I wish Michael would come back :(

Thankyou all for your support, I am so grateful to be here, and we can all support each other :) I know we all have the same feelings right now.

@petals, that's exactly what I wish too. I wish he had a lucky star. :(
I wish he would come back waving and saying it was just a joke and he just wanted to see how people would react, wanted to give them a lesson. Some wouldn't laugh but for me it would be fine.

When James Brown was dead MJ said to Al Sharpton he hopes Brown will get now the credit that they never gave him when he was alive
God has the power to resurrect the dead. Jesus Christ was crucified, died, stayed in the tomb for 3 days after He died. And then He resurrected Jesus Christ. If God wanted to resurrect Michael, He would have done that already. However, He wanted to take Michael home because He has a plan for Him in heaven. Hopefully, Michael went to heaven. All he had to do was accept Jesus as His Savior. I prayed that God will heal him and I believe He did. The greatest healing that comes is through death because there is nor more sickness, no more pain, no more suffering, and no more struggles.
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this world is nasty and cruel. so much as happened to mj. why is sneddon still around in his 60's why is orth/dimond still around throwing venom at our boy. the devil looks after his own i guess.[/quo

I know and why do we have to see Diane Diamond tv with her filthy opinion. I saw her this morning on cnn. I was sick the whole day! when will lightening strike her God????
For a while there I thought I was crazy, crying after a man I have never met but loved and admired from a distance. Now I know I am in good company on this board. I feel the same way a lot of you feel. My heart is so heavy.

I so wish he could come back, but one thing I do know is that Michael is in a better place up there with God and he aint suffering no more! No matter what the media hater say about him now...they can't hurt him anymore.

And while he is up there experiencing the ultimate with God, we are still here. And we are all gearing up to honor him as the true King of Pop and Legend that he always was. P Diddy just said that we should not let anybody beat up on Michael. He encouraged the media to stop the trash talk and focus on the legend that Michael was. P Diddy made me try. Him and Alicia Keyes.
i want you back :(
trying to live without your love is one long sleepless night
who could of thought that song would make me cry :cry: such a joyful song. :(