I wish Michael would come back :(


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I know it sounds childish but I wish he would come back...I have no words....I am hurting so much. I feel like a part of me died too. I am so glad to be able to post here....no one else really understands how I feel. I just feel so...empty now. I haven't been able to listen to his music since that day...it's too painful :(

I am new here btw, however I was a member at the other board community.michaeljackson but it seems to have disappeared since Thursday. I had the same username there.
I just want to see him again.Smiling, dancing and happy!God why this happened ?Is there GOD?
I Think it was fate, Michael Jackson was supposed to die on that particular day.

Michael was supposed to die at 50, after a life full of joy and moments of sadness.

Michael is like Elvis, and he died jus before his biggest comeback, that's why we will never forget him.
When i was a little girl i used to think if the whole world cried endlessly at the death of one person, would God bring them back to heal them?

As i grew, i let go off it but now, i wish i can believe in it so strongly like i did when i was five.
I know it sounds childish but I wish he would come back...I have no words....I am hurting so much. I feel like a part of me died too. I am so glad to be able to post here....no one else really understands how I feel. I just feel so...empty now. I haven't been able to listen to his music since that day...it's too painful :(

I am new here btw, however I was a member at the other board community.michaeljackson but it seems to have disappeared since Thursday. I had the same username there.

I have felt the same way. I absolutely know what you are feeling.

On Thursday, even after they started saying he had died, I kept thinking about all those miracle cases that you hear in the news from time to time--you know the ones where people think someone is medically dead only to have the come alive again and it can't be medically explained.

I just kept saying to myself on Thursday, Michael would be the one to do that and have that experience. He would be the one to experience that "seeing of the light" for a brief moment and then come back to tell us all about it. I can't stop thinking why he couldn't have been sent back to his children, family, and us. Why couldn't he have opened his eyes and said that he was told that now was not is time and that he had so much left to do?

Please be in peace, Michael. Know that your spirit really can stay to help protect and watch over your children.

I just keep getting angry at the thought that this may have been preventable and that he could have been saved.
I Think it was fate, Michael Jackson was supposed to die on that particular day.

Michael was supposed to die at 50, after a life full of joy and moments of sadness.

Michael is like Elvis, and he died jus before his biggest comeback, that's why we will never forget him.

That's what hurts most
He didn't even have the chance to prove the world he was still the KING OF POP

We know it, but the majority of people ignored it, they think he was over

but he still was able to rock THE WORLD once again

it's sooooooo unfair he was in a great shape, if he had been dying from along disease since a long time, it would be different, but he was shining, smilling, dancing, loving his children soo much

i HATE life
I think all of us would give anything right now to have him back.
Remember when Michael did the home movies special? I now hope that he still did a lot of home movies so that his children can always have that so that they can have their dad whenever they want.
Oh!! I know how you feel!! We all know how you feel!

You know what, I'm feeling just like that little blond girl on Moonwalker when she is sitting on the floor, crying and holding the "lucky star". She says "I wish you would come back!" :boohoo: On Moonwalker Michael did come back. His beautiful image slowly starts to appear from the light! :boohoo: I so wish it could happen right now. :boohoo: It huuuurts so bad!!! :boohoo: :boohoo:
I give my life to see him gain coming out of a building with his sunglasses on waving smiling walking so graciously....
I am just wipped out, I can't think about anything else, I don't want to talk to anyone, I just can't watch any more news, either idiots announcing very grandly that they knew he was a frail, addict etc. but nor can I handle seeing the tribute shows, I am recording them for the future but watching him alive and happy makes me sob endlessly.

This raw pain will go eventually but like many on here all I can think about is the concerts, and how the cynics will never be proved wrong, how him and us have been robbed of the pleasure and excitement of watching them eat their words, then I feel ashamed, we lost our idol, but his family lost far more than we lost.

Anger kicks in as well, I called that Dr a murderer this morning, and that is not fair. The last straw was the Larry King show, all those famous people who were going to come to London for him, how he would have loved that, and it has all gone because of a pill or an injection, I confess I also in anger said to myself 'you stupid man, Michael why did you do that (take pills - if he did), my emotions are all over the place and only time will settle them down.
I know it sounds childish but I wish he would come back...I have no words....I am hurting so much. I feel like a part of me died too. I am so glad to be able to post here....no one else really understands how I feel. I just feel so...empty now. I haven't been able to listen to his music since that day...it's too painful :(

I am new here btw, however I was a member at the other board community.michaeljackson but it seems to have disappeared since Thursday. I had the same username there.

I share the same feelings. I’m almost 33 years old with 3 kids and sometimes I think if I can go back in time and undo all of that, but I can’t of course, I do feel silly sometimes but when you want something so badly like this you go to that extend with your thoughts.
Yes, we all feel the same way.

Sometimes, to me, it feels like he's not gone. Not gone at all.
Just away somewhere. But then I realize what has truly occured
and I start to cry all over again.
I want him back so desperately it hurts. There have been accounts of people with Near Death Experiences who wake up even after being pronounced dead. The part of me still in denial wants this to be the case with Michael.
I think, stupid as it sounds, that theres a part of me that still thinks Im going to the shows this summer to see Michael. I know it cant happen, but I cant let go of the hope. I guess its all part of coming to terms with it. Im feeling anger sometimes, and at Michael, why did he have to be such a damn perfectionist, why did he have to push himself so much. Guilt too, were we all to blame for putting the pressure on so greatly, wasnt it enough for us to just be happy with whatever he chose to do with his life, we always wanted more.

In the end, when I try to take some comfort from whats happened I am glad that Michael enjoyed the last few years, post-trial, being with his children every single day, taking them in, watching them grow and develop. And for him to know that he sold out 50 shows, to know that the world wanted him back on stage again, that all the BS he endured didnt matter to us, we all wanted the best for him.

He's left us all wanting more, which is what he does best. I hope that the family and his children will be comforted by the amazing outpouring of love that is currently being seen the world over. He was a very special person and I will miss him immensely.
I think, stupid as it sounds, that theres a part of me that still thinks Im going to the shows this summer to see Michael. I know it cant happen, but I cant let go of the hope. I guess its all part of coming to terms with it. Im feeling anger sometimes, and at Michael, why did he have to be such a damn perfectionist, why did he have to push himself so much. Guilt too, were we all to blame for putting the pressure on so greatly, wasnt it enough for us to just be happy with whatever he chose to do with his life, we always wanted more.

In the end, when I try to take some comfort from whats happened I am glad that Michael enjoyed the last few years, post-trial, being with his children every single day, taking them in, watching them grow and develop. And for him to know that he sold out 50 shows, to know that the world wanted him back on stage again, that all the BS he endured didnt matter to us, we all wanted the best for him.

He's left us all wanting more, which is what he does best. I hope that the family and his children will be comforted by the amazing outpouring of love that is currently being seen the world over. He was a very special person and I will miss him immensely.

Is this me? +
I wish Role Playing Games were real.

I'd cast a revive spell on Michael Jackson and bring him back alive.
I do too. I would do anything or give anything. I'm so mixed up right now. I don't even feel like things are worth doing that I had been trying for and hoping for recently. I don't see the point anymore. For me personally, I've been going through a lot of shit recently, and I always had the comfort that Michael was in it with me somehow. He would be willing me through it and giving me encouragement and wisdom! It may sound stupid but I did. Now through the hardest thing I have to deal with, he's gone. It makes it so hard he was so young, and had so so much to give to so many. :(
I know :-(. I feel the same way. I would give anything in this world to have Michael back with us.
u know what hurts so much is mj didnt know this was gonna happen. if it were the drugs he prob just went for a lie down and never woke up. its not like something had happened and he could tell his babies goodbye and he knew he was going.he was just looking forward to everything and thought everything was fine and normal.but then maybe it was better he didnt now it was gonna hap and felt nothingbut then death could at least give you the respect of knowing its gonna happen rather than just taking you out without a clue. i dunno its just so hard. sometimes i think to myself that nothings changed hes in l.a somewhere doing something we arent aware of or just chilling at home and life goes on the same for us at home cause its no different to normal and sooner or later we will get a pic or a report. but then u realise hes not here hes not anywhere doing anything hes just been snubbed out for no reason at all hes gone permanatly asleep and never knew it was coming. its soooo unjust *cries* u know everytime i see the title of this thread i cant read it or believe it. i cant bear to say it. i wish we could all have said goodbye and we love you but in march it was just "see u in july" as he sped off.if we knew this was happ we could have had some time with him but no he was taken just like that its so unfair
I know its a bit selfish, but out all the people in the world why did it have to be Mike!!
this world is nasty and cruel. so much as happened to mj. why is sneddon still around in his 60's why is orth/dimond still around throwing venom at our boy. the devil looks after his own i guess.
I do too. I would do anything or give anything. I'm so mixed up right now. I don't even feel like things are worth doing that I had been trying for and hoping for recently. I don't see the point anymore. For me personally, I've been going through a lot of shit recently, and I always had the comfort that Michael was in it with me somehow. He would be willing me through it and giving me encouragement and wisdom! It may sound stupid but I did. Now through the hardest thing I have to deal with, he's gone. It makes it so hard he was so young, and had so so much to give to so many. :(

me too, i don't even feel like doing anything anymore, most the time when i was sad i would just listen to his music and i would be happy again .. but now just hearing his voice makes me feel sad. like every music channel is playing his songs right now, thats something i would have been very happy to see and spend all day on the T.v but i just can't bear to watch it right now!! :(