i wanna go to michaels funeral,what about visas?


Proud Member
Mar 9, 2008
i really want to go to michaels funeral,i,ve never been to ameriaca before but i don,t understand how the visa works,say if i wanted to fly out as early as tomorrow ,wednesday from the u.k how do you get a visa at short notice,someone told me you can sign something at the airport ,as long as you have more than 6 months on your passport,can someone explain to me.
usually from the UK. you fill out the green form on the plane as a temp visa and thats it i believe.
thanks for asking this i wanna know too.
do you think tomorrow would be to early ,i mean has it been confirmed the time and everthing,because if it is friday,it,s a long journey,craig if you find anymore about the visa or not to expensive flights will you let me know
do you think tomorrow would be to early ,i mean has it been confirmed the time and everthing,because if it is friday,it,s a long journey,craig if you find anymore about the visa or not to expensive flights will you let me know

ok ill post right here on this thread once i find more info on everyting.

But yes i was thinking of setting of tommorow and finding the nearest hotel to neverland.
ok ill post right here on this thread once i find more info on everyting.

But yes i was thinking of setting of tommorow and finding the nearest hotel to neverland.

The nearest places to stay would probably be around Solvang, California if I'm not mistaken.
The day hasn't been confirmed by the family yet has it? Isn't it just TMZ at the moment?
it,s been on sky news,i don,t know what to do,my husband is here cursing me because the flights going tomorrow are just over the top,he says i,m mental,just what i need on top of what i,m feeling right now,please anyone if you have the time and you can look at flights for me if you are not going yourself that is,maybe for thurday now,if they are not 2 expensive please,i have to go to bed now,my daughter has to be up for school,so if anybody has the time to look for me,from manchester to los angeles 2 adults 1 child,i would be grateful,and post links or whatever,thanksou,it wpould be very much appreciated.
I've been looking into this all night...I can't go. :( The VWP or whatever it's called has to be sent in at least 3 days before travelling...which would be Friday. And it asks for flight numbers, address of accommodation etc which I don't know yet and I don't want to book it incase I don't get it successfully. Plus it's too much money. :( I'm gutted.
I've been looking into this all night...I can't go. :( The VWP or whatever it's called has to be sent in at least 3 days before travelling...which would be Friday. And it asks for flight numbers, address of accommodation etc which I don't know yet and I don't want to book it incase I don't get it successfully. Plus it's too much money. :( I'm gutted.

I don't understand some fans from Europe have managed to book tickets, I'm confused.
I've been looking into this all night...I can't go. :( The VWP or whatever it's called has to be sent in at least 3 days before travelling...which would be Friday. And it asks for flight numbers, address of accommodation etc which I don't know yet and I don't want to book it incase I don't get it successfully. Plus it's too much money. :( I'm gutted.
i still don,t understand the visa thing,i,m sure someone mentioned in special circumstances,also i spoke with one of the dads at the school today,he goes to the usa quite often from here,and it was only about a month ago or maybe less he came back,he said you sign a waiver form or something to that effect ,in the airport,i,ll ask him again tomorrow morning,
sometimes i feel i am stupis,i,ve been looking at this about the visas,and sometimes it seems to me that if you hold a passport from a vwp country that you don,t need a visa,
heres some of the information,can someone whos abit more intelligant than me read it and explain,because i don,t understand how you have to wait 74hrs and people are booking flights

Which countries participate in the Visa Waiver Program?

Czech Republic
New Zealand
United Kingdom
San Marino
Republic of Malta
South Korea

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Who is eligible to use the Visa Waiver Program?

To enter the United States under the Visa Waiver Program, you must satisfy all of the following conditions. If you fail to satisfy any of the following conditions, you must obtain a visa in order to enter the United States:

  • Intend to enter the United States for 90 days or less as a nonimmigrant visitor for business or pleasure.
  • Have a passport lawfully issued to you by a Visa Waiver Program country.
  • Be a citizen or eligible national of the Visa Waiver Program country that issued your passport.
  • Citizens of the following VWP countries are required to present electronic passports: Czech Republic, Estonia, Slovakia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Republic of Malta, and South Korea.
  • Citizens from VWP eligible countries other than Czech Republic, Estonia, Slovakia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Republic of Malta, and South Korea must present a machine-readable passport. A machine readable passport contains two lines of text with numbers and chevrons (
sometimes i feel i am stupis,i,ve been looking at this about the visas,and sometimes it seems to me that if you hold a passport from a vwp country that you don,t need a visa,
heres some of the information,can someone whos abit more intelligant than me read it and explain,because i don,t understand how you have to wait 74hrs and people are booking flights

It means that all those countries don't have to get the kind of visa that takes forever in your passport, before anyone from these countries would get a little form in the plane that they had to fill out and give to US customs on arrival, but this year they made it so you can do that online, before you fly. So you you to that site and fill out the form to get your authorisation to enter the US, it shouldn't take very long.
It means that all those countries don't have to get the kind of visa that takes forever in your passport, before anyone from these countries would get a little form in the plane that they had to fill out and give to US customs on arrival, but this year they made it so you can do that online, before you fly. So you you to that site and fill out the form to get your authorisation to enter the US, it shouldn't take very long.
thankyou for explaining but its saying something about 72 hrs,what happens if you wanna travel before then,

i,ve just started filling in those forms and it ask for the aircraft carrier,but i don,t want to book any flight till i get this about the visas clear first.
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thankyou for explaining but its saying something about 72 hrs,what happens if you wanna travel before then,

That i'm not too sure about, but you should call a travel agent or the embassy, anyone that would know more about your specific question.
That i'm not too sure about, but you should call a travel agent or the embassy, anyone that would know more about your specific question.
thanks,i see you are from la,i mean i,m sure there are special circumstanse like michaels funeral,where you don,t need to apply this long before,
Hi, sorry if it's been said already but it's very important.

This is very important.

If you are coming from one of these countries : Allemagne(Germany), Andorre, Australie, Autriche, Belgique, Brunei, Danemark, Espagne(Spain), Finlande, France, Irlande, Islande, Italie, Japon, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Norvège, Nouvelle-Zélande, Pays-Bas, Portugal, Royaume-Uni (UK), Saint Marin, Singapour, Slovénie, Suède, Suisse, Tchéquie, Estonie, Lettonie, Slovaquie, Lituanie, Hongrie et Malte; YOU MUST APPLY FOR ESTA.

It's a travel authorization, YOU HAVE TO DO IT ONLINE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE IF YOU'RE SURE TO GO TO THE US. The address is : https://esta.cbp.dhs.gov

If you don't do it, you won't be accepted in the US.

Also read this, you might need a special visa : http://help.cbp.gov/cgi-bin/customs....p_new_search=1
Hi, sorry if it's been said already but it's very important.

This is very important.

If you are coming from one of these countries : Allemagne(Germany), Andorre, Australie, Autriche, Belgique, Brunei, Danemark, Espagne(Spain), Finlande, France, Irlande, Islande, Italie, Japon, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Norvège, Nouvelle-Zélande, Pays-Bas, Portugal, Royaume-Uni (UK), Saint Marin, Singapour, Slovénie, Suède, Suisse, Tchéquie, Estonie, Lettonie, Slovaquie, Lituanie, Hongrie et Malte; YOU MUST APPLY FOR ESTA.

It's a travel authorization, YOU HAVE TO DO IT ONLINE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE IF YOU'RE SURE TO GO TO THE US. The address is : https://esta.cbp.dhs.gov

If you don't do it, you won't be accepted in the US.

Also read this, you might need a special visa : http://help.cbp.gov/cgi-bin/customs....p_new_search=1
sorry that last link say forbidden when i click on it though,doesn,t look very much like i,ll be going,
sorry that last link say forbidden when i click on it though,doesn,t look very much like i,ll be going,

hey there,
I've just applied for ESTA, it took only 2 minutes for me and they said "granted". If you try again, you'll see that the info about the flight airline and accommodation are not required, it's just information. Personnaly I didn't fill mine and it went fine. Hope it helped!
hey there,
I've just applied for ESTA, it took only 2 minutes for me and they said "granted". If you try again, you'll see that the info about the flight airline and accommodation are not required, it's just information. Personnaly I didn't fill mine and it went fine. Hope it helped!
thankyou.so you get it straight away?
i just been and filled the forms in,

this is what it said,

Your travel authorization has been approved and you are authorized to travel to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program. This does not guarantee admission to the United States; a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer at a port of entry will have the final determination.

so i have authorization but its still up to border control.

i just need to find a fairly decent price,my husband is calling me to bits right now because of how much money he will spen,but michael is worth every penny,

anyone find any reasonable flights,let me know please.