I NEVER get bored of Michael Jackson!!


Proud Member
Mar 7, 2009
Southampton, UK
I listen to Michael everyday, and have NEVER been bored listening.

If i was listening to a different singer i could never listen to their cd everyday, it would get boring.

Michael has the power to always draw me in!!

I will continue to listen everyday

This proves to me, that he will live forever in my heart :)
Dude I am the exact same way! I listen to him constantly. I wasn't able to watch or listen to him for like 3 weeks after he passed away. He NEVER gets old or overplayed. Michael still IS the best. I love him...:yes:
totally agree! Even some of his songs are like 10,20 years ago,they STILL sound so good! i'll never get bored of his songs:)
good to see that I'm not the only one who CONSTANTLY listening MJ's music :)
10000% Agree!!! I never stop listening to his music when I'm using my computer and I think of him when I feel bored. to be honest I'm not interested in any other artists anymore. Mike is irreplaceable!
Same goes for me, I have seen his videos and listened to his music sooo many times, but I still go back to it, no matter what. It's really powerful!
I Will always listen to Michael , until its my time !
When you love something or someone, you dont get bored of them :)
10000% Agree!!! I never stop listening to his music when I'm using my computer and I think of him when I feel bored. to be honest I'm not interested in any other artists anymore. Mike is irreplaceable!

I feel the same, i don't care about any other artists. Michael is the one.

I'll be a old man and i'll still be listening to Michael :)
His music is the ONLY music I listen to. It's just that nothing satisfies me more than him. And it's like every song he has is one that you listen to over and over. It's like I need to hear his voice.
Omg...sooo True. I've even started to get the Jacksons Albums just to hear his voice to see how it changed. And When I did...I was mesmerized.

Funny story: My Grams only likes to listen to Gospel. Anyways, the other day we were driving to have dinner with other family members and I had on Michael's Man in the mirror. My grandma, again this is my 60 someting grand mother, said..."Can you make the sound louder?" and i was like "ok". then she was tapping her hand on her thighs and bobbing her head. After it ended she asked me if I had another song with the same singer. I pulled out "WE are the world", and she goes, "I LOVE this song, I didnt know you liked these kinds of songs. I bet the one who did this has a great hart..., To think about our country(Ethiopia)." and i go, Grams, this is Michael Jackson...lolz and she didnt believe me til' I made her listen to his part...lol. After that, she listend to Billie jean and Get on the floor(From Off the wall)...

Again Michael brings the generation gap closer toether.

Totally! I have been listening to Michael's stuff NONSTOP lately. I NEVER get bored of it...I only keep wanting more. It's really amazing...how I can wake up and put on the same songs I heard the day before that, and the day before that...and have it still feel fresh and new....to the point of never wanting the music to stop. He really did bind his soul to his work, and that's what makes it last. His music is alive...like a good friend. I will ALWAYS love it.
I'm listening Michael every day,and I listen many many songs,but I never get bored..
yeah same here.. i listen to it day and night...and never get bored xx
I listen to Michael everyday, and have NEVER been bored listening.

If i was listening to a different singer i could never listen to their cd everyday, it would get boring.

Michael has the power to always draw me in!!

I will continue to listen everyday

This proves to me, that he will live forever in my heart :)

I agree!!!
ive been listening to michael jackson music since the 80s and i never got bored myself either.:bluewink:
Totally! I have been listening to Michael's stuff NONSTOP lately. I NEVER get bored of it...I only keep wanting more. It's really amazing...how I can wake up and put on the same songs I heard the day before that, and the day before that...and have it still feel fresh and new....to the point of never wanting the music to stop. He really did bind his soul to his work, and that's what makes it last. His music is alive...like a good friend. I will ALWAYS love it.
What lovely posts :)
I am a huge music lover but I always get drawn back to Michael. However these past 2 months I've been listening to him every single time I turn a music device on. In the car, at home, in my bedroom in the morning where I'll dance around to him, on my computer late at night when I'm reflecting on him and life in general. The only other artist I've listened to in the past month was Pink Floyd - played DSOTM and that's about it!
I don't think I could ever get bored of Michael. Even when I wasn't as passionate as I am now there was nothing better than turning Michael on or hearing him at a club or on the radio. I remember a couple of months ago bringing my Bad cassette tape into work. Was a great great day :) :) And then pumping Thriller incredibly loud on one of our sound systems at work - the day before he died :(
I never get bored or tired of MJ either. I do listen to other artists, but MJ is the artist I listen to most often. Well before he passed, I would listen to him almost everyday and it doesn't look like that will change anytime soon. Honestly, if I don't listen to MJ everyday my day feels incomplete.
Oh God I could never get sick of Michael's music,,,,I listen to it EVERY day....His voice is like a lullaby to me while I fall asleep at night. Michael is timeless and he will be with me forever.
I listen to Michael CONSTANTLY and when I say that I really mean constantly. I get withdrawal symptoms if I'm not able to listen to him. I piss alot of people off :D around me Michael is the only one you're allowed to listen to lmao. Most of my friends are into rock or heavy metal so whenever I'm around their house I don't get to listen to Michael :( Even when their around at my house , I put Michael on put then they all roll their eyes and look bored like "oh god not him again" but I don't care, I love Michael , not even my friends can change that!!