I probably won't be on the forum from MJ's launch show to july 30th.

Jan 17, 2004
I really don't know about ya'll, but i don't want to read anything about the concert. About which songs,how many songs, how amazing it was..what the intro song was...all of that stuff. Mike only let his fans choose what songs they wanted to hear. From there he picks them out obviously and so far hasn't said anything about the setlist. Simply to surprise fans....all these threads about new details...take them with a huge grain of salt.

However...when the shows finally start, and as soon as his first show has been done...papers, news sites and of course this forum will probably be filled with stories about how amazing it was, well except for the papers and news sites, they love to complain about anything, so i expect them idiots to do that as well. As tempting as it's gonna be to take a peek...i am gonna do my very best to stay away from all those stories....what about ya'll? I want all this to stay one big surprise.

Usually with concerts, you kinda already know what songs to expect....this time that ain't the case. However...i probably only want to know a few things about the show ...how the dancing was and if the singing was top notch ;).
I won't be on forum from 13th July to 6th September :D! But that's not going to be easy...
LOL.....how about you just visit the forum but IGNORE the "this is it" section?

Better idea ;)
Lots of my firends go to July concerts. But, I know, I'd like to hear how amazing the concerts were... I coulnd't stop myself. LOL

My concert is 28th of August, so I can't wait to learn about anything for each concerts that 'til 28th of August...

It's going to be more excited!!!

i know what you mean,i am going on the 10th august,but i don,t think i have the will power to stay away from the forum,it,s part of my day to day life,anyway i think they are going to put the this is it discussion in it,s own seperate part of the forum,really i don,t think we can avoid finding anything out,because clips will be on the news and in the papers,

haha,i think maybe we will have to walk round with a blindfold and earplugs in so we don,t hear or see anything,
That's what I was going to do until 12th July (not very long from the opener) but I managed to seal opening tickets. :)
I have the same problem as you. July 13th to July 30th! haha It will be in papers and everything though.

THIS IS NOT A JOKE, but this will be one of the hardest things ive ever had to do :\ Really lol

Ive waited 5 years to see him perform, he has never performed while ive been a fan. So I have waited that long to see him perform and then when it actually happens I have to avoid it fro 2 weeks :|
The only performance he's done since I've been a fan is Dangerous at American Bandstand. It was the first time I had seen it so I was impressed. Well, technically the first time was the 30th Anniversary show because that's how I became a fan. Funny, I was just channel surfing, and saw a commercial on CBS. I was like "Wow, that's something you don't see everyday" so I decided to watch it and I was utterly blown away. I became an instant mega-fan, and luckily that got me into Motown, and then old-school artists, so everytime you see me on here harping about Stevie, Donny Hathaway, John Legend, R. Kelly, Smokey Robinson... whomever... it was all thanks to somehow catching the program that night.

I will probably not be avoiding spoilers, because it really doesn't bother me. Nothing is going to beat being there live. And if its a live band and live singing for the majority of the show, no two shows are alike.
I really do think that you will have a hard time trying to block everything out. No doubt the set-list and comments and reviews will be in some of the papers from day one, plus overhearing people talking about them in public etc..

I'm going to be on here at opening night, listening to all the comments, woohooo! :D :dancin:
I think that there should be one thread here where people can discuss and review the concerts. That way people can talk about it without spoiling it for others
I will probably not be avoiding spoilers, because it really doesn't bother me. Nothing is going to beat being there live. And if its a live band and live singing for the majority of the show, no two shows are alike.

You think so?

I dont know if there is much point in me trying really, people will still tell me things so its pretty impossible to avoid it. What about watching amateur videos on the internet?
I really do think that you will have a hard time trying to block everything out. No doubt the set-list and comments and reviews will be in some of the papers from day one, plus overhearing people talking about them in public etc..

I'm going to be on here at opening night, listening to all the comments, woohooo! :D :dancin:

Well, i don't read any papers...so that's not gonna be the problem. Neither do i watch much tv at all....it's gonna be internet news sites that i'll be ignoring. Certain forums and things like that....i think i'm gonna succeed in it though.
People in my environment don't really dig MJ all that much...they rather believe stupid tabloid stuff and laugh about it. My bro, his girlfriend and a friend one mine however...who are going with me to London though...should not tell me anything, i'll make sure to tell them that ;)
It is going to be such a hard thing to do, it will be reported on the news, radio the papers & magazines, the tv. People will try & talk to me about it... there is no way i am going to avoid it all together. At least i am going to one of the first shows & only have to avoid what i can for a few days. It's going to be much tougher for people who are going next year!
With the history tour it was the same?
I alreaddy knew wat whas coming. It made me a little bit more relaxed...because seeing the man is shocking enough, haha
With the history tour it was the same?
I alreaddy knew wat whas coming. It made me a little bit more relaxed...because seeing the man is shocking enough, haha

haha I agree. I don't want to be too shocked so I don't mind some spoilers...
ignoring it here might be easy for you to do, but how about when you go the concert? there might be people around you that has gone to the show before and tells "omg unbreakable is the opener, it's so fantastic..and ooh wait til u see earth song!!! And so on to their friends around them..or even outside the arena.. I bet there's lots of people that has been at the concerts before..
but if you hear something like that around you you could always turn around and scream, SHUT UP!

Yeah I can understand that, I don't even like to see the spoilers tbh that are being posted now. When I come here though I can't help it! Maybe a break is in order!
Thankfully for me i'm going to opening night :D so i can still post away
Unfortunately this forum won't be the only place telling about Michael's first concerts... :lol: And I think if forum moderators are smart enough they can also put the word "* SPOILER WARNING! *" in the front of the thread title. But like I said I think you are going to hear about the concerts even thou you wouldn't like to. You should live in the barrel and that's not good for you. I know from the past how much media attention Michael's comeback will rise... And now it's even more I think. It's also interesting to see how the media will take it all because it will be great.

And btw, it's very much different to be in concerts than read about them. It's completely a different world. Especially MJ concerts...
It's going to be virtually impossible not to hear something about the TII concerts once they start, it'll be everywhere. Everyone and their momma will have their opinions, and the negative as well as the positive media/tabloid sites will be talking. People will be talking about it from the most objective news reporters to the jaded negative tablolid sites. There are going to be disappointed fans and completely thrilled fans, positive and negative media writeups, everything dissected to the nth degree.

No matter how positive or negative any report may be, keep in mind it is what you ultimately think. One thing I've learned, if nothing else, is that in Michael's fan world, it's what you enjoy, dislike, go crazy over, or just wish he'd do differently. Never let someone else's opinion spoil your anticipation and enjoyment of any situation. Surely we need to realize that every performance may be slightly different depending upon multiple factors. If staying away from all news from MJJF and other fan sites about the shows makes it better for you, well then so be it I guess.

Ultimately for me it's being part of the whole thing, but then maybe I'm being ultimately too objective. If Michael lip syncs, no problem. If he doesn't sing the songs I personally would want to hear, no problem. If there's a bad night, no problem. Michael is alive, free, and doing what he wants to do, irregardless of glitches/naysayers/positive or negative reviews. Personally, I don't want to miss any part of this incredible show about to unfold, it will be history irregardless of anything. How one can avoid what will be highly reported throughout the world may take some doing, but if that is the desire, each to his/her own.
I agree with everything you said above :)
I feel the same way _ and you expressed it better
than I ever could
This is the main reason I booked tickets for the 2nd show... now of course, it's been put back to march (yes, I'm still bitter!) so there's no hope of me not finding out about it all before then. :(
i want to be on here reading about the fans experiences fo the concerts and whey they thought of them. I would prefer to read it from the fans then from the papaers ;) so I will remain here for the duration of the concerts :D
I don't think any spoiler would bother me, I think it'll only make me even more excited (if possible)!!
I can imagine the youtube video being taken down because someone is going to record this concert