans then bam it happened just like that. that is something ill never get over the whole timing of it. soooo unfair and unjust it s like it was someones horrible plan from the get go the way things have happened with mj this decade
On the other hand, there would be this possibility: that he would NOT be able to complete the concerts or that his subsequent concerts were not as good as the first few. Wouldn't that be worse in a way? He would be sooo dissapointed with himself and the media would slaughter him (they would do that anyway but you know what I mean...). even though he already PROVED his selling power and fan love.
I think everything happen for a reason.
So maybe in a strange way it's "better" that he died now as he died hopeful and HAPPY.
On the other hand, there would be this possibility: that he would NOT be able to complete the concerts or that his subsequent concerts were not as good as the first few. Wouldn't that be worse in a way? He would be sooo dissapointed with himself and the media would slaughter him (they would do that anyway but you know what I mean...). even though he already PROVED his selling power and fan love.
I think everything happen for a reason.
So maybe in a strange way it's "better" that he died now as he died hopeful and HAPPY.
That is excactly how I want to think about it.
God wanted him to go now, because if he wouldn't have died now there would've happened something 'worse'. Like, something would've happened in the concerts or in Michael's private life. The media would've started something etc..
This was the best way to go.
id rather he still be alive and get crap reviews. the doctor fecked up. its ridiculous and ilogical to say theres a plan and it was ment to be. if he didnt feel crap and have an injection he would still be here.there was nothing wrong with him otherwise
I'd rather he not die for another 50 years but I can see your point. We were so close to a full blown Michael Jackson revival. Michaelmania wasn't just something in the minds of the most dedicated fans, it was actually going to happen because the other 80s stars had already had revivals of their own and Michael Jackson towered over his competitors to say the very least.

yes because i really wanted him to shut the world up and proove he could still do it, it woulda been ther perfect way to go

Truthfully, Michael had nothing to prove because he had already gone higher than anyone will ever go, period. The concerts were intended as a gift to his children and his fans I think. In addition to being one of the nicest people to ever walk this planet, Michael was also one of the most generous. He gave and gave and gave until the very end. In fact, he's still giving us things via other people he inspired. Without his influence, the world of music would be vastly different and not for the better but for the worse.
Part of the sadness for me is knowing he had so much more to give and show the world

Exactly that.

Although it is never, never easy to cope with death, I think if it was this time in 1 year, I could have taken some satisfaction that MJ did what he loved beforehand, and showed the World which would have been, as we know, the greatest concerts ever.
It doesn't makesany difference if Michael had died after the concerts, because like saying give the fans what they want then it's ok for Michael to die. I have posted on past threads over the years, that I wouldn't mind if Michael never released another album or toured again, because I think fans should have just wanted Michael alive and living a happy and relaxed life with his children.

The the fact is not having Michael in this world with us anymore is the worst thing that's ever happend in my time being a Michael Jackson fan, the lose of him is huge and spans more than just his career.
id rather he still be alive and get crap reviews. the doctor fecked up. its ridiculous and ilogical to say theres a plan and it was ment to be. if he didnt feel crap and have an injection he would still be here.there was nothing wrong with him otherwise
thanks for you respect towards my belief..
Me too. I'm gutted about the shows, but my thoughts now solely go to the children. This is the most tragic thing that could ever happen to them. Michael was supposed to LIVE and see them grow, he had finally found some happiness in being a Dad, a GOOD Dad.
I know this happens to lots of unknowns every day in the world, and it's just as unfair and unbearable as this situation. But I can't come to terms with this, I don't think I ever will.

I desperately hope there is an after-life, and that he is alive and safe somewhere in a place of peace, where he can look over his babies, and that one day they'll be reunited.

Edit: sorry, just realised i was a bit off topic here, no i don't think it would have been any easier if he'd died after the concerts, although he might have felt increasingly worse after a certain number of shows, which could have been an alarm call to him and he might have put a halt to everything and been properly taken care of
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It honsetly scares me thinking bout this... whether michael died b4 the concerts or after, it would still haunt me. I mean the thing was u could never know when it was gonna happen. But i guess it better that michael passed on in his own home and not on stage...but then again michael has always said the stage was "home" to him....i dont know :cry:
thats what makes it worse knowing after the past 5 years he was finally coming back we were all making plans then bam it happened just like that. that is something ill never get over the whole timing of it. soooo unfair and unjust it s like it was someones horrible plan from the get go the way things have happened with mj this decade

Spot on.

What pisses me off more, is that he wasn't allowed to say goodbye to his friends, family and fans. :(
thanks for you respect towards my belief..
sorry but its my opinion doesnt mean its direspectful i have to sit here and listen to ppl goingn about plans and god well i will say what i think aswell.that doctor messed up no other reason
Spot on.

What pisses me off more, is that he wasn't allowed to say goodbye to his friends, family and fans. :(

u know what hurts so much is mj didnt know this was gonna happen. if it were the drugs he prob just went for a lie down and never woke up. its not like something had happened and he could tell his babies goodbye and he knew he was going.he was just looking forward to everything and thought everything was fine and normal.but then maybe it was better he didnt now it was gonna hap and felt nothingbut then death could at least give you the respect of knowing its gonna happen rather than just taking you out without a clue. i dunno its just so hard. sometimes i think to myself that nothings changed hes in l.a somewhere doing something we arent aware of or just chilling at home and life goes on the same for us at home cause its no different to normal and sooner or later we will get a pic or a report. but then u realise hes not here hes not anywhere doing anything hes just been snubbed out for no reason at all hes gone permanatly asleep and never knew it was coming. its soooo unjust *cries*. i wish we could all have said goodbye and we love you but in march it was just "see u in july" as he sped off.if we knew this was happ we could have had some time with him but no he was taken just like that its so unfair
u know what hurts so much is mj didnt know this was gonna happen. if it were the drugs he prob just went for a lie down and never woke up. its not like something had happened and he could tell his babies goodbye and he knew he was going.he was just looking forward to everything and thought everything was fine and normal.but then maybe it was better he didnt now it was gonna hap and felt nothingbut then death could at least give you the respect of knowing its gonna happen rather than just taking you out without a clue. i dunno its just so hard. sometimes i think to myself that nothings changed hes in l.a somewhere doing something we arent aware of or just chilling at home and life goes on the same for us at home cause its no different to normal and sooner or later we will get a pic or a report. but then u realise hes not here hes not anywhere doing anything hes just been snubbed out for no reason at all hes gone permanatly asleep and never knew it was coming. its soooo unjust *cries*. i wish we could all have said goodbye and we love you but in march it was just "see u in july" as he sped off.if we knew this was happ we could have had some time with him but no he was taken just like that its so unfair
:better: :better: :better: :better:
sorry but its my opinion doesnt mean its direspectful i have to sit here and listen to ppl goingn about plans and god well i will say what i think aswell.that doctor messed up no other reason
What if this doctor's mistake, or whatever it was, was also a universal plan... lol

But seriously, this was bound to happen at some point (regardless of god plans etc) because when the relief of pain needs a bigger and bigger dose for the desired effect, then you're gonna get a lethal overdose sooner or later. Please don't cry anymore *hugs*... maybe we also need to relax our MJ "addiction" in order to feel better. That's what I think now to make it easier.
thats what makes it worse knowing after the past 5 years he was finally coming back we were all making plans then bam it happened just like that. that is something ill never get over the whole timing of it. soooo unfair and unjust it s like it was someones horrible plan from the get go the way things have happened with mj this decade
Yeah, that's how I feel too! It's just so tragic, that he couldn't show the world one more time what he's truly capable of!
Deffinatley. It's not just for the sake that I personally didn't get to see him but he was obviously so excited for this, he wanted to prove everyone wrong..this is just too hard to deal with.
if this was an addiction then this was the course that was going to happen. it would be a situation of not IF but WHEN.

concerts or no concerts, at least the fans had something to look forward to and mj had fun in his last few months, shopping and acting goofy w/ his kids.

he went out on a high knowing that he had a successful record breaking residency to play at...broke two records in one day so that's amazing and classic michael
It doesn't makesany difference if Michael had died after the concerts, because like saying give the fans what they want then it's ok for Michael to die. I have posted on past threads over the years, that I wouldn't mind if Michael never released another album or toured again, because I think fans should have just wanted Michael alive and living a happy and relaxed life with his children.

The the fact is not having Michael in this world with us anymore is the worst thing that's ever happend in my time being a Michael Jackson fan, the lose of him is huge and spans more than just his career.

that's exactly how I feel I didn't care so much about the music I wanted to know first of all that he's healthy and alive, but when he said he's coming back of course I was so happy for him I thought this time he's going to be truly happy and we as fans we were going to be so proud
I don't understand the way some fans put it "it was his time" or "it would've been easier if he died next year" I'm like what? or how it is more important to fight about other things and speculate and argue - all this when Michael is dead! he's dead!
I don't know...maybe I'm the only one who feels this way...I personally don't know how to deal with it, I don't even have the energy to argue with anyone anymore...I just want to cry
all i wanted after the trialwas for him to be happy w/ his kids. he got four yrs and in those four yrs had multiple lawsuits, drama, and criticism like always. but he had four yrs of freedom and a fewmonths of high hopes and he broke two records in one day. that ws mj.